Business Chapters 7 & 8 Flashcards
Define external environment
The external environment consists of all the elements outside the business and can be sorted into two sections, the macro environment and the operating environment.
Define operating environment
The operating environment is the environment immediately external to the business which the business has direct contact with and some control over such as customers and suppliers.
Define Macro environment
The macro environment consists of factors which the business has no control over but indirectly affect the decisions and performance of a business makes such as societal attitudes and economic conditions.
What are licences and permits?
Legal documents which need to be applied for and approved before a business can begin operating. Can vary between states and across local government areas.
Taxation arrangement examples
Australian Business Number, Tax File Number, GST registration
Define Occupational health and safety laws
Occupational health and safety laws are regulations that dictate laws that businesses must follow to maintain a safe workplace. eg.
- maintain equipment
- provide training
- overall building safety
What do trading laws do?
Trading laws ensure businesses are compliant with federal law and establish fair trading for customers and businesses, covering marketplace aspects as well.
Define Environmental Legislation
A collective term encompassing aspects of law that focus on protecting the natural environment, health and natural resources. Eg. clean air act covers the emissions of smoke, dust and grit from any building, chimney or plant
Define societal attitudes
Factors that have impacted the ways society and the economy operate, for example shifting demographics, increased levels of education, trends and values.
Define economic conditions
The state of the economy, how well or poorly it is doing. Includes factors such as interest rates, tax rates, employment levels and consumer confidence.
How can interest rates affect a business?
The cost of borrowing for a business. Low interest rates mean businesses are more likely to borrow and high interest rates mean they are less likely to borrow due to low return on investment.
How can Employment levels affect a business?
Low employment levels mean it can be easier to find a job but people may not have money to spend as they have no income. Wage increases can attract more workers if businesses are facing staff shortages.
How do tax rates affect different businesses?
Taxes are levied by federal and state governments on individuals and businesses. If the business is run by a sole trader then the individual will pay income tax and the tax flat rate is 30%
Define consumer confidence
Consumer confidence refers to how consumers or customers are feeling about the future.
How do technology advancements affect operating costs?
Software usually allows a business to automate most processes, such as accounting, payroll and record keeping.