Adult Neuro Flashcards
Increased ICP
Monro-Kelli Hypothesis
Normal Range
Monro-Kellie Hypothesis
- States that three components – brain tissue, blood, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) – occupy a rigid box, the skull.
- When one of these three components increases, the other components must decrease to maintain equilibrium, preventing further injury to the brain through compression of the tissue within the fixed box.
- The ability of the body to compensate is called intracranial compliance.
Normal ICP ranges from 0mmHg to 15mmg
Causes of Increased ICP
Factors that influence ICP
- Injury
- Bleeding
- Hematoma
- Hydrocephalus
- Tumor: lesion occupying inside of the brain
- Encephalitis or Meningitis
Factors that influence ICP
*Body temperature:
- Increasing cerebral metabolism may exacerbate existing brain injury by increasing the demand for oxygen and nutrients where there is existing poor blood flow (ischemia).
*Oxygenation status, especially CO2 & O2 levels
- A PaO2 below 50 mm HG can precipitate increased ICP. Vasoconstriction (decreased PaCO2) or vasodilation (increased PaCO2) of cerebral blood vessels. Cerebral vasoconstriction reduces ICP, and vasodilation increases ICP.
*Body position
- Elevating HOB and ensuring that the head is in midline facilitates drainage of blood from the jugular venous system, decreasing ICP. Avoiding sharp hip flexion ensures that large veins in the abdomen are not compressed, decreasing venous return.
*Arterial and venous pressure
- Increased pressure = increased ICP
*Anything that increases intra-abdominal/thoracic pressure (vomiting, bearing down, PEEP)
What is cerebral perfusion pressure?
What happens when it is low?
How to calculate
The pressure that pushes the blood to the brain…hence influences the cerebral blood flow.
**When CPP falls too low the brain is not perfused and brain tissue DIES
Normal CPP is 60-100 mmHg
MAP = SBP + 2(DBP) / 3
Clinical Manifestations of Increased ICP
- Increased ICP is defined as an ICP >20mmHg for over 5 minutes
- Earliest!: Mental status changes (restless, confused, not responding to questions)
- Late!: Irregular breathing (Cheyne-Stokes-hyperventilation then apnea)
- Cranial nerve changes to the optic and oculomotor nerves
*Double vision, strabismus
*Swelling of the optic nerve (Papilledema)
*Constricted, dilated or unequal pupils
*Abnormal Doll’s eye (oculocephalic reflex) - move the head, eyes stay fixed = positive sign, LATE - Decerebrate (pronated arms, flexed wrists, LATE sign, herniation taken place) and Decorticate (less severe, flexed arms and wrists, immediately after event then resolves) posturing
- Cushing’s Triad (Late!)
*Elevated systolic BP, lowering diastolic BP
(widening pulse pressure)
*Lowering or abnormal respiratory rate - Seizures
- Headache
- Vomiting (without nausea)
- Positive Babinski reflex: dorsiflexion (upward movement) of the big toe and fanning of the other toes.
Monitoring ICP
Patients with traumatic brain injury and a GCS score of 8 or less have an ICP monitor placed. (GCS 8 -> intubate)
Using a catheter or sensor.
Placed in lateral ventricle of brain, parenchyma, or subarachnoid space.
*Intraparenchymal sensor/probe
- No drainage
*Subarachnoid bolt
- Temporary, no drainage
*Intraventricular catheter
- Ability to monitor pressure and drain CSF
- Increased risk of infection
Increased ICP
Diagnostic Tests: Labs, Radiology
Blood &Urine
- ABGs: evaluation of the PaCO2, which causes vasoconstriction (decreased PaCO2) or vasodilation (increased PaCO2) of cerebral blood vessels. Cerebral vasoconstriction can reduce ICP, and vasodilation of the cerebral blood vessels can increase ICP in brain injury.
- Coagulation Profile
- Electrolytes: A target above the normal sodium range is chosen on the basis of the severity of cerebral edema and the specific disease process. The purpose of monitoring serum sodium is to determine whether a patient is meeting the target to maintain a continuous concentration gradient favoring the pull of water out of the brain tissue.
- Serum Osmolality: monitor effects of mannitol
- Urinalysis and osmolality
- Computed Tomography (CT) of the head
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Cerebral blood flow with transcranial
Medical Management of Increased ICP
Adequate Oxygenation
- Mechanical Ventilation
- ABGs
- Goal: Maintain PaO2 above 80mm Hg!
