Business Valuation Flashcards
What is the purpose of Business Valuation?
Business Valuation is essential for determining the “fair value” for various scenarios like mergers, acquisitions, business sales and financial reporting.
What is the formula for Net Asset Value (NAV)?
NAV = Total Assets - (Total liabilities + goodwill)
Pros and Cons of NAV?
- Straightforward
- Provides tangible floor value
- Overlooks firm’s future earning potential
- Relies on book values which may not reflect current market conditions
P/E ratio valuation formula?
Value = P/E Ratio X Earnings
P/E Ratio Valuation pros and cons?
- Directly related to earnings
- Easy to communicate
- Does not account for growth potential or capital structure
DCF Valuation formula?
DCF Value = Sum of: Expected cash flows/ (1+Discount Rate)^t
Pros and Cons of DCF Valuation models?
- Accounts for time value of money
- More thorough evaluation of future profitability
- Highly sensitive to estimates for growth/ discount rates
Constant Dividend Valuation Model Formula?
Price = Dividend per share/ Cost of equity
Growing Dividend Valuation Model Formula?
Price = Dividend per share t+1/ Cost of equity - growth rate