Buzzwords Flashcards
USS ‘snowstorm’ appearance
‘Frogspawn’ when expelled
Hydatidiform mole
Antepartum haemorrhage in patient with succenturiate lobe or velamentous insertion
Vasa praevia
Maternal blood + no fetal disease
Placenta praevia
Fetal blood + sudden dental distress
Vasa praevia
Doughy abdomen
Placenta accrete
Fetal distress and loss of engagement, previous C-section or surgery
Uterine rupture
Post-partum haemorrhage followed by pituitary failure
Sheehan syndrome
Strawberry cervix
Trichomonas vaginalis
Clue cells, high vaginal pH (>4.5)
Bacterial vaginosis
Prolapse + back pain
Uterine prolapse
Large tense uterus (woody abdomen), bleeding and pain
Placental abruption
What is the ‘station’ referring to, and what do positive and negative numbers mean?
The distance of the fetal head from the ischial spines
Positive - head superior to spines
Negative - head inferior to spines
What are the differences between male and female pelvises?
AP and transverse diameters of the female pelvis are larger than the male
Suprapubic angle and pubic arch are wider in the female
Pelvic cavity is shallowe in the female
Rounder shape in female
In female coccyx doesn’t curve
What is the difference in cervical position when more or less fertile?
Fertile - cervix is high in vagina, soft and open
Less fertile - cervix is low in vagina, firm and closed
What are the most fertile days in a 28 day cycle?