BRS question notes Flashcards
First sign of puberty in males
testicular enlargement
First sign of puberty in females
breast development
Girl delayed puberty and older than 14 with high FSH and LH and normal genitalia think?
Think primary amenorrhea = turner syndrome or ovarian failure
turner more likely in short stature girl
Gradual testicular pain with blue coloration what do you do
rest and analgesics. Its a testicular appendage
Doppler would just show normal or increased uptake
Treatment options for uncomplicated cervicitis
Cover gonorrhea and chlamydia
Gonorrhea = IM ceftriaxone, oral ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, cefixime
Chlamy = azithro, erythro, doxy
Teenager girl with irregular bleeding and anemia what do you do?
Perform complete pelvic exam and then put her on progestin:only pill since is anemic so the bleeding is causing symptoms
Teen pregnancy problem for mother health bc?
Increased risk of hypertension, anemia, and preterm labor
Don’t need parents for prenatal care
Infants are also at higher risk for having problems.
Homeless child and needs outpatient medication what do you do?
Warrant inpatient because of poor follow:up with outpatient therapy
Painful genital ulcers wtih irregular borders and purulent base =
chancaroid from Haemophilus ducreyi
Can also have lymphadenopathy
HSV vs chancroid
HSV have many shallow painful ulcers. Bases are nonpurulent
Newborn with increased oral secretions and respiratory difficulty =
esophageal atresia bc accumulated saliva in proximal esophageal pouch
Respiratory distress, scaphoid abdomen, bowel sounds in chest =
congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Most likely cause of abdominal newborn mass =
renal origin : hydronephrosis
What is hydrometrocolpos
retention of vaginal secretions presents as small cyst between laiba and during childhood as lower midline abdominal mass
Indirect hyperbilirubinemia in the first week of life and otherwise normal think
Breastfeeding jaundice due to inadequate fluid intake. Increase Feeds, monitor bili
Hyperbilirubinemia after first week of life in otherwise healthy infant think
breast milk jaundice from high lipase and beta:glucuronidase in breast milk
Where does omphalocele occur vs gastroschisis
Omphalocele is central through umbilical ring, has sack
Gastroschesis is lateral abdominal wall defect. : get inflammation of bowel and risk of bowel obstruction bc exposure to amniotic fluid
Omphalocele vs gastroschisis associated problems
Omphalocele associated with congenital defects heart, trisomy 13 and 18 NOT 21
Gastro has more damage to actual bowel bc it is free in amniotic fluid
By defintion persistent pulmonary hypertension excludes?
Anything caused by congenital heart disease
PPHN occurs most commonly in
near:term, full:ter and post term infants
What is most effectiv vasodilator for PPHN
oxygen therapy
Premature infant with diffuse ground glass opacities and air bronchograms =
respiratory distress syndrome
Two common causes of PPHN
perinatal asphyxia and meconium aspiration syndrome
Excess fluid in newborn appears on CXR as
normal or increased lung volumes with increased vascular markings
Breastfeeding vs formula and jaundice
breastfeeding have higher peak serum bilirubin values
When does benign physiologic jaundice peak in term and preterm infants
Term : 3:4 days, Preterm : 5:7 days
What is a derm lesion over face in trigeminal region and why is it important?
port wine stain or nevus flammeus : could indicate Sturge:webber sydrome which has intracranial vascular malformations and calcifications
small dry rash over dark acular base more commonly seen in african americans =
pustular melanosis
What is nevus simplex and does it have malginancy risk
vascular lesion (salmon colored) rash often on back of neck benign and often transient
whitish papules over nose, cheeks, forehead, chin=
milia which are bengin small cysts around pilosebaceous follices
What is erythema toxicum neonatorum
benign rash usually present at 72 hours of life in 50% of infants. Is maculopapular rash that are erythematous
CXR showing abdominal distension, air fluid levels, thickened bowel walls, and pneumatosis intestinalis =
Necrotizing enterocolitis esp if have bloody stools and abdominal pain
Double bubble on CXR think
duodenal atresia
CXR with soap bubble appearance =
meconium ileus, could be caused by cystic fibrosis
Down syndrome associated with what congenital GI problem
duodenal atresia
Choledochal cyst causes?
