Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics Flashcards
development quotient =
development age/chronological age * 100
Normal development quotient =
> 85
Reflexes in infants with CNS injury
Stronger and more sustained primitive reflexes
Gross motor birth
Turns head side to side
Gross motor 2 months
lifts head when prone. Head lag when pulled from supine
Gross motor 4 months
rolls over, no head lag, pushes chest up with arms
Gross motor 6 months
sits alone, leads with head when pulled from supine
Gross motor 9 months
Pulls to stand, cruises
Gross motor 12 months
When do primitive reflexes disappear
between 3 and 6 months
Primitive reflexes at birth
Moro reflex, hand grasp, rooting reflex
Order of primitive reflexes disappearing?
Hand grasp (1-3 mo), moro 4 mo, rooting 6 mo
Atonic neck reflex develops and disappears when?
Appears 2-4 weeks, disappears at 6 months.. this is fencer position
When does head righting develop
4-6 months
When does parachute reaction develop
8-9 months. parachute = outstretched arms and legs when body is abruptly moved head first ina downward direction
When can child bring hands together to midline and to mouth
3-4 months
When can child transfer objects from hand to hand
6-7 months
When does immature pincer develop
9 months
When does mature pincer develop
12 months
What is earliest sign of motor development
persistent fisting beyond 3 months
What development indicates spasticity
early rolling over, early pulling to stand over sitting, persistent toe walking
Spontaneous postures in spasticity vs hypotonicity
scissoring in spasticity, frog-leg in hypotonic infant
When is hand dominance too early
Before 18 mo of age, it can indicate weakness in oppositie side instead of good development
When do they begin using mama and dada
9-12 months
When does cooing start
2-3 months
How many words at 12 months
1-3 words
How many words at 18 months
20-50. Using two word phrases
Language at 2 years
Two-word telegraphic sentences. At least 25-50% intelligible
Language at 3 years
Three word sentences, more than 75% of speech is intelligible
What is best indicator of intellectual potential?
When does child begin functional play
At 1 year of age
When does imaginative play begin?
At 24-30 months
When does object permanence and separation anxiety develop
Object permanence at 9 months and separation anxiety from 6-18 months
What does discrepancy between language and problem solving skills put one at?
At high risk for learning disabilities
When does parallel play occur and when does playign together occur
2 years for parallel. Play together and share at 3 years of age
When does sense of self and independence develop
at about 15 months of age