Burns, HIV/AIDS Flashcards
Mechanisms of Burn Injury
Thermal Injury (cause, severity)
Caused when the skin comes in contact with a source of sufficient temperature to cause cell injury by coagulation.
- Flame, scalding liquids, steam, direct contact with heat source (heater, metal, etc)
Severity of injury is related to the heat intensity and the duration of contact.
- A temperature of 140°F causes full-thickness tissue destruction in as little as 3-5 seconds.
Mechanisms of Burn Injury
Chemical Injury (cause, severity)
Causes by contact, inhalation of fumes, ingestion, or an injection.
Severity is related to the type, volume, duration of contact and concentration of the agent.
- Tissue damage from chemical burns continues until the chemical is completely removed or neutralized
3 Categories of Chemical Agents
1) Alkalis
- Examples: oven cleaners, lye, wet cement, and fertilizers
- Cause more severe injury than acids
- Loosen tissue through protein denaturation and liquefaction necrosis, allowing the chemical to diffuse deeply into the tissue.
- Bind to tissue proteins, making it more difficult to stop the burning process.
2) Acids
- Examples: bathroom cleansers, rust removers, pool chemicals
- Depth of injury tends to be limited.
- Exception: Hydrofluoric Acid burns which may be lethal
- Causes hypocalcemia by rapidly binding to calcium in the blood
3) Organic Compounds
- Examples: phenols and petroleum productions (gasoline, kerosene, chemical disinfectants)
- May produce cutaneous burns and can be absorbed with resulting systemic effects.
Systemic Effects of Petroleum Products
CNS Depression
Pulmonary Edema
Intravascular Hemolysis
Mechanisms of Injury
Electrical Injury
Caused by contact with varied electrical sources such as household or industrial current, car batteries, electrosurgical devices, high0 tension electrical lines and lightning.
High voltage (>1000 V) or low voltage (<1000 V)
Electricity flows by alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC)
Tissue damage occurs through the process of converting electrical energy to heat.
- Heat energy is often greatest at points of contact (entry and exit), usually the extremities.
Electricity follows a path of least resistance.
- Often along the top of the bone causing extensive deep muscle damage
- Significant injury may be present even when skin and superficial muscle appear uninjured.
Electrical Injury
Alternating Current vs. Direct Current
Alternating Current (AC)
- Most home and commercial applications
- Electric charge sporadically changes direction.
- Higher probability of producing cardiopulmonary arrest by ventricular fibrillation
- Causes tetanic muscle contraction that may “lock” the patient to the source of electricity and paralyze the respiratory muscles.
Direct Current (DC)
- Lightning and car batteries
Mechanism of Burn Injury
Inhalation Injury (causes, clinical indicators)
Caused by inhalation of smoke, chemical toxins, and products of incomplete combustion.
Diagnosed based on injury history, clinical signs, and bronchoscopy findings.
Clinical Indicators of Inhalation Injury
- History of exposure in confined or enclosed space
- Facial burns
- Singed nasal hairs
- Presence of soot around mouth and nose and in sputum
- Abnormal breath sounds
- Signs of respiratory distress (accessory muscle use, tachypnea, retractions, stridor, hoarseness, etc)
- Elevated carboxyhemoglobin levels
- Abnormal ABG
Stimulates an airway inflammatory response, often resulting in lung damage.
- Typically warrant ICU admission even if there are no surface burns.
Types of Inhalation Injury
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
- Patho
- How to detect
Most frequent cause of death at the injury scene
Released when organic compounds are burned.
Binds to hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin (COHgb) and prevents red blood cells from transporting oxygen to body tissues, leading to systemic hypoxia.
May be difficult to detect.
- PaO2 is unaffected**
- ABG analysis and pulse oximetry are usually normal**
- Carboxyhemoglobin level (percentage of hemoglobin molecules that are bound with carbon monoxide) should be measured **
<10% - 15%: No symptoms, or minimal changes in visual acuity and headache
15% - 40%: CNS Dysfunction: restlessness, confusion, impaired dexterity, headache, dizziness, nausea/vomiting
40% - 60%: Loss of consciousness, tachycardia, tachypnea, seizures, cherry red or cyanotic skin
>60%: Coma, usually death
Types of Inhalation Injuries
Cyanide Poisoning
- Patho
- Clinical Indicators
Occurs from inhalation of smoke byproducts.
Combustion of household synthetics (carpets, plastics, vinyl furniture, upholstered furniture) is the primary source of exposure.
Impedes cellular respiration and oxygen use by binding with the aa3-type cytochrome c oxidase.
- Inhibits cell metabolism and ATP production, resulting in a shift to anaerobic metabolism.
- Leads to lactic acidosis and death.
Clinical indicators of Cyanide Poisoning
- Patient involved in a closed space fire
- Unexplained hypotension
- Unexplained hypoxemia
- Lactic acidosis
Types of Inhalation Injury
Injury Above the Glottis
- Cause
- Clinical Manifestations
Caused by breathing in heat or noxious chemicals that are produced during the burning process.
High risk for airway obstruction due to edema resulting from upper airway thermal injury.
Clinical Manifestations
- Hoarseness
- Dry cough
- Labored or rapid breathing
- Difficult swallowing
- Stridor
Types of Inhalation Injury
Injury Below the Glottis
- Cause
- Clinical Indicators
- Caused by breathing noxious chemical byproducts of burning materials and smoke.
- Extensive damage to alveoli and impaired pulmonary functioning results
- Hallmark sign: Carbonaceous Sputum (soot in secretions)**
- Tracheal and bronchial constriction and spasms (wheezing) can occur within minutes to several hours after injury.
- ARDS may develop within the first few days.
- Mucosal sloughing may occur within 4-5 days.
- Initial chest x-rays are often normal, but may later show reduced lung expansion, atelectasis, and diffuse lung edema or infiltrates.