An elevated bilirubin with large direct component
5 areas of apgar score
appearance, pulse, grimace or reflex irritabiity, activity (flexion of extremities), repiratory effort
Tetralogy of fallot response to 100% oxygen
will not increase PaO2 by much because there is not much pulmonary flow in the first place
Truncus arteriosis response to 100% oxygen
Because there is a decent amount of pulmonary flow, they will have some response but not as much as in pulmonary diseases
VACTERL association group
Vertebral defects, anal atresia, cardiac anomalies, TracheoEsophageal fistula, renal and genital defects, limb defects
Newborn with vomiting after feeding w/ breast milk or cow’s milk, hypoglycemia and hepatomegaly think
Newborns with galactosemia susceptible to?
E coli sepsis
Neurodegeneration + splenomegaly + bony changes:often Erlenmyer flask distal femur =
Gaucher’s disease : sphingolipids accumulate in cells and organs. Deficiency of glucocerebrosidase
Most common lysosomal storage disease
Developmental delay, coarse facies, corneal clouding, dysostosis multiplex think
Hurler syndrome also called mucopolysaccharidosis : buildup of glycosaminoglycans
personality changes, ataxia, seizures in infant think
wilson’s disease
decreased height, coarctation of aorta, webbed neck think
turner syndrome
Noonan syndrome characteristic features…. vs turners?
Kind of like turner syndrome with webbed neck, pectus excavatum, short stature. Also have right sided heart lesions whereas turners have left sided heart lesions
Short stature with skeletal asymmetry, triangle shaped head,
Silver:Russel syndrome
Hyperactivity, developmental delay, mousy or musty odor think
Peripheral neuropathy, renal and liver disease, odor of rotten fish or cabbage =
tyrosinemia type 1
Hyperactive startle, loses eye contact, cherry red macula, enlarging head, neurodeneration/developmental delay, progressive blidness and seizures =
Tay:Sach’s disease a disorder of hexosaminidase A deficiency
Death by 4 years of age
Dysostosis multiplex found in
Hunter and hurler syndrome = when patients have mucopolysaccharides
Sodium benzoate useful for?
Helping to remove hyperammonemia
In maple syrup disease what should you avoid and go for in terms of feeding
give IV glucose as a basic energy source
don’t give parenteral nutrition with protein bc in disease can’t break down branched:chain amino acids. Also avoid enteral feeds until you confirm the diagnosis
large ears, macrocephaly, blue irides, and large testes, intellectual disability=
fragile X syndrome
Tall stature, gynecomastia, small penis and testes =
Klinefelter’s syndrome
infantile hypotonia, hypogonadism, short stature, obesity and hyperphagia =
loquacious personality, supraclavicular aortic stenosis, hypercalcemia, elfin facial appearance=
Williams syndrome
atlantoaxial instability is a complication of what common syndrome
Down’s syndrome
ADHD symptoms, small head, short palpebral fissure, long smooth philtrum w/ a thin upper lip
fetal alcohol syndrome
upslanting palpebral fissure, epicanthal skin folds, protruding tongue =
Down syndrome
mental retardation, finger and nail abnormalities, cardiac defect =
fetal phenytoin syndrome
hypogonadism, almond shaped eyes, short stature, hyperphagia
prader:willi syndrome
mental retardation, small head, puppetlike gait =
angleman syndrome : problem with mothers 15
homocystinuria vs marfan syndrome
marfanoid habitus but without arachnodactyly aka long fingers = homocystinuria
homocystinuria has downward lens subluxation, marfan has upward
homocyst has mitral and aortic regurg but no aortic dilation like in marfarn
mental retardation in homocystinuria
Both have hypogonadism
scissoring lower extremity, clenched hands w/ overlapping digits, rocker bottom feet, delicate small facial features
trisomy 18
trisomy 13 associated w/
midline defects of brain and forebrain, microphthalmia, holopresencephaly, cleft lip and palate
Deletion on chromosome 7 causes?
william syndrome = elfin face and cocktail personality
corneal clouding, stiff joints, coarsened facial features =
hurler syndrome : mucopolysaccharidosis
catlike cry with slow growth, microcephaly, mental retardation, hypertelorism, =
Cri du chat syndrome : partial deletion on chromosome 5
defect in type 5 collagen in what syndrome
Ehler’s:Danlos syndrome
hyperextensible joints, fragile blood vessels, easily bruised skin, tissue:paper think scars, mitral valve prolapse, aortic root dilation =
Ehler’s danlos syndrome
decreased growth rate + early morning emesis think
mass lesion in CNS. craniopharyngioma
Which growth conditions have normal bone growth rate
genetic short stature and constitutional growth delay
Most common form of female pseudohermaphrodism is?
congenital adrenal hyperplasia from 21 hydroxylase deficiency
Stronger hereditary component in which type of DM
DM Type 2
What genetic markers do type 1 DM have
HLA haplotypes DR3 or DR4
What happens to bone age in growth hormone deficiency?
growth hormone deficiency causes slow growth velocity
Bone growth with hypothyroidism
delayed bone age aka bone age less than chrono age
bone growth in hypercortisolism
delayed bone age
Turner syndrome bone age?
normal bone age
skeletal dysplasia bone age
intrauterine growth retardation bone age?