PaCO2 Management
- Goal: Maintain PaCO2 35 – 45mm Hg!
- Hyperventilation decreases PaCO2 resulting in
decreased cerebral blood flow (CBF)
- Hyperventilation no longer recommended to
manage increased ICP
- Reduces brain tissue volume
- Osmotic diuretics (Mannitol & Hypertonic Saline)
- Mannitol pulls water from the interstitial spaces into the vascular space, and then diuresis occurs at the level of the kidney
- High-concentration sodium chloride solutions pull water from the interstitial spaces into the vascular space without the dramatic fluid shifts caused when osmotic diuretics are utilized.
- Loop diuretics (Lasix)
Fluid administration
- In order to compensate for the systemic dehydration and hypovolemia that occur with the administration of mannitol, IV fluid should be administered to replace losses.
- Optimize MAP & maintain intravascular volume
- Isotonic solution (Normal Saline)
- Strict I&O
- Keep serum osmolarity < 320 mOsm/L
Blood Pressure
- Goal: MAP 70 – 90 mm Hg
- CPP: at least 70 mm Hg
- Avoid hypertension! Increases cerebral blood volume
- Antihypertensives (Nicardipine & Labetolol)
Seizure Prophylaxis
- Fosphenytoin (Cerebyx) & Levetiracetam (Keppra)
Increased ICP
Nursing Interventions
- HOB 30-35 degrees: facilitates drainage of blood from the jugular venous system, decreasing ICP.
- Neutral head position
- No flexion of the neck or hips: ensures that large veins in the abdomen are not compressed, decreasing venous return.
- Only when necessary
- Limit suctioning to 10-15 seconds
- Hyperventilate before and after
- Neuro exam (per hospital protocol)
- Vital signs: Prompt identification of hypotension and decreased oxygenation (SpO2) is important in preventing further brain injury resulting from decreased perfusion and oxygenation.
- ICP and CPP (per hospital protocol)
- Temperature control: Increasing cerebral metabolism may exacerbate existing brain injury by increasing the demand for oxygen and nutrients where there is existing poor blood flow
- Sedatives: treat pain, anxiety, restlessness
Traumatic Brain Injury
Risk Factors
Leading causes are falls, MVCs, and being struck by
an object
Certain individuals are at higher risk
* Alcohol use, drug use, team sports, not wearing seatbelts
* Men > Women
* Very young (<10 years) and elderly (>74 years)
Classifications of TBI
Determined by worst non-confounded (free of alcohol or drugs)
Mild brain injury
* GCS: 13- 15
Moderate brain injury
* GCS: 9 – 12
Severe brain injury
* GCS: 3-8
* GCS of 8, intubate
- Eye Opening: Spontaneously, to speech, to pain, no response
- Verbal Response: Oriented to person/time/place, confused, inappropriate words, incomprehensible sounds, no sounds
- Motor Response: Obeys command, moves to localized pain, flex to withdraw pain, abnormal flexion, abnormal extension, no response
Primary (Coup)
- Initial mechanical insult
Secondary (Contrecoup)
- Secondary injury
Types of TBI
Skull fractures
- Linear: skull fractures at the base of the skull are termed basilar fractures.
- Depressed: occurs when the outer table of the skull is depressed below the inner table of the surrounding intact skull. If the scalp is lacerated and the dura is torn, there is direct communication between the brain and the environment, and meningitis can occur.
- Comminuted: occurs when there are multiple linear fractures with a depressed area at the side of impact.
Penetrating injuries
- Result of low or high-velocity forces such as gunshots, knives, or sharp objects.
- Deep laceration of brain tissue and possible damage to the ventricular system.
- Superficial bleeding that occurs on the surface of the brain, often at the point of initial impact or “coup” location
- Occurs when a mechanical force of short duration is applied to the skull.
Diffuse Axonal Injuries (DAI)
- With this injury, widespread white matter axonal damage occurs secondary to rotational and shearing forces.
Basilar Skull Fracture
- Occurs at the base of the skull
- CSF can leak from ears and nose due to fracture
- There is potential for hemorrhage from this injury
- Battle’s Sign (bruising behind and Raccoon Eyes (late signs)
Treatment - Bedrest with HOB elevated (High-Fowler’s)
- Neuro checks
- No blowing of the nose or nasal suctioning
- No NG tube: may cause further disruption of a fracture and places the patient at risk for the tube to invade the cranium.
