Business Studies- Business Objectives Flashcards
Employees need something to work towards. Objectives help to …….. ……
motivate people
Without objectives owners might not have the motivation needed to keep the business going. Owners might lose grip and allow their business to ‘drift’. This might result in business …..
Objectives help to decide where to take a business and ……..
what steps are necessary to get there
It is easier to assess the performance of a business if objectives are set. If objectives are achieved it could be argued that the business has ….. …..
performed well.
Private sector objectives-
Survival Profit Growth and wealth creation Increase market share Image, reputation and social responsibility
SMART objectives
Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time specific
Public sector objectives
Increasing special needs provision in schools
Increasing response time by the emergency services
Reducing specific crime rates
Reducing waste sent to landfill
Increasing the number of students centring higher education