Butterfly Yellow Flashcards
At the start of the novel, where-town-is Hang going to? And, WHY?
At the start of the novel Hang is traveling to Armarillo, Texas in the United States to find her brother.
How old is Hang and how is her physical appearance-hair, clothes-different from the others on the bus?
Hang is 18 years old and her physical appearance is different from the others because her hair is jagged and she is wearing a long-sleeved shirt and heavy pants.
How old is LeeRoy and where is he traveling to?
LeeRoy is 18 years old and he is traveling to Armarillo, Texas to see his idol Bruce Ford.
What is LeeRoy’s goal-why is he taking the trip to Amarillo?
LeeRoy’s goal is to approach Mr. Ford and offer up free labor for example grooming, mucking and cool downs.
What was Operation Babylift? Why wasn’t Hang successful in escaping?
Operation Babylift is when Hang and her brother pretended to be children/ orphans in order to travel to America. Other Vietnamese people did this as well.
Hang’s uncle, Chu Quoc, claims to have gone to the address in Amarillo to see if Hang’s brother-Linh-was living there. What does he tell Hang he discovered?
Chu Quoc tells Hang that her brother was not at the address that they had and it was an abandoned town.
How does Hang end up in Lee Roy’s truck?
Hang ends up in LeeRoy’s truck because after she got off the bus at a rest stop, she saw a tall cowboy and wrote on a card that she needs to go to 405 mesquite street in Amarillo Texas because her brother needs help. Because of this note LeeRoy gives her a ride.
Where does LeeRoy say his parents wanted him to go?
LeeRoy’s parents want him to go to Yale University.
How many years/months/days of planning did it take for Hang to get to her uncle’s house and then leave to find her brother?
It took 6 years, 4 months, and 16 days for Hang to get to her uncle’s house and leave to find her brother.
Why couldn’t Hang leave Vietnam under the Orderly Departure Program?
Hang could not leave Vietnam under the Orderly departure program because Hang’s family was not designated refugees.
Hang has conversations with LeeRoy, an American cowboy, in English “reengineered within a Vietnamese pronunciation key”(40). Why do you think the author chooses to use this phonetic style of writing instead of standard English? What effect does it have on you, the reader?
It shows how Hang had a hard time speaking to other Americans because she barely knows english. The effect it has on me is it shows me the hardships she goes through in her long journey. Not being able to speak English makes her life/ journey even harder.
Describe Mrs. Brown. What does she come to realize about Hang?
Mrs. Brown used to be a nurse and knew her brother David( Linh) because he used to live in the town. Mrs. Brown realizes Hang is David’s sister.
Who is David?
David is Hang’s younger brother. He was also the boy on the Christmas card that Mrs. Brown has.
Explain Ba’s resourcefulness in helping the family survive.
Ba’s resourcefulness helped the family survive because she gave them good advice on how to act in the world. She taught them valuable lessons and morals.
What did Hang study instead of Russian?
Hang studied English instead of Russian because she knew she was going to America.
Explain the details of Hang’s father and mother’s death.
All Hang’s family knows is her Dad died during the war translating for an American photographer near a battle field. Her mom died at sea and never knew her exact resting place.
How does Hang’s brother first react when Hang tells him that she is his sister?
Hang’s brother slams the door on her when she tells him she is his sister.
How does LeeRoy try to protect Hang from her uncle?
Lee Roy tries to protect Hang by driving along side Hang and her uncle trying to stop them. He also tells her uncle that she is an adult and can do what she wants.
Heroic quality of Hang #1: Bravery
1. Jumped in the ocean to save her mother, even though she could not swim.
2. Left Vietnam to save her brother.
3. Went to her brother David’s house even though she didn’t know if he was there.
Heroic quality of Hang #2: Persistence
1. She fights off pirates when she is on the boat.
2. Hang doesn’t give up on finding her brother.
3. Hang fights for her life when she is drowning by the boat after the pirate attack.
Heroic quality of Hang # 3: