buddhism Flashcards
therevada buddhists vs mahayana buddhists on buddha
- therevada arhats, buddha was just regular historical person
- mahayana boddhisatvas, buddha still spiritually exists
3 marks of existence
- anitya
- dukkha
- anatman
3 types dukkha
- dukkha dukkha - ordinary suffering
- viparinama dukkha - from change
- sankhara dukkha - suble dissatiffaction with life
3 poisons
- greed (lobha)
- hatred (dosa)
- ignorence (moha)
3 jewels
dharma, sangha, buddha
- aspects of the buddha
- created body - physical body
- enjoyment body - superior nature of enlightened ones
- reality body - abstract and absolute principle- dharma
4 noble truths
1) dukkha
2) samudaya - tanha is the origin of dukkha
3) nirodha - cessation of suffering
4) magga - 8 fold path
8 fold path
- right view
- right intention
- right speech
- right action
- right livelihood
- right effort
- right mindfulness
- right concentration
5 precepts
1) avoid taking life
2) avoid theft
3) avoid sexual misconduct
4) refrain from false speech
5) avoid intoxication
6 perfections
- dana - generosity
- sila - virtue
- ksanti - patience
- virya - effort
- dhyana - concentration
- prajna - wisdom
special things about birth of buddha
- mother had white elephant in dream
- birth standing
- walk 7 steps north and spoke
- flowers bloomed as he walked
what buddha said after birth
I am the chief in the world, i am the best in the world, i am the first in the world. This is my last birth. There will be no further rebirth.
what buddha said when abandoning life as ascetic
My body has reached a state of emaciation
Maha-sihanada Sutra
What buddha said when sitting down at bodhi tree
I will not give up this seat without attaining complete awakening
What buddha said when he initially wasn’t going to teach
this generation takes delight in attachment… it is hard for them to see this truth, namely, nirvana
god of compassion who convinced buddha to teach
Bramha Sahampati
Dhamma is raft quote
‘Dhamma is for crossing over, not retaining’
Don’t blindly follow name and quote and sutra
- Ehipassiko
- ‘do not believe anything simply because you have heard it’ - Kalama sutta
Initial trust needed in the teachings name
‘trustful confidence’
Buddha nature
all people have ability to become enlightened like the buddha
Buddha teaching suggesting to being boddhisatva
‘go forth for the welfare of the many’
Dalai lama number, name, birth year
- 14th dalai lama
- Tenzin Gyatso
- 1935
When china started occupation of tibet
Where dalai lama fled to
what he does for peace and year of nobel peace prize
- persuade UN general assembly to resolve and protect
- 1989 nobel prize
3 parts of the pali canon (tripitaka)
1) vinaya pitaka (rules for monastic sangha)
2) Sutra pitaka (teachings)
3) Abhidhamma pitaka (higher explinations or physiology of mind)
teachings that mahayana buddhists wrote
- white lotus sutra (pop. in china and japan)
- heart sutra
important sections in the sutra pitaka
- Dhammapada
- jataka tales
Buddha quote about the dhamma
‘profound, hard to see, hard to understand, peaceful, sublime, beyond the sphere of mere reasoning, subtle, to be experienced by the wise’
- hearing
- reflecting
- development of citta
chanting sutras for benefit of protection
what someone chants to become a buddhist
‘I take refuge in the Buddha, I take refuge in the Dhamma, I take refuge in the Sangha’
things monks, nuns must do
- renounce family and ordinary household
- minimal personal possessions
- not handle money
- no farming
three parts of the vihara*, temple complex
- monastery
- shrine hall
- stupa/pagoda
things in shrine hall
- images, statues of buddha
- offerings
- drum or bell
- thangkas (Tibetan- depict life of Buddha)
- prayer wheels and prayer flags outside (tibet)
karmic fruitfulness
karmic fruitfulness
ceremony to make image the buddha
give the image insight of the dhamma
- symbolic picture of the universe
- destruction of sand mandalas to show anitya
the wheel of life (and name)
- bhavachakra
- represents samsara
- held by demon/mara
- three poisons in middle
most famous buddhist mantra
- om mani padme hum
prayer wheel
- filled with scroll of mantra
sri lanka birth ceremony
- milk on lips
- cutting hair
tibet birth ceremony
- mantras for conception and healthy pregnancy
- bodhisattva manjusri painted on baby’s toung
- taken to monastery to get name
Thailand birth ceremony
- local monk
- naming
all life ceremonies genera
- monk gives blessings and good karmic energy
- symbolised by pouring water from vessel to vessel
- in exchange monk gets offerings
therevada countries ‘coming of age’
- young boy to become monk for short time to get punya
Poy Sang Long
(thailad, myanmar)
- heads shaved
- extravagant costumes
- makeup
- carried on shoulders 3 days
- representing prince siddharta
- replace clothes with robes
Buddha quote family not important for enlightenment
Not a mother, nor a father, nor any other relative can do more for the well-being of one than a rightly directed mind can
(Dhammapada 43)
Buddha about not grieving death
Do not grieve, do not lament. For have I not taught that with all that is dear and beloved there must be change, separation, severance?
Mahaparinibbana sutta
stages of being dead frim tibetan book of the dead
1) does not know is dead and light appears
2) know are dead and get review of life
3) karma leads them to appropriate realm
Theravada funerals
- donations to transfer merit
- offering monk new robes
- portrait, offerings to buddha
- cremation more common
- recite 3 refuges and 5 precepts
- pouring of water
mahayana funerals
- 49 day interval before rebirth (antarabhava)
- tibetan sky burrials - lots of merit transfer
- cremation common
- tibeten book of dead read
- japan - pick out bones from ashes with chopsticks
2 qualities attained by meditation
- samatha - calm, peace, focus, alert
- vipassana - wisdom, insight (understanding 3 marks)
honouring, reverencing
Buddha and incense quote
‘he of fragrant mind and fragrant face, with infinite virtues’
four stages of higher consciousness developed in meditation
five hindrances (of meditation)
- sensual pleasure
- sloth
- bitterness
- restlessness
- doubt
string of beads to help focus
Buddha quote private and alone devotion is better
my life is spent…take refuge unto yourself, seeking no external refuge, with the Dhamma as your island, the Dhamma as your refuge
Mahaparinibbana Sutta
attachment to rites and rituals
sensual craving
- day of birth, enlightenment, parinibbana
- most important for therevada
wesak celebrations
- sri lanka - lights
- wesak cards with life of buddha
- myanmar - bodhi trees watered
- thailand, cambodia, laos - monks lead laity to circle stupas
- donate blood and give dhamma books
nirvana day
- mahayana festival
- reflect on death of self and others and anitya
nirvana day celebrations
- meditaiton
- go to vihara
- social occasion - food, presents
Buddha quote pilgrimage and punya
‘whoever shall die while on pilgrimage to the shrines… re-arise in a fortunate destiny in a heavenly world’
Mahaparinibbana sutra
2 benefits word of pilgramage
Adhisthana - influence, blessing
Nidana - physical proximity that allows adhisthana to pass from one thing to another
pilgrim place of where buddha born
bodh gaya
- tree chose by buddha because could support weight of dhamma
- meditate, chant, worship
Sarnath and thigs there
- deer park where first semon
- Dharmekh stupa - spot of sermon
- Mulagandakuti vihara - where buddha first stayed as monk
- meditate, chant worship, walk around stupa