BZ1006 - L2 Biological Diversity Flashcards
When was water 1st thought to appear on Earth?
3,900,000 years ago
3.9 billion years ago
Where did Earths first water come from?
Liquid pockets in the earth after earth cooled and gasses condensed
When did Earth begin?
Between 3.5 and 4.0 billioin years ago
For how long were Earths only organisms microscopic and mostly unicellular? (%)
The first 3/4 of evolutionary history
What were the earliest organisms on earth?
When did procaryotes dominate earth?
from 3.5 - 2.0 billion years ago
Prokaryotes diverged into what 2 evolutionary branches?
Bacteria and archaea
What are the 2 types of cells that from the structual and functional unit of an organism?
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic
True or False?
Prokaryotes are complex multi celled organisms
They are simple and single celled
True or False?
Prokaryotes are genetically diverse
True or False?
Prokaryotes are mircoscopic but are many in number
Where does a phototroph obtain energy from?
Where does a chemotroph obtain energy from?
Autotrophs require what chemical?
They require C02 as a carbon source
Hetrotrophs require ___ to make organic compounds?
An organic nutrient
Which domain of prokaryotes can live in extreme conditions and what are these called?
Archaea that are called extremophiles
What are extremophile that live in highly salene (salty) environments called?
(Archaea) Extreme halophiles
What are extremophile that live in very hot environments called?
(Archaea) Extreme thermophiles
What type of extremophile can survive in crystalised salt?
(Archaea) Extreme halophiles
Are methanogens prokaryotes or eukaryotes?
True or False?
Methanogens require oxygen to survive
Oxygen poisons methanogens
What do methanogens produce?
What 2 places are methanogens found?
Wetlands and guts of animals
Where does methane escape ruminents?
In belching
Where does methane escape humans?
In flatulance
What plays a a crutial role in anaerobic wastewater treatment?
A) Extreme halophiles
B) Methanogens
C) Bacteria
B) Mathanogens
Define Symbiosis
An ecological relationship between 2 different species that live together in direct and intimate contact
Define Symbiotic mutualism
A symbyotic relationship in which both participants benefit
Define Symbiotic Commensalism
A symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is neither helped nor harmed
Define Symiotic Parasitism
A symiotic relationship in which one organism (parasite) benefits at the expense of another (host) by living within or on the host
What type of bacteria is responsible for photosynthesis in plants
What are 2 examples of bacteria mutualisms?
1) Rhyzobia forming root nodules on legumes fixing atmospheric nitrogen
2) Ruminant and animal guts allowing for the digestion of cellulose
What are 2 examples of bacteria parasitism?
1) Salmonella which produces food poisioning in humans
2) Staph in animals and humans (causing infections?)
What bacteria causes decomposition in organic materials?
What bacteria is the cause of the smell detected as rain falls after dry spells? (known as Petrichor)
How long does it take for a prokaryote to reproduce?
1-3 hours
Quick reproductive cycles allow for what?
Rapid evolution