BUMEDINST 1300.2B Flashcards
Within how many days must a service member complete their suitability screening after receipt of overseas orders/OSN?
30 days
Within how many days must a family member complete their suitability screening after receipt of overseas orders/OSN?
60 days
What is the abbreviation OSN?
Overseas Screening Notification
What is the abbreviation SSC?
Suitability Screening Coordinator
What is the abbreviation EDIS?
Educational and Developmental Intervention Services
What is the abbreviation DoDEA?
Department of Defense Education Activity
What form does the CO of the parent command document a service members or family members suitability/unsuitability for overseas or remote duty on?
NAVPERS 1300/6 Report of Suitability for Overseas
What is the abbreviation MAS?
Medical Assignment Screening
What should a physician do if they identify a medical condition that interferes with a Service member’s ability to perform their duties during the suitability screening?
Initiate a Medical Evaluation Board (MEB)
Where do physicians refer family members when a special medial or educational need is identified during the suitablity screeing process?
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Coordinator
What forms are signed by the CO or OIC of MTFs and medical departments when conducting suitability screenings?
NAVPERS 1300/16 after reviewing NAVMED 1300/1
What form will MTF providers use to refer family members found with special medical and/or educational needs to the EFMP coordinator?
DD 2792
What form must be completed for children receiving early intervention or special education services?
DD 2792-1
When a family has significant medial needs, who assists them with questions related to TRICARE befits?
Beneficiary Counselor and Assistance Coordinator (BCAC)
Who appoints the SSC to a clinic?
CO in writing (SSC = Suitability Screening Coordinator)
SSC’s should be in their position for a minimum of how many year?
2 years
What is the minimum rank for an EFMP coordinator?
E-5 or above or civilian equivalent
EFMP coordinators should be in their position for a minimum of how many years?
2 years
Can IDCs complete medical suitability screenings?
yes, only on Service members
What is the minimum rank of the dental SSC?
E-6 or above