Business English Flashcards
Business acumen
É ter visão de negócio, saber lidar com a situação é trazer resultados
I’ve developped strong business acumen after working with M&A for 15 years
Seasoned (professional)
(Profissional) experiente
Seasoned executive with 20+ years in the shipping industry
Level playing field (noun)
Um campo de batalha justo, equilibrado que dá a todos a mesma oportunidade de ter sucesso
The government must ensure a level playing field for the domestic companies
Level the playing field (verb)
Equilibrar, nivelar
It’s time to level playing the field for minorities
Fator, agente que impulsiona, influencia, impacta, faz algo acontecer
Digital marketing and social media were our main growth drivers for the last year
US Treasury yield slides after last week’s surge - O rendimento do US Treasury está caindo depois da disparada da semana passada
Mudar algum aspecto fundamental do negócio, da empresa, mudar de direção. Geralmente se refere a mudança grande, uma transformação. Não só um ajuste.
Some business have successfully pivoted during the pandemic
Out of
À cada
9 out of 10 customers are satisfied with our service
À cada
9 in 10 customers are satisfied with our service
Out of
Fora do
I’ll be out of office from March 1st to 20th
Out of
Sem algo
This product is out of stock
Running out of
Ficar sem algo
They are running out of money
Out of
A partir de
How can we create value out of conflict?
Silver lining
Algo positivo de uma situação ruim, o lado bom de algo
The company struggled during the crisis, but the silver lining is that learned how to do more with less resources
Grave period
Carência, tempo a mais para fazer algo
The bank will give us a grace period of 5 months for this loan
Lack of
Falta de
There’s a lack of competent professionals in blockchain
Diferencial como vantagem
The main advantage of our platform is that its content is completely business-drive
Competitive advantage
Diferencial competitivo
Our main competitive advantage is our vast experience in the pharmaceutical industry
It is whats sets us apart
Esse é o nosso diferencial
Being completely business-driven is what sets our platform apart
It makes us unique
Esse é o nosso diferencial
Being completely business-driven is what makes our platform unique