Bulletin 101: Fire RMS Flashcards
From the Bulletin Book:
Reporting information to the National Fire Data Center is mandatory for the DCFD. True or False?
From the Bulletin Book:
Are Medic Locals included in the group of responses to complete?
From the Bulletin Book:
Are suppresion units required to fill out naratives on Medic Locals?
From the Bulletin Book:
If 2 suppresion units respond on a Medic Local who is responsible for closing the report?
The closest unit
From the Bulletin Book:
Can marks be made in the journal to denote items of particular importance?
From the Bulletin Book:
How much time is allowed to complete RMS reports?
96 hrs
From the Bulletin Book:
If a fire investigator is on the scene of s fire, who is responsible for completeing the report?
The Fire Investigator
From the Bulletin Book:
If the incident on scene is different than what was dispatched, how is it recorded?
As the incident found
From the Bulletin Book:
Suppresion units must wait for the transport unit to ___________ before closing out the run.
clear the call
From the Bulletin Book:
The time that the OUC Call taker sent the call to the dispatcher screen is___________
The alarm time
From the Bulletin Book:
Using the “Filter the List” button, What do Paramedic Engines/Trucks/RS/etc., need to remember?
To Check for incidents with their unit name with & without the “P” (Bul.101 pg.12)
From the Bulletin Book:
The Key to accurately documenting our situation & actions is to maintain an understanding of _______ _______ coupled with examples of how to fill out some of our most commont types of incidents.
NFIRS Coding (Bul.101 pg.13)
From the Bulletin Book:
CHOOSE CORRECT ANSWER: Members Must document the incident situation FOUND or DISPATCHED?
Found (Bul.101 pg.13)
From the Bulletin Book:
When searching for the proper Incident Type, Members shall ALWAYS _______ -_______ on the field to access our common codes.
Right - Click (Bul.101 pg.13)
From the Bulletin Book:
True/False: Mandated Common Codes are found by clicking the Dropdown list on the Incident Type Field.
False: Right-Click the field to access mandated common codes. (Bul.101 pg.13)
From the Bulletin Book:
Fields in Red are:
NFIRS Required Fields (Bul.101 pg.13)
From the Bulletin Book:
When will suppression units be able to complete their Medical Incident Report?
Not until EMS units clear the hospital, which closes the event (Bul.101 pg.13)
From the Bulletin Book:
CAD Codes trigger what in the Incident Type field of NFIRS?
2-digit Code (Bul.101 pg.13)
From the Bulletin Book:
PSAP Time is what?
The time the OUC Call-Taker began entering the information about the call into the CAD (Bul.101 pg.14)
From the Bulletin Book:
What is Alarm Time?
Time the OUC Call-Taker sent the call to the dispatcher screen (Bul.101 pg.14
From the Bulletin Book:
What is Arrival Time?
Time the First Unit arrives on Scene (Bul.101 pg.14)
From the Bulletin Book:
Control Time is What?
Time the incident was placed under control. (Bul.101 pg.14)
From the Bulletin Book:
What time is required by NFIRS & MUST be populated for all brush/woods fires?
Contol Time (Bul.101 pg.14)
From the Bulletin Book:
What is Cleared Time?
Time & Date that the last unit on the call cleared the call. (Bul.101 pg.14)
From the Bulletin Book:
What field must be populated before incidents in FireRMS can be completed?
Cleared Time (Bul.101 pg.14)
From the Bulletin Book:
What is generally prepopulatd in the Incident Type field?
A 1 or 2 digit NFIRS Incident Type Header (Bul.101 pg.14)
From the Bulletin Book:
What is the 1 or 2 digit NFIRS Incident Type Header based on?
CAD Initial Dispatch Code (Bul.101 pg.14)
From the Bulletin Book:
What must members do with the prepopulated 1 or 2 digit NFIRS Incident Type?
Choose the 3 digit code that best depicts what the situation was upon arrival. (Bul.101 pg.14)
From the Bulletin Book:
What is the Initial Dispatch Code?
The Incident’s CAD Code (Bul.101 pg.15)
From the Bulletin Book:
If OUC uses a police CAD code, does FireRMS recognize it and still populate the correct 1, 2 or 3 digit NFIRS Situation Type Header Code?
No. It does not recognize Police CAD codes. (Bul.101 pg.15)
From the Bulletin Book:
On Proceed-Type calls, what box must be unchecked by members?
Priority Checkbox. (Bul.101 pg.15)
From the Bulletin Book:
How does a member change the EMS Provided box, if you were dispatched on a medical, but found nothing?
By Selecting the proper 3 digit code in the Incident Type Field. The box will automatically uncheck w/proper code. (Bul.101 pg.15)
From the Bulletin Book:
Incident Type Code 424 is for What type of call?
CO: (Bul.101 pg.15)
From the Bulletin Book:
Civilian or Fire Service Injuries or Deaths are indicated in what field of the NFIRS?
Casualties. (Bul.101 pg.15)
From the Bulletin Book:
What field do members fill out depicting the overarching major actions taken on any incident?
Actions Taken (Bul.101 pg.15)
From the Bulletin Book:
When completeing the “Actions Taken” of the FireRMS, do you list the actions taken from your individual unit, or is it the 3 major actions taken over the entire incident?
the 3 major actions taken over the entire unit. (Bul.101 pg.15 & pg.18)
From the Bulletin Book:
Mutual Aid field is automatically populated as ______. What do you change it to (as appropriate)?
N = NONE; Change it to Received or Provided as appropriate. (Bul.101 pg.15)
From the Bulletin Book:
Who needs to populate the “Critical Incident” field of the FireRMS?
Incident Commander (IC) (Bul.101 pg.15)
From the Bulletin Book:
When is the “Critical Incident” field changed from “NO”?
When the IC deems the incident requires the CISD Team. (Bul.101 pg.15)
From the Bulletin Book:
The first “Actions Taken” field of a fire will always be what?
“Extinguishment” (Bul.101 pg.18)
From the Bulletin Book:
Building Fire NIFRS Code
111 (Bul.101 pg.18)
From the Bulletin Book:
Outside Transformer Fire (no building involved) NIFRS Code
112(T) (Bul.101 pg.19)
From the Bulletin Book:
Food or Stove fire NIFRS Code
113 (no extention - only food/cooking pots/stoves) (Bul.101 pg.19)
From the Bulletin Book:
Code for a stove fire that extends into the cabinets?
111 (Building fire). (Bul.101 pg.20)