BS: Lesson 1 - Sustainable Design Flashcards
Ch. 1
The 1960 Rachel Carson publication was a literary alarm about what?
The gross misunderstanding of the value and hazards of pesticides.
Ch. 1
What are the three principles of sustainable design?
- The earth’s ecosystem has a finite amount of natural resources
- Given the laws of thermodynamics, energy cannot be created or destroyed.
- All forms of energy trend to seek equilibrium and therefore disperse.
Ch. 1
Which four architects always discussed design in terms of empathy with nature and the natural system?
Ch. 1
What is
The Natural Step
A 1996 organization of scientists, designers and environmentalist concerned with the preservation of the earth’s ecosphere and biosphere.
Ch. 1
What are the four principles of The Natural Step?
- Substances from the earth’s crust must not systemically increase in the ecosphere - elements (fossil fuel, ores, timber, etc.), must not be extracted from the earth faster than they can be replenished.
- Manufactured substances must not systemically be increased in the ecosphere - manufactured materials most not be produced at a faster rate than they can be integrated back into nature.
- The productivity and diversity of nature must not be systematically diminished - protect and preserve the variety of living organisms.
- There must be a fair and efficient use of resources.
Ch. 1
Buildings consume at least ______ percent of the world’s energy, and account for _____ of the world’s emissions of heat-trapping carbon dioxide from fossil fuel burning, and _____ of acid rain-causing carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides.
Ch. 1
Sustainable site selection is influenced by many factors including these 6:
adjaceny to utilities
building type
neighborhood compatibility
Ch. 1
What are the six principles of the Site Selection standard of the Sustainable Site Planning standards?
Adjacency to public transportation
Flood plains (either raising bldg 1 foot abv 100 year elev or locating bldg entirely out of the 100 year plain)
Avoid building in zones prone to erosion, fire and landslides
Avoid sites with high slopes (leads to erosion and topsoil loss) and avoid site with fertile topsoil conditions (ag sites)
Solar orientation - orientate building with the long axis generally east-west and fenestrations primarily facing south; use earth forms and tree lines to help with heat gain/loss
Landscaping - locate dense, coniferous trees on elevations with prevailing winds (usually west or northwest); helps to reduce heat loss due to infiltration and wind chill. Locate deciduous shade trees on south and west elevations can help with summer solar gain.
ch. 1
What are the seven Sustainable Site Planning standards?
Site selection
Alternative transportation
Reduction of site disturbance
Storm water management
Ecologically sensitive landscaping
Reduction of light pollution
Open space preservation
ch. 1
What are the three principles of the Open Space Preservation standard of the Sustainable Site Planning standards?
Promote in-fill development
Promote development that protects natural resources
Establish procedures that ensure the ongoing management of the natural areas
ch. 1
In 1991, a group of architects, planners and community leaders meet at Ahwahnee hotel in Yosemite to present new sustainable planning ides based on what urban and suburban symptoms?
The symptoms are:
1. more congestion and air pollution from increased dependency on cars 2. loss of precious open space 3. need for costly road improvements and public services 4. inequitable distribution of economic resources 5. loss of a sense of community
ch. 1
What are the 3 fundamental principles of The Ahwahnee Principle?
ch. 1
What are the 15 components of The Ahwahnee Principle’s Community Principle?
- All planning should be in the form of complete and integrated communities containing housing, jobs, civic facilities, etc.
- Community sized so activities are in easy walking distance.
- Locate activities within easy walking distance from public transportation.
- Contain a diversity of housing types (different economic and age levels).
- Community businesses should provide jobs for residences.
- The location and character of the community should be consistent with a larger transit network.
- The community should have a center focus - civic, cultural, etc.
- Ample supply of open space (parks, greens, squares)
- Public spaces to encourage use from all ages and all times of day/night.
- Have a well-defined edge (greenbelt, wildlife corridor)
- Discourage high speed traffic; streets, pedestrian paths and bike paths to provide a connected and interesting route to destinations.
- Preserve the natural terrain, vegetation and drainage
- Community design should help conserve resources and minimize waste.
- Community design for efficient use of water.
- Energy efficient community with street orientation and the use of landscaping.
ch. 1
What are the 4 components of The Ahwahnee Principle’s Regional Principle?
- Regions should be integrated with larger transportation network rather than freeways.
- Regions should be bounded by and provide a system of greenbelts and wildlife corridors.
- Regional institutions and services should be located in the urban core.
- Materials and methods of construction should be specific to the region.
ch. 1
What are the 4 components of The Ahwahnee Principle’s Implementation Principle?
- The general plan should be updated to incorporate the Community and Regional Principles.
- Don’t allow developer-initiated piecemeal development; general plan should designate where new growth, in-fill, or redevelopment will occur.
- Prior to development, prepare a specific plan based on the Community and Regional Principles.
- Develop plans through an open process
ch. 1
What is the acronym LEED stand for and what is LEED?
LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
It is the green building rating system developed by the 1993 U.S. Green Building Council.
Based on scientific standards, it emphasizes strategies for: stainable site development water savings energy efficiency materials selection indoor environmental quality.
ch. 1
What is the U.S. Green Building Council?
A 1993 nonprofit trade association founded to promote buildings that are environmentally responsible, profitable and health places to live and work. It created the LEED green building performance based rating system.
ch. 1
Architects are faced with what five components to every design decision?
cost (first cost of design, initial cost of purchase, construction cost)
ch. 1
What are the five goals of sustainable design?
- use less
- recycle components
- use easily recycled components
- use fully biodegradable components
- do not deplete natural resources
ch. 1
What is life-cycle costing
costs of:
first cost maintenance cost operating cost periodic maintanence cost residual value of the design element
ch. 1
What does ASHRAE stand for
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers
ch. 1
What does ANSI stand for
American National Standards Institute
ch. 1 and 4
Name four techniques of daylighting
overhangs and fins
north facing sawtooth skylights
interior window shading devices
light shelves
ch. 1
What are the four advantages and four disadvantages of a small-scale wind turbine
1. relatively cost-effective 2. tested and established technology 3. systematic started-up 4. relatively high output
1. need a relatively high mast 2. requires substantial structural support 3. present potential for noise pollution 4. visually intrusive