When should dextrose be added while treating ketoacidosis
When sugar drops below 250 mg/dl
premature thelarce means
transient isolated early breast development in girls under 7
premature adrenarche
early onset pubic or axillary hair
If you have pubic hair and apocrine odor with no breast development or advanced bone age you have?
premature adrenarche
androgen and cortisol levels in peripheral precocious puberty
will have high androgens but low cortisol. Some
Differences in etiology of girls and boys with central precicious puberty
In girls its often idiopathic. In boys its almost always organic : get MRI of head
How is GnRH used in precocious puberty
administer and if dramatic increase in LH its central
If flat response its peripheral or any HPGA not activated
In peripheral precocious puberty how do boys present
feminization or premature pubic hair. NO testicular enlargement bc no increased FSH
In peripheral precoc puberty how do girls present?
Girls get virilization and breast development
Midline defect like cleft palate, hypoglycemia, and microphallus think
congenital hypopituitarism
What happens in nesidioblastosis
beta cell hyperplasia so you get hyperinsulinemia
large for gestational age, macroglossia, umbilical hernia, hyperinsulin think
Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome
Common bacterial infections in under 3 months caused by?
Group B strep, E. Coli, Listeria Monocytogenes
When does heterophile antibody measurement not work in mono
when kid is under 4
Most common cause of viral meningitis
What does CSF fluid cell count look like early in viral meningits
More poolymorphos that eventually shift to lymph predominance
Initial abx for bacterial meningitis
3rd gen cephalosporin and vanc
When are steroids useful for mengitis
Can reduce hearing loss in Haemophilus influenzae type b meningitis
What increases risk fo HIV transmission from mother to infant
high viral load, chorioamnionitis or genital tract infection, premature birth, prolonged rupture of membranes
HIV and breastmilk?
yes transmission can occur
Features of scarlet fever?
sandpaper rash, pharyngitis, fever
scarlet fever caused by
erythrogenic toxin producing strains of group A beta hemolytic strep
which complications of strep infection can be reduced by treatment
PANDAS and rheumatic fever
Therapy that is helpful with measles infection
supportive care and vitamin A
When do koplic spots occur? and what are they related to?
they are transient and occur before the rash happens
Fever, headache, conjunctivitis, diffuse macular rash on trunk and face think of
What is common cause of death with measles
bacterial pneumonia
intracranial calcification, hydrocephalus, chorioretinitis consistent with?
Toxoplasmosis neonatal infection
wheezing, eosinophilia, pulmonary infiltrates think
noninvasive allergic disease secondary to aspergillus
When is PPD >10 positive?
when patient younger than 4yrs
What age are children not really contageous with TB and why?
When under 12 don’t have strong cough and significant pulmonary manifestation
Bloody stool sfrom? (6)
salmonella, shigella, campylobacter, EHEC, Cdiff
Shigella infection associated with?
seizures bc release of neurotoxin
salmonella associated with?
ingestion of contaminated poultry or exposure to turtles and lizards
Yersinia can unusually cause?
mesenteric adenities causing pain mimicking acute appendicitis
Acute appendicitis mimicker
Yersinia infection
Buccal cellulitis caused by
Impetigo caused by?
Staph aureus and group A Beta hemolytic strep
What is nikolsky sign
extension of bullae with lateral pressure applied to skin
Nikolsky sign indicates
staph scalded skin syndrome
Patient in Tet spell what do you do?
place patient in knee:chest position to increase SVR
What drugs are contraindicated in tetratolagy of fallot spell
dopamine and epinephrine
Preferred treatment after restenosis of coarctation?
Balloon angioplasty
What accompanies coarctation of aorta in half of patients
bicuspid aortic valve
How are VSD size and murmur related?
Smaller size VSD leads to higher pitched murmur
Newborn cyanosis and left axis deviation and LVH
Tricuspid atresia
What patients require prophylaxis against bacterial endocarditis
any patient with structural heart disease including patent ductus arteriosus. Structural but repaired in last 6 months. EXCEPT ostium secundum