BY-Traducc.1-Naturaleza Flashcards
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la ojeda
bakış | glance
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yeni; orijinal | novel
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imzalı | signed
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en su mayor parte, en su mayoría
çoğunlukla; ekseriyetle | for the most part
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procedente de
-den gelen, -den kaynaklanan | arising from
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herbaryum, bitki koleksiyonu | herbarium
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el plieogo; la lámina
yaprak (özl. kağıt yaprağı) | sheet
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el valle
vadi | valley
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yerleştirmek | locate, place; situate
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óleo - óleo sobre lienzo
yağlıboya | oil - tuval üzerine yağlıboya | oil on canvas
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tuval | canvas
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la legua
lig; fersah | league
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el ingreso
gelir; (işe) giriş, başlama | income; join (an organization)
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el cuadro
tablo, resim | painting, picture
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género - (único) en su género
tür; cinsiyet | kind; gender; genre - kendi türünde (eşsiz) ; (unique) of its kind
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el taller
atölye; stüdyo (resim vb.) | workshop; atelier; studio
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el comienzo
başlangıç | beginning, start
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correr por
tarafından ödenmek / karşılanmak | paid / be payable by
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la vinculación
bağlantı; ilişki | connection; relation/ship
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el discurso de ingreso, discurso de apertura
açılış konuşması | inaugoral address; opening speech
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başlamak (işe); katılmak, girmek (bir kuruma, orduya); girmek, yatmak (hastaneye) | join, enter (the army, a company, an organization); go in, be admitted (hospital)
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el marfil
fildişi | ivory
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hünerli, yetenekli, başarılı, usta (sanatçı) | accomplished
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la permanencia
süreklilik; kalış, kaldığı süre | continuity; stay
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trabar amistad
arkadaş olmak | become friends
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geçit; delegasyon, heyet | procession; delegation
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integrar - integrar algo / a alguien en algo
oluşturmak (grup heyet vs.); katmak, dahil etmek (bir gruba vs.) | make up (an organization etc.) | incorporate - incorporate smb/sth into sth
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el retoque
rötuş | retouching
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meyve verme | fruiting
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el abecedario
alfabe, abece | alphabet
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la corteza
kabuk (ağaç, meyve, ekmek vs.) | bark; peel (of an orange); shell (of an atom); crust (of bread)