Superficial Burns
- Degree of Injury
- Morphology
- Healing Time
- Wound Characteristics
1st Degree
Involve only the first layer of skin or the epidermis
Typically heal in 3-5 days without treatment
NOT INCLUDED in burn size (extent) calculations**
Wound Characteristics
- Pink or red
- Dry
- Painful
Superficial Partial Thickness
- Degree of Injury
- Morphology
- Healing Time
- Wound Characteristics
2nd Degree
Involve the epidermis and a limited portion of the dermis
Heal by growth of undamaged basal cells within 7-10 days
Wound Characteristics
- Moist
- Pink or mottled red
- Very painful
- Blisters
- Blanches briskly with pressure
Deep Partial Thickness
- Degree of Injury
- Morphology
- Healing Time
- Wound Characteristics
2nd Degree
Involve destruction of the epidermis (complete destruction) and most of the dermis
May heal spontaneously in 2-4 weeks, but are often excised and grafted to reduce healing time and improve cosmetic results
Wound Characteristics
- Pale, mottled, pearly red/white
- Moist or somewhat dry
- Typically less painful than superficial partial thickness
- Blanching decreased and prolonged
- Difficult to distinguish from full-thickness injury
Full Thickness Burns
- Degree of Injury
- Morphology
- Healing Time
- Wound Characteristics
3rd - 4th Degree
Destruction of all layers of the skin down to or past the subcutaneous fat, fascia, muscles, or bone
Creates a thick, leathery, nonelastic, coagulated layer of dead, necrotic tissue called eschar
Nerves are destroyed, resulting in a PAINLESS wound**
Always require skin grafting for permanent wound closure
3rd Degree
- Involves Epidermis, Dermis and Underlying Subcutaneous Tissue
- Does not Heal (Requires skin grafting)
- Thick, leathery eschar
- Dry
- White, cherry-red, or brown-black
- Painless
- Does not blanch with pressure
- Thrombosed blood vessels
4th Degree
- Involves Underlying Fat, Fascia, Muscle, Tendon and/or Bone
- Does not Heal (May require amputation or extensive debridement)
- Black, charred, thick, leathery eschar may be present
- Bone, tendon, or muscle may be visible
Calculating Percentage of Total Body Surface Area
Palm Method
Rule of Nines
Estimated by summing all areas of partial- and full-thickness burns – Superficial burns ARE NOT included.
Palm Method
- Use the size of the patient’s palm (including fingers) to calculated injury extent of irregular or scattered small burns.
- Palm represents 1% of TBSA.
Rule of Nines
- Head: 9%
- Each arm: 9%
- Back: 18%
- Anterior Trunk: 18%
- Groin: 1%
- Each leg: 18%
Physiological Responses to Burn Injury
Localized Tissue Response
3 Zones of Thermal Injury
Zone of Coagulation
- The area that had the most contact with the heat source and is the location of the most severe damage.
- Protein coagulation, eschar is often present, and the patient often reports no pain to the area because all nerve cells are damaged.
Zone of Stasis
- Immediately surrounds the zone of coagulation.
- Characterized by damaged cells and impaired circulation.
- Area most at risk for conversion if adequate resuscitation is not completed.
- Under resuscitation causes the burn to become deeper because of limited blood flow.
Zone of Hyperemia
- Area of increased blood flow in an effort to bring key nutrients for tissue recovery.
Physiological Responses to Burn Injury
Cardiovascular (shock phases)
Burn Shock: greatest initial threat to a patient with major burn (1st 24 hrs)
*Combination of distributive and hypovolemic shock
*Results from a massive fluid shift
*The body’s initial inflammatory protective mechanism leads to increased capillary permeability causing electrolytes, water, plasma, and proteins to leak out of the intravascular space and into the interstitial space.
*Fluid loss within the vascular space increases the viscosity of the blood
- Sluggish blood flow
- Decreased oxygen delivery
- Overall decreased cardiac output
- Elevated hemoglobin
*Fluid leakage occurs during the first 8-36 hours, peaking at 24 hours post-burn.
*If fluid resuscitation is not adequate, patient shows symptoms of shock
- Hypotension
- Tachycardia
- Decreased urine output
- Altered mental status
*Post Burn Shock Phase
- 24-48 hours post injury
- Capillaries regain integrity
- Shock slowly resolves and fluid returns to the intravascular space
- Urine output increases (due to diuresis)
- BP and cardiac output begin to normalize
Physiological Responses to Burn Injury
- Transient pulmonary hypertension caused by the release of vasoconstrictive mediator substances.
- Decreased oxygen tension and lung compliance.
- May be complicated by inhalation
Physiological Responses to Burn Injury
Fluid and Electrolytes
- Initial Hyperkalemia: potassium released into the vascular space from damaged cells.
- As fluid shifts progress, potassium is leaked out of the intravascular space, leading to hypokalemia.
- Fluid shifts lead to sodium leaking out of the intravascular space.
Physiological Responses to Burn Injury
Renal function may be impaired due to decreased perfusion.
Hemoglobin and myoglobin released by damaged cells may occlude the renal tubules leading to acute tubular necrosis.
- Most often seen in electrical injuries
- Monitor CK-MB
- Monitor urine color
Physiological Responses to Burn Injury
Complications due to decreased nutrient absorption and decreased GI motility**
- Use of prokinetic agents and early enteral nutrition support decreases risk
Risk for abdominal compartment syndrome due to massive fluid resuscitation
Physiological Responses to Burn Injury
*Begins as resuscitation is completed.
*May last up to 1-3 years post burn injury.
*Caused by inflammatory responses mediators such as catecholamines, cortisol, and glucagon.
*Produces a catabolic effect on the body
- Skeletal muscle breakdown
- Decreased protein synthesis
- Increased glucose use
- Rapid depletion of glycogen stores
*Requires significant nutrition support throughout the treatment period.
Impaired Thermoregulatory Function
*Massive body heat lost through open wounds.
- High ambient temperature must be maintained in the patient’s room and operating room.
*Patient is continuously at risk for infection.
*Leading cause of death in patients who survive the first 24 hours post injury**
Resuscitative Phase (Emergency Phase)
- Time
- Focus
Begins at the time of injury and continues for approximately 48 hours until the massive fluid and protein shifts have stabilized.
Primary focus is on the maintenance of the ABCs and prevention of burn shock.
Includes care in the prehospital setting, the ED, and the critical care/burn center.
Resuscitative Phase (Emergency Phase)
Prehospital Treatment
Primary Survey
The priorities of prehospital care and management are to extricate the patient safely, stop the burning process, identify life-threatening injuries, and minimize the time on scene by rapidly transporting the patient to an appropriate care facility.
*May necessitate air transport
Primary Survey: A fast, systematic assessment that prioritizes evaluation of the patient’s airway, breathing and circulatory status.
*Stop the Burning Process
- First priority of patient care: Remove the patient from the source of burning while preventing further injury.
- Extinguish flames by rolling the patient, smothering flames with a blanket or dousing with water.
