BRS #1 Flashcards
causes of congenital microcephaly
TORCH toxo other- syphilis rubella CMV herpes simplex
also in utero drugs and toxins and chromosomal abnormalities
causes of acquired microcephaly- born with normal head circumference
perinatal asphyxia
intraventricular hemorrhage
late prenatal and perinatal infections
iron deficiency anemia peaks between _____ and ____ months
9 and 15
a common cause of iron deficiency anemia
introduction of cow’s milk before 9 months of age
most patients with elevated lead levels have sxs (T/F)
contraindications to circumcision
hypospadias, prematurity, bleeding diathesis
most common organism in nursing or bottle caries
strep mutans
oral vitamin D supplementation is recommended in patients exposed to minimal sunlight during _______
first year of life
infant walkers are helpful for developing gross motor (T/F)
F- these walkers have a risk of injury
ADHD is more common in ______ (girls/boys)
genetics play a large role (T/F)
tx for ADHD
first line: stimulants
second line: clonidine, TCAs
ADHD and _________ may be genetically related
childhood hearing loss is _____% genetic and ______% others
80% genetic- autosomal recessive
20% others
good prognostic factors for hearing loss
- inherited deafness > acquired deafness
- older age of onset (acquire language structure before deafness)
- earlier interventions/diagnosis
what to check for hearing loss
genetics eval if needed
Cr (Alport syndrome)
viral serologies (TORCH)
leading causes of blindness in children
- trachoma infection in developing nations- MCC blindness worldwide
- retinopathy of prematurity
- congenital cataracts
haptic perception
feeling someone’s face to form a mental image of them (used by blind people)
define colic
crying that lasts > 3 hours/day and occurs > 3 days/week
colic occurs in __% of newborns
time period of colic
begins 2-4 weeks
resolves by 3-4 months
nocturnal enuresis is more common in ____ (boys/girls)
strong familial tendency for nocturnal primary enuresis is supported by a gene on chromosome ____
enuresis patient has large volumes of dilute urine… may be an issue with ____
vasopressin (diurnal variation)
labs to get for enuresis
UA/UCx, others as appropriate
tx for enuresis
behavioral training (alarm systems, rewards, etc)
imipramine (TCA)
day night reversal/random sleeping is normal during _______
first few weeks of life
sleeping through the night: sleeping more than ______ after midnight for a 4 week period
5 hours
50% of infants sleep through the night by 3 months
nightmares occur during _____ and night terrors occur during ______
nightmares: REM
night terrors: stage 4 non-REM
typical age range for temper tantrums
age 1-3
breath holding spells are involuntary, harmless, and always stop by themselves (T/F)
cyanotic vs. pallid spells
cyanotic: cries until cyanotic –> apneic and unconscious
pallid: unexpected event –> hypervasovagal –> pale and limp
management of breath holding spells
it’s ok… it’s not harmful
+/- giving iron
if spells are precipitated by exercise or excitement, get an EKG to r/o arrhythmia
toilet training ages
bowel: 29 months (16-48 months)
bladder: 32 months (18-60 months)
discipline techniques by age
before 6 months: no discipline
6-18 months: distraction and redirection
18 months- 3 years: time out, ignoring, disapproval
preschool: logical consequences
>5 years: negotiation and restriction of privileges
unusual to see hand preference before age _____
18 months
appropriately uses household objects in imitation
what age is the child?
15-18 months
cerebral palsy leads to loss of milestones (T/F)
it is non progressive
language development
13 months- uses 3 words that the parents understand, play peek-a-boo and patty-cake
15 months- understand > 20-30 words but only use 12-15 words
18 months- can point to 3-5 body parts, uses 20-30 words, beginning to put together 2-word phrases
24 months- multiple telegraphic two-word sentences
30 months- adjectives and adverbs, ask questions, sentences longer than two words
age range for symbolic play
24-30 months
cause and effect starts around _____
9 months
object permanence age
9 months
mama and dada age
9-12 months
usually have 1-3 additional words by 12 months
separation anxiety age
6-18 months
immature pincer (can hold small object between thumb and index finger) age
9 months
transfer objects and sit alone age
6 months
parachute reaction age
8 months
average duration of growth spurt
2-3 years
growth is mainly controlled by this hormone
growth hormone
growth spurt occurs _______ earlier in females than in males
18-24 months
average duration of puberty
3-4 years
onset of adrenal androgen steroidogenesis
occurs 2 years before maturation of HPG axis
puberty begins ______ later in males than in females
6-12 months
________ at age 11-12 is the first sign of puberty in males
testicular enlargement
facial and axillary hair growth starts _____ after pubic hair growth
2 years
puberty begins with _________ at age 9.5 in females
thelarche (development of breast buds)
menarche generally occurs at age _____, 2-3 years after thelarche
3 stages of adolescence
early (10-13)
middle (14-17)
late (18-21)
FSH in males and females
males: induces spermatogenesis
females: stimulates ovarian follicle development, stimulates ovarian granulosa cells t to produce estrogen
