Business, Commerce Flashcards
Translate English to German
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
to buy in bulk
in Mengen einkaufen
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Konkurrenz, die (-en)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Konkurrent(in), der/die (-en/nen)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Monopol, das (-e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Logo, das (-s)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Firma, die (Firmen)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
business, concern, operation, office
Betrieb, der (-e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
branch (business)
Filialgeschäft, das (-e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
entreprise, company
Unternehmen, das
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Gesellschaft, die
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
to found sth (business)
etw begründen
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Fusion, die (-en)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
to merge
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
working party
Arbeitsgemeinschaft, die (-en); Arbeitsgruppe, die (-n)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Management, das (-s); Führung, die; Leitung, die
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
manager, department head
- Leiter(in), der/die;
2. Abtellungsleiter(in), der/die (-/nen) Department head
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Chef(in), der/die (-s/nen)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
director (company)
Direktor(in), der/die (-en/nen)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
employee, worker
Mitarbeiter(in), der/die (-/nen); Beschäftigte(r), der/die (adj. decl.)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
(senior) partner
(Senior)partner(in), der/die (-/nen)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
joint partner
Teilhaber(in), der/die (-/nen)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Nachfolger(in), der/die (-/nen)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Personal, das
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
personnel management
Personal-Management, das
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
crisis management
Krisenmanagement, das
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
middle management
mittleres Management
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
agent (business)
Vertreter(in), der/die (-/nen)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
personal assistant
persönlicher Assistent, persönliche Assistentin
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Verbraucher(in), der/die (-/nen)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
range [of products]
Reihe, die (-n)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
brand (business)
Marke, die (-n)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
product launch
Produkteinführung, die (-en)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
to launch sth (product)
etw einführen
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
buyer’s/seller’s market
Käufer-, Verkäufer-markt, der (¨e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
market leader
Marktführer, der (-)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
top-of-the-range, high-end
Spitzenqualität, die (-en)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
bottom-of-the-line, low-end
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
to market a (new) product
ein (neues) Produkt auf den Markt bringen
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
market analysis
Marktanalyse, die (-n)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
market research
Marktforschung, die
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
sales [department]
Verkauf, der
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Kunde, der (-n); Kundin, die (-nen)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Rechnung, die (-en)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
to issue an invoice
eine Rechnung ausstellen
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
to deliver sth
etw liefern
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Lieferung, die (-en)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
deliver date
Liefertermin, der (-e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
free delivery
Lieferung gratis
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
delivery note
Lieferschein, der (-e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
delivery time
Lieferzeit, die (¨e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
loading bay
Ladeplatz, der (¨e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
sample (business)
Muster, das
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
to stock sth
etw führen
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
out of stock
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
business is slack
das Geschäft geht schlecht
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
discount store
Discountgeschäft, das (-e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
sales outlet
Verkaufsstelle, die (-n)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
customs duty
Zollgebühr, die (-en)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
purchase/selling price
Kauf-, Verkaufspreis, der (-e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
cost price
Herstellungspreis, der (-e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
list price
Listenpreis, der (-e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
introductory price
Einführungspreis, der (-e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
total price, price included
Inklusivpreis, der (-e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
price war
Preiskrieg, der (-e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
price list
Preisliste, die (-n)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
price cut
Preissenkung, die (-en)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
wholesale trade
Großhandel, der
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Großhändler(in), der/die (-/nen)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
retail trade
Einzelhandel, der
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Einzelhändler(in), der/die (-/nen)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
bar chart
Balkendiagramm, das (-e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
pie chart
Kreisdiagramm, das (-e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
flow chart
Flussdiagramm, das
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
unfair competition
unlauterer Wettbewerb
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
board of directors
Vorstand, der (¨e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Zweigniederlassung, die (-en); Tochtergesellschaft, die (-en)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
branch office
Zweigstelle, die (-n)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
parent company
Muttergesellschaft, die (-en)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
sister company, affiliated company
Schwestergesellschaft, die (-en)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
consortium, syndicate
Konsortium, das (-tien)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Mischkonzern, der (-e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Franchise, der
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
take-over, buy-out
- Übernahme, die (-n)
2. Aufkauf, der (¨e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
to take over sth (business)
etw übernehmen
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
take-over bid
Übernahmeangebot, das (-e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
sales department
Verkaufsabteilung, die (-en)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
personnel department
Personalabteilung, die (-en)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
customer service department
Kundendiestab-teilung, die (-en)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
staff (employees)
Belegschaft, die (-en)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
to be overstaffed
mit einer zu großen Belegschaft haben
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Stellvertreter(in), der/die (-/nen)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
sales manager
Verkaufsleiter(in), der/die (-/nen)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
department head
Abteilungsleiter(in), der/die (-/nen)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
senior management
Geschäftsleitung, die
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
managing director, manager (business)
Geschäftsführer(in), der/die (-/nen)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
chief executive officer (CEO)
- Geschäftsführer(in), der/die (-/nen) sometimes Generaldirektor(in), der/die [US]
- Firmenchef, der; Firmenboss, der (colloquial)
- Vorstandvorsitzender(in), der/die (board of directors)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
president, CEO
Generaldirektor(in), der/die
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
executive vice president
Stellvertretender Generaldirektor(in), der/die
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
chairman of the board
Vorstandvorsitzender(in), der/die (-/nen)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
raw material
Rohmaterial, das (-ien)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
proprietary brand
Markenartikel, der
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
brand awareness
Markenbewusstsein, das
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
quality control
Quavlitätskontrollee, die (-n)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
product design
Produktdesign, das (-s)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
on sale
im (Sonder)angebot
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
market trends
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
target market
Zielmarkt, der (¨e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
targeted campagin
gezielte Aktion, die (-en)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Markfähigkeit, die (-en)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
marktfähig, absetzbar
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
door-to-door selling
Haustürverkauf, der (¨e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Telefonverkauf, der (¨e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
to place an order
einen Auftrag erteilen
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
order book
Auftragsbuck ,das (¨e)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
to cancel an order
eine Bestellung widerrufen
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
Versand, der (no pl.)
(into German) [Business, Commerice]
price range
preisklasse, die (-n), Presilage, die (-n)