- NEVER APPLY ICE OR COLD WATER: leads to further tissue damage as a result of vasoconstriction and hypothermia.
- Remove jewelry immediately.
- Scald, Tar, or Asphalt Burns: remove saturated clothing and rinse with cool water.
- Do not attempt to remove adherent tar or clothing at the scene.
- Electrical injuries: prompt removal of electrical source while protecting the rescuer.
- Chemical Injuries: wear protective barrier garments to prevent rescuer exposure; immediately remove all clothing and institute water lavage before and during transport; do not use neutralizing agents.
Resuscitative Phase (Emergency Phase)
Prehospital Primary Survey
Airway (with Cervical Spine Precautions)
*Any suspicion of inhalation injury requires immediate intervention for airway control.
*Respiratory stridor indicates airway obstruction and mandates immediate endotracheal intubation on scene**
*Patients with severe facial burns are intubated prophylactically.
- Delayed intubation may be difficult (or impossible) as edema develops.
Resuscitative Phase (Emergency Phase)
Prehospital Primary Survey
*All patients with suspected smoke inhalation are treated at the scene with 100% humidified oxygen**
- Administered via non-rebreather mask or endotracheal tube.
- Significantly reduces the half-life of carbon monoxide.
*Monitor for clinical signs of decreasing oxygenation such as changes in respiratory rate or neurological status.
- Remember, pulse ox measurements may not be accurate**
Resuscitative Phase (Emergency Phase)
Prehospital Primary Survey
*Remove all clothing and jewelry to prevent constriction and ischemia secondary to edema.
*Insert 2 large-bore IV catheters
- Initiate Lactated Ringers (LR) solution at 500 mL/hr until fluid requirements are calculated.
*Monitor for signs of hypovolemia.
- Hypovolemic shock rarely occurs in the early pre-hospital phase. Suspect associated internal injury if evidence of shock is present at this time.
*Cover the patient with a clean dry sheet and blankets to prevent hypothermia (due to loss of skin thermoregulation) and further wound contamination.
Resuscitative Phase (Emergency Phase)
Secondary Survey
*Rapid head-to-toe assessment to rule out any additional trauma.
*In patients with an injury mechanism suggestive of spinal injury, apply standard precautions (cervical collar, immobilization).
*Obtain an accurate history
*Events that led to the burn injury
- Time of injury
- Source of burns
- Events leading to the injury
*Brief medical history
- Allergies
- Current medical problems
- Medications
- Past surgical procedures and /or trauma
- Time of last meal
- History of tetanus immunization
*Provide pain relief/administer pain medication.
- Short acting IV opioid (i.e., Morphine)
- Do not give IM or PO medications.
Patients with major burn injury require complex care and the expertise of a specially trained multidisciplinary team.
Guidelines for Burn Center Referral/Transfer**
- Partial thickness burns 10% of total body surface area
- Full thickness burns
- Burns involving the face, hands, feet, genitalia, perineum, or major joints
- Chemical burns
- Electrical burns
- Inhalation injury
- Pre-existing medical disorders
- Associated trauma
- Hospital without qualified personnel or equipment to care for burn injured children
- Patients requiring special social, emotion, or rehabilitative intervention
Resuscitative Phase (Emergency Phase)
Emergency Department and Critical Care Burn Center
Primary Survey
*Issues related to tracheal edema may occur early or may not be apparent until after fluid resuscitation is initiated.
*Patients not already intubated:
- Frequently monitor for signs of airway edema
- Anticipate assisting with early intubation.
*If the patient is intubated:
- Assess for accurate tube position.
- Securely tie the endotracheal tube in place
- Protection of the airway is crucial: It may be impossible to reintubate the patient if the airway becomes dislodged!
- Elevate the head of the bed to reduce facial and airway edema.
Resuscitative Phase (Emergency Phase)
Emergency Department and Critical Care Burn Center
Primary Survey
*Assess for impaired gas exchange.
*Evaluate breath sounds, characteristics of respirations, work of breathing, sputum color and consistency and symmetry of chest wall expansion.
*Obtain ABG on all intubated patients.
*Monitor patients with circumferential full-thickness burns of the thorax for inadequate ventilation.
*Turn patient every 2 hours to promote skin integrity and mobilize secretions.
*Encourage coughing, deep breathing, and suctioning as needed. Early ambulation when possible.
*Lung-protective ventilation strategies for intubated patients
- Lower tidal volumes and plateau pressure
*Nebulization therapy with aerosolized heparin, B2-adrenergic blockers (albuterol), and N-acetylcysteine (Mucomyst) may be beneficial adjuncts to assist with opening the airways and reducing inflammatory effects.
Resuscitative Phase (Emergency Phase)
Emergency Department and Critical Care Burn Center
Primary Survey
If inhalation injury suspected:
If cyanide poisoning:
*Measure COHgb if inhalation injury is expected.
- Administer 100% humidified oxygen until COHgb levels are determined.
- Once COHgb levels normalize (<10%), wean oxygen as tolerated.
If cyanide poisoning is expected, empirical treatment with antidote is indicated.
- Hydroxocobalamin: Red discoloration of urine and body fluids is an expected side effect**
Resuscitative Phase (Emergency Phase)
Emergency Department and Critical Care Burn Center
Primary Survey
*Monitor patients with circumferential full-thickness burns of the thorax for inadequate ventilation.
If inadequate ventilation:
- Signs
- Treatment
Early Signs:
- Increased peak inspiratory pressure and decreased tidal volumes
Rule out other causes of inadequate ventilation
- Pneumothorax, hemothorax, tension pneumothorax
Patient may require immediate chest wall escharotomy.
- An incision is performed through the full thickness burn to reduce constriction caused by eschar.
Resuscitative Phase (Emergency Phase)
Emergency Department and Critical Care Burn Center
Primary Survey
Circulation: Fluid Resuscitation and Calculation
*Formal fluid resuscitation is instituted in patients with burns greater than 20% TBSA
*Fluid Resuscitation Calculation
Advanced Burn Life Support Guidelines (Modified Parkland Formula)**
Based on the following:
- Age
- Weight in kilograms
- %TBSA burned
- Presence of electrical injury
Total 24-hour volume calculation
- Adults: 2 mL x weight (kg) x %TBSA
- Children: 3 x weight x %TBSA
- Electrical Injury: 4 x weight x %TBSA
*Half of the volume is given in the first 8 hours**
*Measured from time of injury, NOT time fluids are started**
*Remaining volume given over the next 16 hours**
Resuscitative Phase (Emergency Phase)
Emergency Department and Critical Care Burn Center
Primary Survey
Circulation: End Point Monitoring
*Goal of burn resuscitation: maintain tissue perfusion and organ function while preventing the complications of inadequate or excessive fluid therapy**
*Fluid infusion rates are titrated to physiological end points.