- Management of CSF leak: If clear fluid is draining from the ear or nose, it should not be stopped; it should be collected using loosely applied gauze.
Epidural Hematoma
- In an epidural hematoma, blood collects
between the skull and the dura mater - The dura is the tough covering of the brain that
covers the brain and spinal cord and is
connected to the inside surface of skull in the
suture lines, forming potential compartments or
spaces - When an epidural hematoma occurs, blood fills
a particular epidural compartment and begins to
compress brain tissue inward - The patient typically experiences a brief loss of consciousness followed by a lucid period before neurological deterioration. The lucid period may last for a few hours to 48 hours.
Subdural Hematoma
- A subdural hematoma refers to a collection of
blood beneath the dura and above the arachnoid
layer; which is most often caused by venous
bleeding - When the head is impacted by a blunt force, the
brain moves within the skull and dural covering.
When the brain moves within the dural covering,
tension is placed on bridging veins, causing
stretching and tearing and releasing a steady flow
of blood around the brain in the subdural space
Symptoms of a subacute subdural hematoma occur anywhere from 48 hours to two weeks after an injury.
A higher incidence of chronic subdural hematomas is seen in the elderly, chronic alcohol abusers, and those taking anticoagulants such as warfarin, antiplatelet aggregation, or aspirin.
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
- Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage is the most
common type but may be due to a cerebral
aneurysm - Poor prognosis
- Occurs as a result of disruption in the veins and
arteries traversing the arachnoid layer
Clinical Manifestations - Neck pain
- Horner’s sign
*Miosis – pupillary constriction
*Ptosis – eyelid droop
*Anhidrosis – decreased sweating
Thunderclap HA
Drape over eyes
Complications of TBI
- Diabetes insipidus: occurs in the absence of ADH; urinary output increases rapidly, causing a loss of free water and severe dehydration manifesting as hypernatremia and low urine specific gravity.
- Syndrome of inappropriate anti diuretic hormone (SIADH): occurs when an excessive amount of ADH is secreted from the posterior pituitary; results in the retention of free water, causing hyponatremia and normal to low urinary output.
Medical Management of TBI (assessment/actions)
- Neurological assessments (GCS)
- Airway management
- Hemodynamic monitoring
- ICP monitoring
- Evaluation of laboratory testing
- Enteral nutrition: Patients with severe TBI demonstrate a hypercatabolic state where the body utilizes substrates at a rapid pace, causing utilization and depletion of fat and protein stores.
- Seizure precautions: at risk for seizures
- Temperature: antipyretics and cooling devices as ordered
Surgical Treatment for TBI
- Debridement & cleaning open wounds
- Craniotomy
- Surgical evacuation of epidural & subdural hematoma
Parkinson’s Disease
- Motor system disorder
- Involves the loss of dopamine producing brain cells in the substantia nigra of the basal ganglia
- Deterioration of the substantia nigra decreases the amount of dopamine in the brain. The excitatory ACh neurons continue to proliferate, remaining active while there is a continued loss of dopamine and its inhibitory mechanisms, culminating in the loss of initiation and control of voluntary movement.
Clinical Manifestations
Two or more symptoms with asymmetrical presentation:
- Resting tremors (pill-rolling tremor)
- Muscle rigidity
- Bradykinesia (slowness of movement)
- Akinesia (loss of movement)
- Postural instability (impaired balance and frequent falls)
- Mood, cognitive, and behavioral alterations
- Slow, shuffling gait
- Widening of gait
- Postural instability
- Drooling
- “Pill-rolling” tremor
- Cogwheel rigidity
- Masklike face
- Bowel or bladder function: risk for incontinence and constipation
Anticholinergic Medications
Examples, Considerations
Examples: Trihexyphenidyl (Artane) & Benztropine (Cogentin)
- These medications block the cholinergic receptors in the CNS, thereby suppressing acetylcholine activity
- Reduces tremors and drooling
- Generally avoided in older adults because of side effects including confusion, memory impairment, blurred vision, dry mouth, constipation, and urinary retention.
