BUMEDINST 1300.2B Flashcards
What is the CO from the transferring (parent) commands responsibility (3)?
Ensure each service member is screened within 30 days of reciept of TRANSFER orders.
Each family member is screened withing 60 days
Document Service member and family suitability/unsuitability on NAVPERS 1300/16 (report of suitability for overseas)
Responsibility of CO’s of MTF’s and medical departments(3)?
Ensure medical, dental and educational suitability screening is conducted.
Provide transfering command with a recommendation of SM and family suitability.
Ensure all suitability inquiries are fowarded to gaining MTF when ANY shaded area is marked on NAVMED 1300/1.
NAVMED 1300/1
Medical, dental, and educational suitability screening for service and family members.
NAVMED 1300/16
Report of suitabiltiy overseas
DD FORM 2792
Family member medical summary.
EFMP Coordinator responsibility and appointment (4).
Oversees EFMP enrollment
Hold position for minimum of 2 years
E-5 and above or civilian
Appointed by CO in writing
Responsibility of SSC (suitability screening coordinator) and appointment (3)
E-6 and above
Hold position for minimum of 2 years
Appointed by CO in writing
Who is reponsible for compiling EFMP packages for marine corps
Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC)
Tricare area office (TAO) contacts are responsible for what?
Providing recommendations to gaining SSC based on medical capabilities in locations not near an MTF
NAVMED 1300/2
Medical, dental, and educational suitability screening CHECKLIST and worksheet.
NAVMED 1300/3
Medical assignment screening
NAVMED 6600/13
Oral Exam
NAVMED 6600/14
Dental Treatment
What is the 30/60 day timeline?
Sailors with dependants will be given 30 days from the day the transferring command recieves the orders to complete the screening process for the sailor
Sailors will be given 60 days from the day the transferring command recieves the orders to complete the screening process for THEIR DEPENDENTS.
Transferring command responsability in 30/60 day timeline?
Service member is screened within 30 days of receipt of transfer orders. Family members are screened within 60 days of receipt of transfer orders.