BWS Acronyms (w/o acronyms on front) Flashcards
Tactical Flight Mission Planning
(Task 1402)
- *A** Analyze the Mission
- *M** Map/Photo Recon
- *P** Primary/ Alt Route
- *S** Select Mode of Flight
- *D** Distance - Determine
- *F** Fuel - Required
- *W** Wx Briefing
- *R** Risk Assesment
- *C** Crew Briefing
Action on Contact
(Task 1413)
- *D** Deploy to Cover
- *R** Report
- *M** Maintain Contact
- *D** Develop the Situation
- *C** Choose a course of action
Fundamentals of Reconnaissance
(Task 3200)
- *G** Gain & Maintain Enemy Contact
- *O** Orient on the recon objective
- *R** Report Timely & Accurately
- *R** Retain Freedom to Maneuver
- *D** Develop the Situation Rapidly
- *E** Ensure max recon Forces Forward
- *E** Ensure Continuous Recon
Hazards to Terrain Flight
(Task 1408.01)
- *M** Meteorological - Wx
- *P** Physical - Natural / Man-Made
- *H** Human
- *P** Physical - Natural / Man-Made
- *H** Human
- *W** Wx
Techniques of Movement
(Task 1408.02)
- *T** Traveling
- *T** Traveling Overwatch
- *B** Bounding Overwatch
Call for and Adjust Fire
(Task 3205)
- *I** ID - Observer
- *W** Warning Order
- *L** Target Location
- *D** Target Description
- *M** Method of Engagement
- *M** Method of Fire and Control
I Won’t Let Down My Momma
Landing Area Recon
(Task 1409)
- *T** Tactical Situation
- *S** Suitability
- *L** Long Axis
- *O** Obstacles
- *W** Wind
Takeoff Considerations
(Task 1407)
- *S** Situation
- *L** Long Axis
- *O** Obstacle
- *W** Wind
Wind Recognition
(Task 1052.09)
- *F** Forecast vs. Actual Wind
- *A** Aircraft Cues
- *G** Ground Cues
Tactical (Spot) Report
(Task 3203)
- *S** Size
- *A** Activity
- *L** Location
- *U** Unit
- *T** Time
- *E** Equipment
Aviation uses = SALT W
W= What you are doing
Target Handover to Attack Helicopter
(Task 1471)
- *A** Alert & Target Description
- *T** Target Location
- *M** Method of Engagement/ Attack
- *E** Execution
- *P** Post-Engagement/ Attack Action
Abort Criteria for Slopes
(Task 1062)
- *C** Cyclic Limits
- *A** Aircraft Limits
- *M** Mast Bumping
- *P** Personal Limits
- *S** Sliding
LZ / PZ Recon
(Task 2067)
- *M** Mission
- *S** Security
- *L** Location
LZ / PZ Recon (CONT.)
(Task 2067)
- *V** Visibility
- *D** Density Altitude
- *W** Winds
- *C** Ceiling
Route Reconnaissance
(Task 3203)
Minimum Info Needed
- *D** Designation of the route
- *L** Limits of route
- *U** Units using the route
- *T** Time of the day to be used
- *W** Weather
- *O** Objectives
Route Reconnaissance
(Task 3203)
Ground Route Recon, Bridge/ Tunnels/ Underpasses
- *C C**onstruction type & Condition
- *C C**learance
- *L L**enght & Width
- *L L**ocation
- *B B**ypass condition
Aerial Observation
(Task 1472)
VISUAL SEARCH (factors affecting)
- Definition
- Purpose
(Def: Syst. visual search of a given area so that all parts of the area are observed or scanned)
W Wx (Met)
A Altitude
A Airspeed
T Terrain
C Cues (visual cues)
H Human Eye
(Purpose: To detect objects or activities)
LZ / PZ Recon
(Task 2067)
- *L** Landing Formation
- *O** Obstacles
- *N** Number of Aircraft
- *G** Ground Slope
- *L** Loads
- *A** Appr. & Dep. directions
- *S** Size of LZ/ PZ
- *S** Surface Condition
- *V** Vulnerabilit
LZ / PZ Recon
(Task 2067)
Holding Area Recon
- *C** Cover & Concealment
- *O** Obstacles
- *K** Key Terrain
- *A** Ave. of Appr./ Dep.
- *S** Secuity
Route Reconnaissance
(Task 3203)
Ground Route Recon, Roads
- *S** Surface type
- *W** Width
- *D** Drainage
- *S** Surface condition
- *G** Grades and Curves
- *D** Drive-off capability
- *C** Concealment
Route Reconnaissance
(Task 3203)
Ground Route Classification
- *W** Width
- *L** Load-carrying capacity
- *T** Type (X= All Wx, Y= Lim. All Wx, F= Fair Wx)
Route Reconnaissance (CONT.)
(Task 3203)
Air Routes
- *H** Hazard to Flight
- *E** Ease of Navigation
- *L** Location of Enemy
- *L** Location of Landning Site/ Zone
Aerial Observation
(Task 1472)
Standards (key Tasks)
- *D** Detect
- *I** Identify
- *L** Locate
- *R** Report
Aerial Observation
(Task 1472)
Visual Cues
- *M** Movement
- *C** Color
- *L** Light
- *O** Obvious Sightings
- *S** Shadows
- *S** Smoke
- *T** Texture
- *T** Trails