- Not to be used in patients with Glaucoma
Dopamine-receptor agonists
Examples, MOA, Contraindications, Side Effects
Examples: Ropinirole (Requip) & Pramipexole (Mirapex)
- Stimulates the dopamine receptors and increase the amount of dopamine available in the CNS
- Enhances neurotransmission of dopamine
- Contraindicated in patients with cardiac, renal, or psychiatric disorders
- Side effects include N&V, drowsiness, orthostatic hypotension
Sinemet (Carbidopa/Levodopa)
Examples, MOA, Consideration
Adds more dopamine to the brain
Carbidopa prevents Levodopa from breaking down in the blood
Levodopa enters the brain and turns into dopamine
Common side effects are nausea and involuntary movement
Takes about 3 weeks to be effective
Long-term use may result in “wearing off” of symptoms
Entacapone (Comtan)
MOA, Considerations
COMT inhibitor (Catechol-o-methyltransferase)
Used with Sinemet
Blocks COMT enzyme that breaks down Levodopa in the blood making it last longer
Avoid MAO inhibitors – hypertensive crisis
Avoid foods or supplements high in vitamin B6
Do not take with a meal high in protein
Priority Actions / Nursing Interventions
- Administer medications as prescribed.
- Implement safety precautions.
- Facilitate nutritional intake.
- Elevate head of bed when eating and drinking.
- Suction equipment at the bedside.
- Administer stool softeners and increase fluid intake.
- Encourage the patient to participate in self-care activities.
- Facilitate interprofessional collaboration with physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy.
Teaching - Medication compliance
- Safety precautions
- Psychosocial support
- Progressive neurodegenerative disease associated with impaired cortical function (motor or sensory function).
- Impaired cognitive function (language, motor, memory, etc.)
- Many different types of dementia (vascular, genetic, infection, toxins, etc.)
- Alzheimer’s is the most common type
Alzheimer’s Disease
Clinical Manifestations
- Forgetfulness (First symptom)
- Difficulty with language (vocabulary and fluency)
- Problems with short-term memory
- Agnosia (inability to process sensory information)
- Emotional lability
- Personality changes
- Loss of cognitive skills (abstract thinking, judgment, and calculations)
- Loss of executive functioning
Alzheimer’s Disease
Medication Management
Donepezil (Aricept)
- Inhibits acetylcholinesterase, improving acetylcholinergic function.
Rivastigmine (Exelon)
- Inhibits acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase.
Galantamine (Razadyne)
- Inhibits acetylcholinesterase, improving acetylcholinergic function.
Memantine (Namenda)
- NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) antagonist
- Binds to central nervous system NMDA receptor sites, preventing binding of glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter
- Activation of extra synaptic NMDARs promotes cell death and thus contributes to the etiology of Alzheimer’s
- Decreases symptoms of dementia/cognitive decline
Alzheimer’s Disease
Priority Assessments
Weight, intake and output
- May forget to eat
Bowel and bladder function
- May experience incontinence
- Risk for skin breakdown due to decreased mobility and incontinence
Activities of daily living
- Can gradually lose the ability to feed, bathe, dress, and/or use the toilet themselves
Environment and safety*
- May wander and are unable to assess the safety of their surroundings
- Patient may exhibit changes in affect and mood.
Alzheimer’s Disease
Priority Actions
- Encourage/assist with feeding; provide finger foods
- Implement safety measures (including maintaining the bed in lowest position, grab bars in the bathroom, clutter-free environment, and eliminating throw rugs)
- Implement routine toileting practices
- Provide a routine including walks and other activities
- Speak calmly using positive statements and reassurance when the patient is agitated
- Provide diversionary activities for the Alzheimer’s disease patient
- Provide the caregiver/family with emotional support
- Facilitate activities during the day to assist with sleep during the night (no napping)
Alzheimer’s Disease
- Teach families how to care for the patient with Alzheimer’s disease
- Teach family how to label all dangerous substances and items and to secure them carefully
- Educate family on the potential for monitoring systems that will alert family members should the patient attempt to leave the home.
- Provide referral assistance for support groups and for alternate care settings should the need arise
Myasthenia Gravis
- In normal nerve transmission, ACh is produced and secreted in the terminal ends of the motor nerves. Acetylcholine crosses the synaptic clefts and attaches to ACh receptors (AChRs) embedded in the folds of the postsynaptic membrane.
- In MG, circulating anti-AChR antibodies bind with the AChR, resulting in complement-mediated destruction of receptor sites.
- Postsynaptic membranes lose their folds, and ACh binding is blocked.
- This results in skeletal muscle weakness and fatigability.
