Buddhist Practises Flashcards
The Five Precepts
- To abstain from killing.
- To abstain from taking what is not given.
- To abstain from misuse of sexual pleasures.
- To abstain from false speech.
- To abstain from drugs and alcohol which may cloud the mind.
- means the Buddhist community.
* 3 parts are lay Buddhists, minks & nuns and the arya sangha (enlightened beings).
8 fold path steps
Right view, intention, action, livelihood, speech, effort, mindfulness and concentration.
3 categories: wisdom, morality and meditation.
Two types of meditation
Samantha and Vipassana.
Calming meditation.
Calms and clears the mind and helps to overcome desire.
Eg. Focusing on breathing.
Insight meditation.
Eg. Focusing on decaying corpse.
The three jewels
- The buddha.
- The dhamma.
- The sangha.
Everyday a Buddhist makes a declaration to take refuge in the three jewels.
Theravada meditation
Merit gained through worship, meditation and taking part in festivals and ceremonies.
Mahayana meditation
Buddhas attributes are prayed to directly during worship.
Ritual worship, offerings to statues and prayers often more of a focus than formal mediation.
Purpose of worship
Better kamma
Better rebirth
Escape samsara
Reach nibanna
Issues surrounding 8-fold path
Lay community may not have time to meditate.
Lay community may not have much choice over right livelihood.
Why is the 8-fold path important?
It was the buddhas first teaching
What can the 8 fold path be described as?
The ‘middle way’ between over-indulgence and self-denial.
Theravada view on 8 fold path
Individual effort in learning
Mahayana view on 8-fold path
Bodhisattvas delay their own enlightenment to help other follow the 8-fold path to reach theirs, emphasis on compassion.
What does the dhamaphadda state about the 8-fold path
It is the ‘best of states, freedom from passions’
Theravada view on nibbana
Way of elders- involving strict adherence to one path.
Achieved by following 8-fold path.
Arhat achieves enlightenment then goes beyond to nibbana.
May take many lifetimes to achieve.
Mahayana view on nibbana
Greater vehicle- suggesting there are several different routes to nibbana.
Transfer of merit to aid others in achieving nibbana.
Path of bodhisattva.
Enlightenment achievable in this lifetime.