Business in Europe Final Flashcards
A preference for a tight knit society where individuals expect people to look after them in exchange for unwavering loyalty
Use of the word “I’ is avoided
Social network is the primary source of information
People are expected to look after themselves and their immediate family only
Consumption patterns show self supporting lifestyles
Independent self
Low Power Distance
Values the equal treatment of everyone
All should have equal rights
Skills, wealth, power, and status should go together
Subordinate - superior relations are pragmatic
High Power Distance
Strong hierarchy gives great difference to a person of authority, everyone has their place in life
Corruption often happens
Centralization is popular
Social gender roles are distinct, preference for material reward and achievement
Religion approve sex for procreation rather than recreation
Poor countries should help themselves
Performance society
Both men and women are equal, care for the weak, high quality of life
Permissive Society
Dominant religion stresses complementarity of sexes
Low Uncertainty Avoidance
More open and inclusive, relaxed, willing to take risks
Low stress and low anxiety
Lenient rules for children on what is dirty and taboo
Teachers may say “i do not know”
High Uncertainty Avoidance
Believe in strict manners and intolerant of unorthodox ideas
In affluent western countries, fewer children for stability
More books and newspapers for more information
Short Term Orientatied
emphasis on truth and consistency, respect for tradition
Managers and workers are psychologically in two camps
Analytical thinking
Long Term Orientated
Save, invest, achieve bigger results
Low rates of imprisonment
Matter and spirit are integrated
Distance, Time orientation, Context, Information flow
Personal space, how much a country touches or how close they stand to each other
Time orientation
Monochronic - prefer to do one thing at a time and adhere to schedules
Polychronic - time is more fluid and people are more flexible
High Context - prioritizes relations and emotions, speak with body language and tone
Low Context - very direct, formal, and rational
Information Flow
Formal vs informal communication.