- 3 Serotypes: anti-AChR (80%), MuSK (10%), and seronegative (10%)
- The thymus gland is an organ of the immune system that produces T cells or T lymphocytes.
- 70% of patients with MG have thymic hyperplasia (enlarged thymus), whereas 10% have thymoma (tumor of the thymus gland).
Clinical Manifestations of Myasthenia Gravis
Bulbar (medualla oblongata) symptoms are usually the first to appear
- Damage to CN IX (glossopharyngeal), CN X (vagus), CN XI (accessory), and CN XII (hypoglossal) leads to impairment of swallowing and speech and weakness of the neck muscles
Can also affect ocular nerves: CN II (optic), CN III (oculomotor), CN IV (Trochlear), CN V (Trigeminal), CN VI (Abducens), and CN VII (Facial)
- “Weakness”
- Weakness to the neck, face, arms and legs
- Eyelid drooping (Ptosis)
- Appearance masklike; very sleepy; no expression
- Keep choking, gagging while eating
- No energy
- Extraocular muscle involvement (Strabismus, double vision)
- Slurred speech (hoarse voice)
- Shortness of breath
Diagnostic Tests for Myasthenia Gravis
- Serological testing (AChR antibodies assay)
- Repetitive nerve stimulation and Electromyography
- Single-fiber electromyography
- Tensilon (Edrophonium) Test
- CT scan of the chest
Myasthenia Gravis
Myasthenia and Cholinergic Crisis
Myasthenic Crisis
- NOT ENOUGH Anticholinesterase medication
- Can be due to Stress, Respiratory infection, or Surgery
- Acute episode of respiratory failure
- Additional features of myasthenic crisis include tachycardia, flaccid muscles, and pale and cool skin
- Intravenous immunoglobulin or plasmapheresis
Cholinergic Crisis
- TOO MUCH Anticholinesterase medication
- Bradycardia, fasciculations (muscle twitch), sweating, pallor, excessive secretions and small pupils.
- Anticholinergic medications are temporarily discontinued in cholinergic crisis
Myasthenia Gravis
Tensilon Test
- What happens
- How it responds to myasthenia and cholinergic crises
- Edrophonium 10mg is administered by IV push and temporarily improves neuromuscular transmission by inhibiting AChE, which is the enzyme that degrades ACh after binding to the AChR site.
- It is a short acting anti cholinesterase medication.
- Improvement of muscle weakness at 2 to 5 minutes followed by return to baseline over the next 5 minutes indicates a positive test.
- Antidote is atropine (anticholinergic).
- Have intubation supplies nearby, patient on monitor
- If given to person in cholinergic crisis -> bradycarida, affects the lungs
- If myasthenic crisis -> symptoms would improve
Myasthenia Gravis
Priority Medications
- Pyridostigmine: AChE inhibitor. 30mg to 60mg every 4 hours while awake
- Neostigmine: Shorter-acting AChE inhibitor. Given intravenously; ratio is 1mg to 60 mg pyridostigmine
- Immunotherapy: Inhibits T-cell proliferation. Azathiopine (Imuran), CellCept, Cyclosporine.
- IV Immunoglobulin: Inactivates abnormal autoantibodies and suppresses T-cell function. Very expensive!
- Plasmapheresis
Myasthenia Gravis
Priority Interventions/Teaching
Medication Management
- Pyridostigmine must be administered exactly at the prescribed hour to maintain optimal muscle strength.
- Patients often take pyridostigmine 30 to 60 minutes before meals to minimize difficulty with chewing and swallowing.
Elevate HOB
- Weakness of the oropharyngeal muscles increases the risk of aspiration
Consult with speech pathology
- Verbal communication is impaired by dysarthria.
Dietary Education
- Timing the meals with peak medication levels decreases the risk of aspiration.
Keep medication at all times
- The patient should not miss a dose of pyridostigmine bromide because this can lead to muscular weakness.
Plan for rest periods between ADLs
- Use energy conservation techniques to minimize fatigue and muscle weakness.
Obtain Vaccinations (Flu/Pneumonia)
- Respiratory infections may lead to myasthenic crisis
Medical Alert Bracelet
Guillan-Barre Syndrome
What is it?
- A disorder of the PNS characterized by acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (simultaneous neuropathy of peripheral nerves).
- Often occurs after an infection and leads to a rapidly progressing flaccid paralysis.
