Buysse, Winton, & Rous (2009) Definition of PD Flashcards
Introduction of Rationale 1
There is still a lack of scientific research that builds an association between the personnel quality in education and the change of child and family outcomes. (p. 235)
introduction and rationale 2
In the fields that related to education, intervention, and other related field, there is neither an agreed upon definition of the term professional development, nor a shared understanding about the components and features of professional development. (p. 235)
Components of PD that have gained prominence in recent years
technical assistance, coaching, consultation, mentoring, and communities of practice (p. 236)
Why we need to reach a consensus on the meaning of PD in EC
(a) facilitate the coordination and integration of PD; (b) highlight the need for a common set of professional competencies and standards for a diverse group of practitioners, and (c) assist in distinguishing various professional development approaches and matching learning opportunities with the characteristics of learners; (d) better evaluate its effects on improving professional practices and producing positive child and family outcomes (p. 236)
six key assumptions that guiding the definition of PD in EC
- the term PD encompasses all types of facilitated learning opportunities (formal or informal); 2. the EC workforce constitutes a group of professionals who are widely diverse with respect to their roles; 3. families of young children are essential partners in all aspects of EC and EI, including PD; 4. the role of learners in PD is to actively engage; 5. the role of PD providers are to organize and facilitate learning experiences that respond directly to problems in practice; 6. conceptualizing PD as 3 intersecting components: the who, the what, and the how (p. 238)
the definition of PD proposed by NPDCI
PD is facilitated teaching and learning experiences that are transactional and designed to support the acquisition of professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions as well as the application of this knowledge in practice. (p. 239)
the key components of the NPDCI proposed PD
- characteristics and contexts of the learners (the Who): characteristics of learners and children and families they serve;
- content (the what): what professionals should know and be able to do;
- the organization and facilitation of learning experiences (the How): the approaches or methods
the Who
learner characteristics: qualifications, professions, experience, race, culture, and ethnicity
children and families characteristics
the What
knowledge, skills, and dispositions that will be the focus of the PD program
the How
- PD focused on professional practices and consist of content-specific rather than general instruction
- PD is aligned with instructional goals, learning standard, and the curriculum materials that practitioners use in practice
- learning opportunities are intensive, are sustained over time, and include guidance and feedback
future collaborative PD approaches 1
defining collaborative professional development approaches
Terms include coaching, consultation, mentoring, lesson study, reflective supervision, technical assistance, and communities of practice
NPDCI created a “starter” definition of these term in a Wiki format
future collaborative PD approaches 1
defining collaborative professional development approaches
developing a planning guide to assist states in using the framework: the Big Picture the components (the who, the what, and the how) and the contexts (policies, resources, organizational structure, access and outreach, evaluation) of a statewide PD system