- Urine output: ensure UOP of greater than 0.5 mL/kg/hr (30-50 mL/hr)
- Other endpoints that may be monitored: blood pressure, cardiac preload, systemic vascular resistance, and stroke volume.
*Systolic Blood Pressure: Greater than 100 mm Hg
*Heart Rate: Less than 120 bpm
*Central Venous Pressure: 5-10 mm Hg
*Pulmonary: Lung sounds clear, pH within normal range
*Gastrointestinal: Abdomen soft, non-tender, No nausea, vomiting or ileus
*Level of Consciousness: Clear, alert and oriented
Resuscitative Phase (Emergency Phase)
Emergency Department and Critical Care Burn Center
Primary Survey
Circulation: Peripheral Circulation
Special attention should be given to full-thickness burns of the extremities that are circumferential due to concern for impaired blood flow.
*Elevate extremities to reduce edema.
*Perform active or passive ROM exercises every hour to increase venous return and minimize edema.
*Assess pain, sensation, and peripheral pulses every hour.
*Monitor for Compartment Syndrome
Compartment Syndrome
Clinical Indicators
Clinical Indicators:
- Presence of circumferential deep partial- or full thickness extremity burns
- Electrical burns
- Pain: increasing, greater than expected, or out of proportion to the injury
- Increasing edema: muscle compartments tense on palpation or asymmetrical in size
- Altered sensation
- Late signs: pallor, poor capillary refill, absent distal pulses
- Prepare for escharotomy to relieve pressure and restore circulation.
- Fasciotomy (incision through the fascia) may be indicated for deep electrical burns or severe muscle damage.
Resuscitative Phase (Emergency Phase)
Emergency Department and Critical Care Burn Center
Secondary Survey
Includes a head-to-toe assessment, complete history, reassessment of interventions implemented during the primary survey, and vital signs (at least hourly)
Assess indices of essential organ function hourly to evaluate resuscitation and prevent complications.
- Blood pressure
- Heart rate
- Temperature
- Peripheral pulses
- Urinary output
Closely monitor pain levels and intervene appropriately.
Resuscitative Phase (Emergency Phase)
Emergency Department and Critical Care Burn Center
Secondary Survey
Circulation: Monitor (Vital signs, Risks)
*Baseline heart rate may be between 100-120 beats/min due to increased metabolism.
*Decreasing blood pressure is a LATE sign of inadequate perfusion.
*Blood pressure readings may be altered due to peripheral tissue edema and arteriospasms.
*Pain, anxiety, and fear may also alter vital signs.
*Patients with cardiopulmonary disease, elderly patients and those with unexplained large fluid volume requirements may need pulmonary artery catheters for monitoring.
- Low right atrial pressure and low pulmonary artery occlusion pressure indicates hypovolemia.
*CONSIDER THE ENTIRE PATIENT AND ASSESS TRENDS rather than focus on a specific value.
*High risk for DVT and/or PE
- Due to local thermal injury, venous stasis, hypercoagulability, and immobility
- Clinical findings of DBT may be absent or obscured.
- Closely monitor for sudden respiratory deterioration, which may indicate PE.
- Prophylactic Measures: SCDs, early mobility
- Medications: Enoxaparin (Lovenox)
Resuscitative Phase (Emergency Phase)
Emergency Department and Critical Care Burn Center
Secondary Survey
Neurological System
*Even severely burned patients are initially awake, alert, and oriented
- If patient presents with decreased LOC, suspect other injuries (i.e., head injury CO or cyanide poisoning, intoxication)
*Neuro checks should be performed hourly.
- Increased agitation or confusion and decreasing LOC may indicate hypovolemia and/or hypoxemia.
*Elevated the head of bed to prevent facial swelling (unless contraindicated).
Resuscitative Phase (Emergency Phase)
Emergency Department and Critical Care Burn Center
Secondary Survey
Renal System
-Urine output
Urinary output is the quickest and most reliable indicator of adequate tissue perfusion.
Monitor urine output hourly.
- Oliguria occurs if fluid resuscitation is inadequate.
- Dark, tea-colored urine may indicate myoglobinuria (suggest CK-MB)
Resuscitative Phase (Emergency Phase)
Emergency Department and Critical Care Burn Center
Secondary Survey
GI System
*Monitor for ileus or ulcer.
*Assess for abdominal distension and presence of GI bleeding; monitor gastric pH and secretions.
*Insert a NG tube and connect to low suction.
- Prevents vomiting and reduces risk of aspiration.
- May be used to provide nutritional supplements or enteral feeding.
*Administer stress ulcer prophylaxis (i.e., Protonix)
Intraabdominal Hypertension (IAH)
*Serious complication caused by circumferential torso eschar, bowel edema and/or inflammatory response.
*Defined as intraabdominal pressure (IAP) of at least 12 mm Hg.
- Perform serial IAP measurements using bladder pressure monitoring on patients with 40% TBSA, those with 20% TBSA and concomitant inhalation injury, and those requiring greater than expected fluid volumes.
*May progress to Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
Clinical Indicators
Definition: Sustained IAP greater than 20 mm Hg with or without abdominal perfusion pressure less than 60 mm Hg (APP = MAP – IAP), and organ system dysfunction or failure
Clinical Indicators
- Poor abdominal wall compliance (circumferential full-thickness burns)
- Increasing IAH not resolved by escharotomy, repositioning, gastric decompression, sedation
- Deceased UOP despite increased fluid administration
- Increasing lactate (>2.2 mEq/L)
- Distended abdomen with IAP > 20 mm Hg
- Increased ventilator requirements (increased FiO2, increased peak airway pressure, increased PEEP)
- Immediate decompression by laparotomy
- Percutaneous drainage of peritoneal fluid
Resuscitative Phase (Emergency Phase)
Emergency Department and Critical Care Burn Center
Secondary Survey
Integumentary System: Risks (and Interventions)
Risk for tetanus
*Administer vaccine (Tdap, Td, or DTaP) if more than 5 years since last dose or immunization history is unknown.