- About 2/3 of patients who developed GBS demonstrate clinical manifestations of an infection 3 weeks prior to onset.
- Respiratory or GIinfections are the most common sources.
- Examples: Campylobacter jejuni, Epstein-Barr virus, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenza, and the Zika virus (transmitted by mosquitoes)
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
- In GBS, the patient’s own immune system begins to destroy the myelin that surrounds the peripheral nerves.
- The immune system produces antibodies in response to a viral or bacterial illness to fight the infection.
- Antibodies are also produced that attack the myelin of the peripheral nerves.
- Nerve damage results in numbness and tingling, muscle weakness, paralysis, and potential respiratory compromise.
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Clinical Manifestations
*The patient with GBS develops a symmetrical ascending motor weakness and paralysis that usually starts in the feet and extends to the trunk and arms (it starts in the toes and up it goes!)
*After the first few days of weakness, neurological assessment demonstrates diminished or absent reflexes.
*Cranial nerve involvement (85% of cases)
- CN VII (facial nerve): difficulty with facial expressions
- CNs IX (glossopharyngeal), X (vagus), XI (spinal accessory), & XII (hypoglossal): dysphagia
- CN X (vagus): autonomic nervous system (cardiac dysrhythmias, hypotension, paralytic ileus, urinary retention and SIADH)
*40% GBS patients develop respiratory impairment
Diagnosis of Guillain-Barre Syndrome
- Established diagnostic criteria for GBS which includes progressive weakness of two or more limbs caused by neuropathy, areflexia, or recent bacterial or viral infection.
- Electromyography: slowed nerve conduction velocity after developing paralysis
- Lumbar puncture: CSF contains elevated protein, normal WBC count
Treatment of Guillain-Barre Syndrome
*Management of GBS focuses on supportive care and reducing severity, potential complications, suffering, and recovery time.
*It is an autoimmune disorder, but current research recommends not giving corticosteroids.
*Two main approaches for treatment:
- IVIG: Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy can shorten the length of the recovery phase by 50%. This treatment may work by several mechanisms, which include blocking of macrophage receptors, the inhibition of antibody production, the inhibition of complement binding, and the neutralization of pathological antibodies.
- Plasmapheresis: this therapy can reduce recovery time, yet requires the insertion of a plasmapheresis catheter, skilled nursing staff and specialized equipment that may not be available at all health care facilities.
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Perform respiratory assessment
- Compromise secondary to weakness of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles may require intubation
CN assessments
- Focus on facial expression, speech, gag, and swallow.
Motor and sensory assessment
- Impairment may develop related to slowing of impulses or a conduction block secondary to demyelination of peripheral nerves.
Pain assessment
- Pain may be due to sensory nerve fiber involvement.
Turn frequently and perform ROM exercises
- Immobility places the patient at risk for contractures, skin breakdown, and VTE.
VTE prevention
- SubQ heparin, antiembolism hose, sequential compression devices
Establish a method of communication
- The patient may not have the strength to locate and use the call light.
- Soft call bell
Consult with dietitian as needed
Multiple Sclerosis
- Chronic neurological disorder in which the nerves of the CNS (brain and spinal cord) degenerate.
- Classified as an autoimmune disease, in which the immune system mistakenly identifies normal body substances and tissues as foreign substances and attacks them.
- Typical onset between 20 and 50 years.
- Four main types: relapsing-remitting, secondary progressive, progressive relapsing, and primary progressive.
- Demyelination of the myelin sheath. In MS, the immune system attacks the brain and spinal cord.
- Immune cells, T-lymphocytes infiltrate and attack the myelin and may cross the blood brain barrier.
Clinical Manifestations of Multiple Sclerosis
- Varies depending on the location of the affected nerve fibers
- Numbness or weakness to one or more limbs
- Partial or complete vision loss, often with pain during eye movement (optic neuritis)
- Double or blurred vision
- Tingling or pain
- Electric shock sensations that occur with head movement
- Tremor, lack of coordination, or unsteady gait
- Fatigue
- Dizziness
- Bowel and/or bladder dysfunction
Multiple Sclerosis
There is NO specific test so it can be difficult to diagnose.
For a definitive diagnosis, the patient MUST have two separate symptomatic events or MRI changes in at least two separate locations.
