What is the definition of lymphoma?
A group of diseases caused by malignant lymphocyte accumulation in lymph nodes and lymphoid tissues, leading to lymphadenopathy.
What are the two main types of lymphoma?
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
What is Burkitt Lymphoma (BL)?
An aggressive, rapidly growing B-cell lymphoma endemic in Africa.
What are the key risk factors for Burkitt Lymphoma?
Malaria infestation, EBV infection, immunosuppression, and exposure to milk bush sap (Euphorbia tirucalli).
What is the age group most affected by Burkitt Lymphoma?
Children aged 1-10 years, with a peak incidence at 4-7 years.
What are the clinical features of Burkitt Lymphoma?
Massive jaw swelling, abdominal or ovarian masses, CNS involvement, and a male-to-female ratio of 2:1.
What are the diagnostic methods for Burkitt Lymphoma?
Lymph node biopsy, immunohistochemistry, cytogenetic studies, and liquid biopsy.
What supportive investigations are used in BL diagnosis?
FBC, U&E, LFT, LDH, bone marrow aspiration, and imaging such as CT or MRI.
What is the staging system for Burkitt Lymphoma?
Ann Arbor, St Jude/Murphy, and International Pediatric NHL Staging System (IPNHLSS).
What factors influence the prognosis of Burkitt Lymphoma?
Tumor bulk, stage, LDH level, CNS/BM involvement, nutritional status, comorbidities, and age ≥12 years.
What is the standard treatment for Burkitt Lymphoma?
Cytotoxic regimens like COM/COMP, Ara-C, asparaginase, and CODOX/MIVAC.
What pre-cytotoxic measures are recommended?
Hydration, malaria prophylaxis, infection management, and tumor lysis syndrome prevention.
Who first described Burkitt Lymphoma?
Denis Parsons Burkitt in 1958 in Uganda.
What is the male-to-female ratio of Burkitt Lymphoma cases?
What percentage of childhood cancers in tropical Africa is due to Burkitt Lymphoma?
Over 50%.