Risk for hypothermia
*Closely monitor body temperature
*Implement measures to minimize loss of body heat.
- Limit skin exposure
- Cover patient with clean, dry blankets
- Use fluid warmers for IV infusion
- Increase room temperature and close doors to prevent air drafts
- Use external heat lamps, warming blankets, radiant heat shields.
Resuscitative Phase (Emergency Phase)
Emergency Department and Critical Care Burn Center
Secondary Survey
Blood and Electrolytes
- Glucose
- ABGs
- Lactate
Monitor Electrolytes
- Sodium
- Potassium
BUN may increase with excessive protein catabolism.
Hyperglycemia due to catecholamine release
ABGs: metabolic acidosis
Lactate: elevation indicates inadequate tissue perfusion
Acute Phase
- Time
- Goals of Treatment
Begins 48-72 hours after injury, when burn shock stabilizes
Goals of Treatment:
- Promote wound healing.
- Prevent complications
- Improve function of various body systems
Acute Phase Treatment
Respiratory System
Continue assessment for signs of respiratory compromise and pneumonia (secondary to inhalation injury or ventilator management)
Clinical Indicators for Pneumonia
- Tachypnea
- Abnormal breath sounds
- Fever
- Increased WBC
- Purulent secretions
- Infiltrate on chest x ray
Acute Phase Treatment
Cardiovascular System
- As capillary permeability stabilizes, IV fluid requirements decrease
- Monitor daily weight, intake and output
- Fluid resuscitation needs may increase after debridement and grafting operations (surgery triggers inflammatory response)
Acute Phase Treatment
Renal System
Continue hourly monitoring of urine output.
*Post-burn diuresis starts approximately 48-72 hours post injury.
- May have UOP ranging from 100-600 mL/hr
*After diuresis, UOP should correlate with input.
*In the absence of diabetes, glycosuria may be an early sign of sepsis.
Acute Phase Treatment
Neuro System
GI System
Integumentary System
Neurological System
- Continue ongoing assessment of neuro status.
- Changes may indicate hypoxemia, hypoperfusion, or sepsis
GI System
- Monitor for development of a stress ulcer.
- Assess enteral feeding tolerance.
- Nutritional considerations are a treatment priority.
Integumentary System
- Burn wounds becomes the major focus.
- Monitor for wound healing, wound depth conversion, and signs of infection.
- Isolation precautions may be implemented.
Acute Phase Treatment
Blood and Electrolytes
- Hemodilution (decreased hematocrit) may result from re-entry of fluids to the intravascular space and from the loss of red blood cells destroyed at the burn site.
- Sodium imbalances from diuresis or inadequate replacement of evaporative fluid loss.
- Hypokalemia as potassium re-enters the cells.
- Hyperglycemia due to infection and excessive carbohydrate loading
- Infection or sepsis may lead to increased WBC, prolonged coagulation times and decreased platelet count.
Burns of the Face
Special Considerations, Interventions
- Suspect inhalation injury with any head or neck burns**
- Facial edema may lead to compromised airway**
- Elevate the head of the bed**
- Take special care when cleansing wounds to prevent bleeding.
- Shave all hair from wound each day. EXCEPT EYEBROWS
- Perform regular oral hygiene (prevent pneumonia)
Burns of the Ears
Special Considerations, Interventions
*Prone to inflammation and infection
*Treat with topical antimicrobial agents
- Mafenide acetate (Sulfamylon) is agent of choice because it can penetrate the cartilage.
*Prevent mechanical pressure on the ears**
- Tube ties, oxygen masks, pillows
- Pressure from devices impairs blood flow and leads to complications
Burns of the Eyes
Special Considerations, Interventions
Immediate examination is necessary on arrival as eyelid edema forms rapidly.
*Edema may cause the cornea to be exposed.
*Exam completed by an ophthalmologist or another trained provider.
- Fluorescein stain to rule out corneal injury then copious irrigation with NS.
Remove contact lenses if present.
Apply ophthalmic ointment or artificial tears frequently.
Burns of the Hands, Feet or Major Joints
Special Considerations, Interventions
*Can cause permanent disability.
*Elevated burned hands above the level of the heart to reduce edema.
*Individually wrap fingers and toes to prevent webbing.
*ROM exercises should be performed as soon as possible.
- Prevents muscle atrophy, reduces shortening of ligaments, prevents joint contracture formation, and decreases edema.
*Burns over joints are prone to scar tissue contractures that limit ROM.
*Splinting and antideformity positioning is required to maintain function and prevent deformities.
*Feet Burns
- Should be covered with compression bandages when the patient is ambulating.
- Elastic bandage should be removed when feet are elevated.
Burns of the Genitalia and Perineum
Special Considerations, Interventions
*Monitor for urinary tract obstruction.
*Indwelling urinary catheter is indicated until wounds are healed or grafted.
*High risk of urine or fecal contamination of wounds, resulting in infection
*Elevate the scrotum on towels or foam.
Electrical Injury
Manifestations and Complications
*Cardiac dysrhythmias or cardiopulmonary arrest
- Continuous cardiac monitoring and serial EKGs for at least 24 hours
*Hypoxia secondary to tetanic contractions and paralysis of the respiratory muscles
- Oxygen therapy and mechanical ventilation may be needed.
*Deep tissue necrosis
*Compartment syndrome of extremities
*Long bone or vertebral fractures from tetanic muscle contractions
- Evaluate for fractures and ensure spinal precautions until spinal injury is ruled out.
*Rhabdomyolysis and acute kidney injury
- Tea colored urine is indicative of rhabdomyolysis.
- UOP maintained at greater than 1 mL/kg/hr (75-100 mL/hr) in until urine becomes clear
*Acute cataract formation
*Neuro deficits such as spinal cord paralysis, traumatic brain injury, peripheral neuropathy, seizures, deafness, neuropathic pain, and motor/sensory deficits
Chemical Injury
Special Considerations
- Burn team must wear protective gear during decontamination.
- Brush off dry chemicals and continuously flush the area with water for at least 30 minutes.
- Closely monitor the patient for signs of systemic chemical absorption.
Current Trends in Burn Injury Epidemiology
*Injuries from illegal drug manufacturing (i.e., methamphetamine and concentrated marijuana).
- Results in thermal and chemical burns
- Often have extensive %TBSA injury and inhalation injuries
- Pain management may be challenging.
*Burns involving home oxygen.
- Many patients chose to continue smoking while using home oxygen.
- Results in flash or flame burns and explosion.
- Patients are 3-5x more likely to have respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation.
*Electronic Cigarettes
- Injuries occur from exploding batteries or contact from an overheating device.
- Often involves a thermal and chemical burn (cause by the lithium battery)
Burns: Abuse and Neglect
Who is at increased risk?
Nursing Role
Burns are a prevalent form of abuse and can result from an active intent to injure or from neglect.
Children, elderly, disabled persons, and mentally impaired persons are at an increased risk.
Nurses play a key role in identifying potential abuse or neglect.
- Elicit the history of the story and circumstances surrounding the event.
- Meticulously document the wound appearance and pattern of injury.
- Observe interactions between the patient and caregivers or family.
- Question the injured individual separate from caregiver.
It is mandatory to report all potential or suspected abuse cases to the appropriate authorities
Burns: Indications of potential abuse or neglect
*Discrepancies between reported accounts of the injury event and physical assessment findings.
*Presence of other injuries (associated bruising, fractures, etc.)
*Distribution and characteristics of the wound
- Scald burns with clear demarcation
- Symmetrical wound pattern on the extremities without splash mark burns
- Lack of witnesses to the event, blaming of others, and delay in seeking care
Pain Control for Burns
- Why is it a challenge?
- What is used?
*Pain is a tormenting consequence of burn injuries and burn treatments.
- Constant background pain with shorter peaks of excruciating pain
- Dressing changes, debridement, surgical intervention, splints, application of topical antimicrobials and physical/occupational therapy are often very painful.
*Adequate pain control may be a challenge.
- Altered pharmacokinetics secondary to changes in volume distribution and hypermetabolism.
- Quantities of analgesics often exceed those of standard dosing guidelines.
*Opioids are most commonly used, MORPHINE
- SubQ or IM injections are ineffective during the resuscitative phase.
- IV is the route of choice.
- Consider continuous opioid infusions for mechanically ventilated patients.
- PCA pumps involve the patient in their own pain management.
*Anxiety may further exacerbate pain.
- Anxiolytics are commonly administered.
- VR technology, relaxation, massage, hypnosis, and guided imager may also be useful adjuncts.
What increases infection risk?
- Burn patients are at a high risk for infection related to the disruption of normal skin integrity and altered immune response.
- Concomitant inhalation injury places the patient at a high risk of developing pneumonia.
- Invasive monitoring and treatment measures (catheters, ET tubes, etc) further increase the risk for infection.
- American Burn Association has adapted sepsis definitions that are applicable to burn patients, as the typical definitions may not be accurate (Ex: low grade fever may be normal/expected in these patients and is not necessarily a sign of infection)
Strategies for Infection Prevention for Burn Injuries**
- Provide aseptic management of the wound and the environment, including effective decontamination of equipment and hydrotherapy rooms.
- Use topical antimicrobial agents.
- Properly care for invasive catheters with special consideration to IV catheters placed through or near burn wounds where occlusive dressings will not adhere.
- Provide aggressive wound management with close monitoring for changes in wound appearance.
- Prevent infection from multi-drug resistant organisms through prudent and microbial-guided use of systemic antibiotics.
- Provide adequate nutrition.
- Closely monitor lab values and clinical signs of infection
- Facilitate early wound closure to restore the protective barrier of the skin.
- Prohibit live plants and flowers.
Burns: Wound Care
Prior to procedure:
Goals of Wound Care
- Remove nonviable tissue to promote epithelialization.
- Prompt coverage via skin grafts when necessary.
Wound Care
- Typically completed once or twice per day
Prior to procedure:
- Explain the procedure and encourage patient participation when appropriate.
Burns: Wound Care
Procedure (considerations)
Post Procedure
*Maintain the room temperature at a minimum of 85-90° to prevent chilling and body heat loss**
*Cleanse all wounds with soap and water or surgical disinfectant then rinse with warm water.
- Allow water to flow over the wounds and immediately drain away.
*Remove all previously applied topical agents, necrotic tissue, and fibrous debris from the wound.
*Debride loose eschar and wound debris with washcloths or gauze sponges, scissors, and forceps.
*Avoid trauma to newly formed epithelial skin buds and healing tissue.
*Clip or shave hair in areas immediately surrounding the wound bed.
*Document carefully: Wound location, size color, texture, and drainage.
Methods of Burn Wound Treatment
Open Method:
Wounds left open to air after application of the antimicrobial agent.
Typically used for superficial burns of the face and perineum
- Increased wound visualization.
- Eliminates dressing supplies.
- Improves joint mobility.
- Allows direct contact between the wound and the environment.
- Topical agent may rub off on clothing, bedding, or equipment.
- Increased wound exposure time.
- Risk of hypothermia.
Methods of Burn Wound Treatment
Closed Method:
A gauze dressing is placed over the agent that was applied directly to the wound.
Commonly used on full-thickness burns and new grafts
- Reduces heat loss and pain from wound exposure.
- Assists in protecting wounds from external mechanical trauma.
- Dressings may assist with debridement.
- Requires a dressing change to assess the wound.
- Increased supplies and pain
- Dressings may impair ROM.
Characteristics of Ideal Antimicrobial Agents**
Wound Coverings or Dressings Types
Function of Wound Coverings
Characteristics of Ideal Antimicrobial Agents
- Long-lasting, broad-spectrum activity against microorganisms with a low risk of developing resistance
- Penetrates eschar
- Limited adverse effects
Wound Coverings or Dressings
- Biological: graft of skin transplanted from another being (human or animal)
- Biosynthetic: combination of biological and synthetic components
- Wound coverings control heat and fluid loss, decrease infection risk, stimulate the healing process and increase patient comfort.
Surgical Excision and Grafting
Depth of injury determines whether a burn will heal or require skin grafting.
- Deep partial-thickness burns are commonly grafted to decrease the risk of infection.
- Full-thickness burns are nonvascular and require skin grafting to achieve wound closure.
- Excision: surgical debridement by scalpel or electrocautery to remove necrotic tissue
- Skin Grafting: placing skin on the excised burn wound.
*Autograft: patient’s own skin, only type of permanent skin grafting
*Allograft: skin from another human (such as a cadaver)
*Xenograft: skin from another animal (such as pigskin)
Priority areas are the face, hands, feet and over joints.
Grafts may be applied as mesh or sheets.
- Mesh grafts cover a larger area.
- Sheet grafts provide better cosmetic results.