- Vitamin B12 and E deficiencies
- Lyme Disease
- ANA for autoimmune diseases
- Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) for inflammation
- Rapid plasma regain (RPR) for neurosyphilis
- Lupus anticoagulant for coagulopathy
- CSF sample to be tested for white blood cells or protein to rule out viral infections
- MRI to identify brain lesions (plaques)
Multiple Sclerosis
- Interferon beta-1a
- Interferon beta-1b
Muscle Relaxants to decrease spasticity
Corticosteroids to treat attacks
Anticonvulsants to prevent seizures
Multiple Sclerosis
Nursing Assessments/Interventions
Assess neuromuscular function
- Evaluate for changes in clinical presentation or for new symptoms to be addressed as the disease progresses and new areas of demyelination occur.
Vision/eye movement
- Demyelination of cranial nerves can result in optic neuritis, causing vision changes.
Skin integrity
- Immobility promotes breakdown as a result of compression of soft tissue between a bony prominence and an external surface.
Ability to perform ADLs/Implement safety measures
- Evaluate the need for assistive devices to decrease the danger of falls.
Bowel and bladder function
- Impaired innervation to the bladder and bowel may result in incontinence and constipation.
Encourage ROM exercises
- Increase venous return, prevent stiffness, and maintain muscle strength and endurance.
Medication administration and teaching
Spinal Cord Tumors
Patho, Types
- Abnormal tissue growth (benign or malignant) in or around the spine.
- Primary spinal cord tumors originate within the CNS; secondary tumors originate outside the CNS then metastasize or spread to the spine.
- Approximately 10% to 15% of all primary CNS tumors are found in the spinal cord.
- The spinal column is the most common site for bone metastasis.
- As the abnormal tissue grows, it causes compression and stretching of the nerve fiber tracts.
- This results in further neurological deterioration because of the loss of motor and sensory functions.
- Primary tumors include both malignant and benign tumors
- Secondary tumors are metastasis and are always malignant (lung, breast, prostate, renal, thyroid, etc.)
Extradural - located outside the dura
Intradural - located within the dura
Extramedullary - located inside the dura but outside the cord
Intramedullary - located within the cord
Clinical Manifestations of Spinal Cord Tumor
- Clinical presentation of a spinal tumor has manifestations similar to low back pain
- Back pain that may radiate down the arms or legs
- With tumors in the cervical area, patients may notice loss of manual dexterity and clumsiness
- Additional manifestations based on location including numbness and tingling, weakness in the distal extremities, urinary incontinence, and bowel pattern changes.
Diagnosis of spinal cord tumor
Thorough physical exam, focusing on back pain and any noted motor or sensory deficits
CT scan
Biopsy and a CT of chest and abdomen
Spinal Cord Tumor
- Monitoring
- Surgery (with acceptable risk of nerve damage)
- Radiation therapy (first line for metastatic tumors)
- Stereotactic radiosurgery
- Chemotherapy (not proven effective for most spinal cord tumors)
- Corticosteroids (reduce swelling following surgery or during radiation treatments)
Spinal Cord Tumor
Nursing assessment Interventions
Neurological status/assessments
- Locate level of function
Pain assessment
- May have increased pain above the level of the tumor.
Bowel or bladder function
- Tumors that compress the spinal cord are associated with dysfunction of bladder and bowel function. The patient may present with incontinence, urinary retention, or constipation.
Coping skills
- Identify current coping skills that work and the patient’s support system.
ROM exercises
- Prevent contractures and loss of muscle tone; strengthen unaffected muscles
Skin integrity
- Reposition every 2 hours and as needed
Pre-operative teaching if necessary
- To decrease anxiety level and help promote compliance
Spinal Cord Injury
- Acute spinal cord injury (SCI) is an unexpected catastrophic event that results in the loss of function such as mobility or sensation
- Spinal cord trauma may result from either direct injury to the cord or indirectly from damage to surrounding bones, tissues or blood vessels
- The mechanism of injury may be caused by hyperextension, hyperflexion, rotation, and vertical compression (axial loading), or penetrating injuries
Spinal Cord Injury
Clinical Manifestations
- The spinal nerves within the cord carry messages from the brain to the spinal nerves (upper motor neurons) and back.
- Spinal nerves called lower motor neurons branch out from the spinal cord to specific areas of the body.
- After an SCI, spinal cord edema develops; and necrosis of the spinal cord can develop as a result of compromised capillary circulation and venous return.
- Spinal cord injuries are divided into two classifications – complete and incomplete injuries.
