B Flashcards
Badger (v)
To pester
Baffle (v)
To confuse
Baleful (adj)
Threatening or menacing
Banal (adj)
Lacking in originality, commonplace
Barring (preposition)
If not for, without considering, if there are no
Beau (n)
A boyfriend
Becalm (v)
To make calm
Befog (v)
To make confused
Beget (v)
To cause, bring about
Begrudge (v)
Envy someone for something he has
Belie (v)
To not fully represent, to fail to give a true impression
Bellicose (adj)
Belligerent (adj)
Bemoan (v)
Complain, lament
Beneficent (adj)
Of a person being generous or doing good
Benevolent (adj)
Benign (adj)
Kind and gentle
Benison (n)
A blessing
Bequeath (v)
To leave something to a person in a will
Bereave (v)
Be deprived of a close relation of friend by their death
Beseech (v)
To implore