Nutritional Considerations
If not addressed, this hypermetabolism may lead to:
Major burn injuries produce a hypermetabolic-catabolic response greater than any other disease process or injury.
If not addressed, this hypermetabolism may lead to:
- Skeletal muscle breakdown
- Weight loss
- Marked delays in wound healing
- Skin graft loss
- Impaired immunological response
- Sepsis
- Physiological exhaustion
- Prolonged mechanical ventilation
- Delayed ambulation
- Impaired ADLs
- Extended acute rehabilitation
Nutritional Therapy for Burns
Nutritional therapy should be instituted immediately after the burn injury to meet energy demand.
*If patient is able to tolerate an oral diet:
- High-calorie, high-protein diet with supplements
*If unable to tolerate an oral diet:
- Enteral tube feedings initiated as soon as possible.
- Small bowel (rather than stomach) is the preferred location for tube placement.
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN)
Most Common Causes
Differentiating between the disorders:
Most Common Causes
*Adverse Medication Reaction
*Most commonly associated with Sulfa drugs; MANY other medications associated
*Viral Infection
*Reaction to the Staphylococcal Toxin
Epidermis separates from the dermal layer and sloughs.
*Slough to the oral mucosa, conjunctiva, vaginal canal, GI tract and urethral lining may occur
*Lesions are extremely painful and hypersensitive
*Immediate concerns focus on protection of the airway
- Due to inability to control mucosal sloughing and bleeding
Differentiating between the disorders:
*SJS: involves less than 30% % TBSA
*TEN: greater than 30% TBSA
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Epidemiology, High Risk Populations
Most commonly a sexually transmitted disease
- May also be transmitted when needles or syringes are shared.
- Most commonly seen in African American men who have sex with men
Other high risk populations
- Multiple sex partners
- Transgender women
- IV drug users
Less commons transmissions
- ONE reported case of a patient being infected with HIV from a blood transfusion since 2002.
- Occupational exposure
- Pregnant or breastfeeding women transmitting the disease to an infant
When an individual becomes infected with HIV, immune system functions are compromised, and the individual becomes more susceptible to a variety of infections.
There is a chronic, persistent destruction of infection-fighting cells, the CD4+ cells, by the replication of HIV.
Viral Transmission (1)
- When a person is first infected with HIV, a virus particle attaches to specific receptors on the CD4+ cell, and enters the cell
- Once inside the cell, viral RNA is changed to viral DNA which then integrates with the CD4+ lymphocyte DNA.
- HIV DNA is now in charge of cell reproduction and produces new viral proteins.
- New HIV viruses are released, able to infect other CD4+ lymphocytes, which are then destroyed.
Acute Viral Infection (2)
Rapid decrease in CD4+ lymphocyte count and a rapid increase in the viral load (amount of HIV virus in the blood)**
- Patient may have symptoms of a flu-like viral illness:
- Low-grade fever generalized aches and pains, swollen lymph nodes.
Seroconversion (3)
Seroconversion: the interval when HIV antibodies are first produced and rise to detectable levels)
- After several weeks, the immune system develops antibodies to HIV and the person tests positive for HIV.
Asymptomatic Chronic Infection (4)
- Immune system is unable to eliminate viral replication but is able to destroy the virus in equal amounts as it is being produced.
- CD4+ counts slow falls and the viral load slowly increases.
- May last as long as 10 years.
Symptomatic Chronic Infection (5)
As the CD4+ count continues to fall, control over viral replication is slowly lost.
Immune system becomes less able to fight infections.
Patient will have nonspecific symptoms:
- More frequent URIs
- Skin problems
- Lymphadenopathy
- Weight loss
Once a patient is symptomatic, the average time to development of AIDS is 2 years.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Infections use the “opportunity” of a nonfunctioning immune system to infect the body, or the body loses the ability to control infections that were previously dormant
A HIV-infected individual has AIDS when the CD4+ count is <200 cells/ul or when he/she is diagnosed with one or more AIDS-defining illnesses.
Commonly occurring AIDS-defining illnesses in the US:
- Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia
- Mycobacterium avium complex
- Toxoplasmosis
- Esophageal candidiasis
- Recurrent bacterial pneumonia
Clinical Manifestations of HIV
Skin lesions (Kaposi’s Sarcoma)
Shortness of breath, or dyspnea on exertion
Vision changes
Night sweats
Weight Loss
HIV: Common Opportunistic Infections
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP)
Clinical Manifestations
May also see it called Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia
Most common (75-85% develop PCP at some time)
Tends to be recurrent
Cause of death in 20%
Common fungus-not pathogenic with intact immune system
Clinical manifestations are nonspecific and may progress insidiously
- Classic symptom is dyspnea on exertion
- Other symptoms: Fatigue, Chills, Cough
- Candidiasis (yeast) is usually the first indication of progression to AIDS
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Infection with herpes viruses that inhabit the salivary glands
Can affect the retina, the GI system, or lungs
Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC)
Occurs late in disease affecting up to 25% with AIDS
CD4 counts usually < 50-100
Women > Men
Organism found commonly in food, water and soil
Major cause of “wasting syndrome”
Clinical manifestations include chills, fever, weakness, night sweats, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss.
Nearly every organ can be infected – disseminated disease
Usually Candida albicans
Oral thrush, esophagitis, vaginitis
CM’s depends on site
Usually the first indication of progression to AIDS
Cryptococcus / Toxoplasmosis
Fungal / Protozoa infections that affects CNS
Cryptococcus neoformans: meningitis and abscesses or disseminated disease affecting the lungs
Toxoplasma gondii: occurs as intracerebral mass lesions or encephalitis, lymphadenopathy, malaise, muscle pain
From undercooked meat or cat feces
Herpes simplex or herpes zoster
Disseminated herpes simplex or zoster can occur, but severe mucocutaneous manifestations are more common.
Clinical Manifestations
4% of clients will develop TB
Rapid progression, diffuse pulmonary infiltrates, and disseminated disease
Common to have drug-resistant strains of TB
CM’s include purulent productive cough, fever, fatigue, weight loss, and lymphadenopathy.