Cervical injuries - Injury at C2 to C3 is usually fatal
- involvement above C4 causes respiratory difficulty and paralysis of all four extremities
Thoracic Injuries - Loss of movement of the chest, trunk, bowel, bladder, and legs may occur, depending on the level of injury
- Leg paralysis (paraplegia) may occur
Lumbar injuries - Loss of movement and sensation of the lower extremities may occur, bowel/bladder dysfunction, sexual dysfunction
Spinal Cord Injury
Immediate care
Medical Management
Immediate Care
- Maintain airway
- Maintain spinal immobilization
- IV access
- Telemetry monitoring
- X-ray
- CT scan
Medical Management
- No way to reverse spinal cord damage.
- Treatment focuses on maintaining airway patency, adequate breathing and oxygenation, preventing shock, spinal immobilization, restoring and maintaining blood pressure.
- Loss of vasomotor tone causes blood to pool in vessels and results in low blood pressure. IV fluids, vasopressors, and inotropes are often used to provide adequate fluid resuscitation, increase tone, and increase cardiac output.
- Volume expansion if necessary (crystalloids, colloids, blood products)
- Medications: Dopamine, Levophed, Neo-Synephrine, Vasopressin, Dobutamine
Spinal Cord Injury
Surgical Interventions
Gardner Wells Tongs
- Used for cervical traction
- Pressure-controlled pins are inserted into the skull at opposite ends to permit a longitudinal force to be applied to the axis of the spinal column
- The tongs are attached to weights using a pulley system at the head of the bed
- Weights are attached to the tongs and the patient is used as countertraction to maintain proper alignment
Halo Traction
- A device used to maintain cervical mobilization for specific types of cervical fractures
- Made up of a ring around the patient’s head attached to a special vest by four rods
- Titanium screws are screwed into the skull and attached to the halo traction device
- Weights connect to the halo at the head of the bed over a pulley system
Decompressive Laminectomy
- Removal of one or more of the laminae
- Allows for cord expansion from edema
- Performed if conventional methods fail to prevent neurological deterioration
Spinal fusion
- Bone is grafted between the vertebrae for support and to strengthen the spine
Spinal Cord Injury Complications
- Spinal shock: A complete but temporary loss of motor, sensory, reflex, and autonomic function that occurs immediately after injury as the cord’s response to the injury. It usually lasts less than 48 hours but can continue for several weeks. Typical symptoms include hypotension and bradycardia.
- Neurogenic shock: Occurs most commonly in patients with injuries above T6 and usually is experienced soon after the injury. Massive vasodilation occurs, leading to pooling of the blood in blood vessels, tissue hypoperfusion, and impaired cellular metabolism. Clinical manifestations include vasodilation, bradycardia, body temperature instability, and hypotension. Treatment often includes fluid, vasopressors, and other medications such as atropine for bradycardia.
- Autonomic dysreflexia: Characterized by severe hypertension, bradycardia, severe headache, nasal stuffiness and flushing. It generally occurs after the period of spinal shock is resolved and occurs with lesions or injuries above T6 and in cervical lesions. It is commonly caused by visceral distention from a distended bladder or impacted rectum. Emergency that requires immediate intervention to prevent hypertensive stroke. Catheter, HOB up
Spinal Cord Injury
Nursing Assessments/Interventions
Respiratory function
- Loss of intercostal muscle function results in decreased title volume and may lead to hypoventilation; C4 and higher injuries may result in complete loss of diaphragmatic effort.
Vital signs
- Depending on the level of injury, because of loss of sympathetic input the patient may experience spinal shock, neurogenic shock, respiratory or cardiac arrest, or autonomic dysreflexia.
Pain management
- There may be increased pain above the level of injury as a result of damage to the spinal cord or nerve roots.
Intake and output
- Fluid volume status is important in evaluating the effectiveness of therapies. Also, with decreased renal perfusion there is decreased urine output.
Maintain spinal immobilization and pin site care
- The sites must be frequently assessed for signs of infection, bleeding, or CSF leak.
Bowel sounds
- Decreased perfusion to the GI tract can lead to decreased GI motility and paralytic ileus.
Reposition and maintain good alignment
- Prevents pressure injuries and decreases risk of DVT due to immobility.
Passive ROM and VTE prophylaxis
- Prevents contractures and loss of muscle tone; strengthens unaffected muscles; minimizes risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT).