Buisness Unit 1 Key Terms Flashcards
Aims and objectives
Are the things that a business is trying to achieve, such as grow larger, or make more profit
Backwards vertical growth
When a business merges with, or takes over a business that supplies it with goods or services
Business objectives
What the business aims to achieve, and include survival, profit, growth and providing a service
Business plans
A simple plan which sets out details on the products or service being sold, where the finance is to come from to start the business, how the product or service is to be marketed, and the market research to show there is a need for what is being sold
Money raised to start or develop a business
Deed of
A document setting out the operations of the partnership, including
amount of capital to be invested and how profits will be shared
When a business merges with or takes over another business with
which there is no connection
The money paid to a shareholder from the profits of a limited
company. This is the reward for the shareholder taking a risk by
investing money in the company
A person who takes the risk of starting and running a business
The features of an entrepreneur, which include being determined,
creative and having the ability to take risks
External growth
Growth of a business by takeover or merger
The local community, suppliers, customers and government
A business word used instead of money. The finance needed to start
a business is the money needed to do so
Forwards vertical
When a business merges with, or takes over a business that it
supplies good or services to
Where a business becomes larger, for example by making more
products or opening more places where goods and services are sold
Horizontal growth
A merger or takeover where two businesses are involved in a similar
operation, e.g. two electrical producers or two shops selling fashion
The business owners and people who work in the business
Limited liability
Where the responsibility for the debts of a business is limited to the
amount invested by a shareholder. A feature of private and public
limited companies
Limited liability
Part partnership, part limited company. Owners are members, not
partners. They have limited liability and have to make their finances
available to the public
Where a business sells its goods and services
Market share
The share of the total market for a product or service and is shown
as a percentage
Where two or more businesses agree to join together
A term used to explain how a business works
Organic growth
Growth of a business internally by increasing sales. Sales can be
increased in a number of different ways