Disseminated disease affects the bone marrow, bone, joints, liver, spleen, skin, kidneys, GI tract, lymph nodes, and other sites
AIDS Dementia Complex and
Other Neuro Effects
Report any changes in level of consciousness for the patient with AIDS
40-60% of clients will have neuro changes (direct effect of virus on CNS and opportunistic infections)
Affects cognitive, motor, and behavioral function
- Fluctuating memory loss, confusion, difficulty concentrating, lethargy, and diminished motor speed
- Starts with apathy (losing interest in work, social, and recreational activities)
- Progressive symptoms include severe dementia with motor disturbances such as ataxia, tremor, spasticity, incontinence and paraplegia
Other Neurologic Effects
- Toxoplasmosis and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma are space-occupying lesions that cause headache, altered mental status, and neurological deficits.
- Cryptococcal meningitis and CMV infection are also common in people with AIDS
- If a patient positive for HIV presents with confusion, headache, fever, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting you should ask the patient to touch his chin to his chest to check for nuchal rigidity…pain with flexion of neck indicates Cryptococcus meningitis**
- Peripheral sensory neuropathies with numbness, tingling, and pain of lower extremities affect 30%
- Guillain-Barre’-type demyelinating polyneuropathy can occur and result in progressive weakness and paralysis
Cancers Associated with HIV
Kaposi’s Sarcoma
Cause, S/S
Other Cancers related to HIV
Kaposi’s Sarcoma
- Often the presenting symptoms of AIDS
- Greatest incidence in MSMs
- CAUSE: tumor of the endothelial cells lining small blood vessels
Clinical Manifestations
- Vascular macules, papules, or violet lesions of skin and viscera.
- Face is the most common site for skin lesions.
- Visceral disease usually painless, may become painful as disease progresses
- Initially includes GI tract, lungs, and lymphatic system.
- Lesions may obstruct organ function, cause bleeding, and impair gas exchange when lungs are involved.
- Late-stage HIV disease – Average survival 18 months after diagnosis
- Lymphoma
- Cervical Cancer
Diagnostic Testing
Screening to assess for antibodies to the HIV virus.
- Rapid or point-of-care Tests
- Utilize blood or oral fluids
- Does not require a laboratory
- Results available in 5-30 minutes
Test is confirmed by an HIV-1/2 antibody assay performed by a laboratory.
Negative screening does not require confirmation but should be repeated in 3-6 months**
Newly diagnosed HIV+ individuals should be screened for common comorbidities**
- Chronic Hepatitis B and/or C
- Anemia
- Kidney disease
- Liver disease
- Diabetes
- Women screened for cervical cancer
- Other STI testing
CD4+ Counts**
- Obtained at time of diagnosis.
- Routinely checked every 3-6 months for the first 2 years on therapy, then yearly.
Viral Load**
- The primary indicator of treatment success or failure
- Checked every 3 months for the first 2 years on therapy, then every 6-12 months
Tuberculosis Screening**
- Every 6 months
Prophylaxis Meds for HIV
Used to prevent opportunistic infections in HIV+ individuals with a CD4+ count of 200 cells/ul or less**
Bactrim: used to prevent Toxoplasmosis and PCP
- Monitor for signs of allergy (rash may be delayed for 7-14 days)
- Monitor for hemolytic anemia.
May be discontinued when CD4+ count has been greater than 2—for at least 3 months
Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)
*Interfere with the ability of HIV to reproduce itself.
*Should be recommended to all HIV+ individuals.
*Individuals are prescribed a minimum of 3 medications from at least 2 classes.
- Usually in a combination medication (one pill that contains 3 medications)
*Hepatic and renal function should be evaluated PRIOR to initiation**
*Once begun, the CD4+ count will increase, and the HIV viral load will decrease to UNDETECTABLE levels
- Usually achieved in 6-8 weeks
*Critical to starting is a commitment to 100% adherence to therapy for a lifetime to reduce the possibility of viral resistance developing to therapy**
- Tenofovir
- Abacavir
- Etravirine
*Protease inhibitors
- Darunavir
*Fusion inhibitors
- Enfuvirtide
*CCR5 antagonists
- Maraviroc
*Integrase inhibitors
- Raltegravir
- Dolutegravir
*Post-attachment inhibitors
- Ibalizumab
Considerations for HIV
Maintaining up-to-date immunizations is essential to prevent infection.
Live-virus vaccines are generally contraindicated in HIV-infected individuals with a CD4+ count of <200 and in household members.
HIV Prevention
Condoms, PrEP for those with partners with HIV, HIV testing, treatment
- Providers should offer routine opt-out screening for all individuals between the ages of 15-65
- Yearly testing recommended for those at high risk
- Examples: Incarcerated individuals, STI clinic attendees
Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV+ Individuals
- Cornerstone of preventing disease spread**
- When HIV+ individuals have an undetectable HIV viral load, the risk of transmitting HIV to an HIV-negative partner is <3%.
Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
- Truvada**: medication approved for daily use to reduce the risk of acquiring HIV
- Recommended for HIV-negative individual with a partner who is HIV+ and those who engage in risky behaviors.
- Requires follow-up every 3 months to assess adherence and education on further risk reduction.
- Acute and Chronic Hepatitis B must be ruled out prior to initiation.
Complications of HIV related to CD4+ count
CD4+ Counts >500: no signs or symptoms related to HIV
CD4+ Counts 350-500: increased respiratory illnesses or dermatological infections such as herpes zoster (shingles)
CD4+ Counts 200-350: overall increase in infections; severe bacterial infections; fever, fatigue
CD4+ Counts <200: Individual is considered to have AIDS
- Opportunistic infections likely
Nursing Teaching for HIV
*Avoidance of high-risk behaviors that increase the risk of transmission.
*Adherence to treatment regimen
*Implementing infection-control precautions at home
- Clean blood spills with a bleach solution
- Avoid raw or undercooked eggs, meat, poultry, or fish
- Avoid raw fruits and vegetables
- Do not drink water, milk, juice or other cold liquids that have been standing for longer than an hour
- Animal excrement (litter boxes) should be taken care of by a non-HIV-infected individual.
- Avoid turtles and reptiles as pets
*Report signs and symptoms of infection urgently
*Safe sex practices
*Health maintenance needs
- Routine screenings such as mammograms, GYN exams, dental exams, eye exams, colonoscopies
Recommendations for Occupational Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV
If pt was known to be HIV +
- Complete 28-day PEP regimen
- Tenofovir, Emtricibatine, Raltegravir
If HIV status unknown
- Obtain consent for rapid HIV testing
- If the test is -, ask if pt has been at risk of HIV in the past 6 weeks
- If pt has been at risk, get HIV RNA assay (do PEP while awaiting results)