Business Flashcards
I keep my dream in front of me and take action daily in my business to bring me closer to those dreams.
I consistently show 3-5 plans a week in my personal width and I am always accountable to that. My skill sets are developing well.
I have an effective, timely system of follow up for my customers. I have courage to call people on a regular basis to maintain a profitable business and close relationships.
I am registering 6 new legs as fast as possible and then moving on to a total of 12 new legs for proper Ruby structure.
I am growing at a fast pace with a detailed gameplan. My team is expanding daily. My customers are loyal promoters.
I have a purpose and a plan for every customer on my team. I have a plan to take them to the next level of commitment to my business.
We have at least 100PV of customer ditto process on the first of every month. We have 8-10 loyal consistent customer dittos.
We are 12 core every month. Since we are standard-bearers, we show 12QIs EACH every month, and do 50/150 EACH every month.
I take the time to think of creative volume solutions daily. I capture opportunities.
Our customers love to hear from me, to buy from me, and to learn from me.