LH in males and females
males: induces testicular Leydig cells to produce testosterone
females: stimulates ovarian theca cells to produce androgens, corpus luteum to produce progesterone, midcycle surge results in ovulation
testosterone in males and females
males: linear growth and muscle mass, hair growth, increases libido, depends voice, external genitalia development
females: linear growth, pubic and axillary hair
estradiol in males and females
males: increases rate or epiphyseal fusion
females: breast development, triggers mid-cycle LH surge, labial/vaginal/uterine development, growth of proliferative endometrium, linear growth
no male function
females: converts endometrium to a secretory endometrium
adrenal androgens in males and females
males: pubic hair, linear growth
females: pubic hair, linear growth
tanner stages for testes and pubic hair
1: preadolescent, no hair, prepubertal testes
2: testes larger, sparse long downy hair
3: testes further enlarged, penis length enlarged, darker coarser and curlier hair
4: darkening of scrotal skin, penis enlarges, coarse and curly pubic hair extending over symphysis pubis
5: adult size testes and penis, adult type pubic hair spreads to medial surface of thighs
tanner stages of breast development
1: preadolescent
2: elevation of breast and nipple as small projections (breast bud)
3: enlargement of breast, no separation of areola and breast, areola enlarges
4: areola and nipple project to form secondary mound above level of breast
5: only nipple projects, areola recess to contour of breast
tanner stages for female pubic hair
1: nothing
2: sparse, long, downy hair along labia
3: darker, coarser, curlier hair
4: coarse and curly adult-type hair covering symphysis pubis
5: adult type hair spread to medial thighs
STDs to test for in adolescent who is sexually active
gonorrhea chlamydia syphilis trichomonas HPV
3 most common causes of death in teens
unintentional injuries, homicide, suicide
MC drug of abuse in teens
MC illicit drug of abuse in teens
binge drinking: _____ or more drinks at one time
____of teens are sexually active by the end of high school
____of teens do not use any contraception
50% for both questions
3 MC STDs in the US
HSV, HPV, chlamydia
3 causes of vaginitis
trichomonas, bacterial vaginosis, candidal vulvovaginitis
malodorous, profuse, yellow green discharge
strawberry cervix
vulvar inflammation and itching
trichomonas vaginalis
how to dx trichomonas vaginalis
wet mount
vaginal pH > 4.5
tx for trichomonas vaginalis
oral flagyl (metronidazole)
grey white thin vaginal discharge
pungent fishy odor –> whiff test
little vaginal or vulvar inflammation
clue cells
bacterial vaginosis
how to dx BV
whiff test with KOH
clue cells on wet mount
vaginal pH > 4.5
tx for BV
oral metronidazole or topical intravaginal therapy with 2% clindamycin or 0.75% metronidaole gel
*unlike with trich, partners don’t need to be treated
severe itching
white cur like vaginal discharge
vulvar and vaginal inflammation
candidal vulvovaginitis
how to dx candidal vulvovaginitis
wet mount of KOH shows fungal hyphae
normal vaginal pH < 4.5
positive yeast culture
how to tx candidal vulvovaginitis
oral fluconazole or topical intravaginal anti yeast therapies
*partners don’t need to be treated
causes of cervicitis
gonorrhea, chlamydia, HSV, syphilis
dx and tx chlamydia
dx with PCR
tx with oral doxycycline, erythromycin, or azithromycin
*partners need to be treated
tx for gonorrhea
IM ceftriaxone OR
single dose oral therapy with ofloxacin, cefixime, or ciprofloxacin
*partners need to be treated
tx for PID
inpatient: IV cefoxitin + oral doxycycline OR IV clindamycin + IV gentamicin
outpatient: 14 days ofloxacin and clindamycin OR single dose IM ceftriaxone and 14 days doxycycline
this may all be outdated
causes of genital ulcers
HSV 1 and 2, syphilis, H ducreyi (chancroid)
genital warts
strains of HPV that cause cervical cancer
16 and 18
Tzanck smear for diagnosing ____
HSV 1 and 2
tx for HSV caused genital ulcers
tx for primary syphilis ulcer
IM penicillin or oral doxycycline if allergic to penicillin
tx for chancroid
oral azithromycin, erythromycin, or IM ceftriaxone
3 phases of the menstrual cycle
follicular (proliferative) phase
-begins with pulsatile release of GnRH –> release of FSH and LH
ovulation phase
-LH surge secondary to peaking estradiol levels
luteal (secretory) phase
-corpus luteum makes progesterone –> secretory endometrium –> as corpus luteum involutes, progesterone and estradiol decrease, leading to endometrial sloughing and GnRH release
primary vs. secondary dysmenorrhea
primary- pain not associated with nay pelvic abnormality
secondary- pain due to pelvic abnormality (endometriosis, PID, bicornuate uterus, etc)
primary amenorrhea
no menstrual bleeding by age 16 if normal secondary sexual characteristics
no menstrual bleeding by age 14 if no normal secondary sexual characteristics
secondary amenorrhea
no menses for 3 cycles or 6 months after having had regular cycles
in amenorrhea, what does FSH and LH being high or low indicate
high FSH and LH- ovarian failure –> check for Turners
low FSH and LH- hypothalamic or pituitary suppression or failure –> check visual fields and neuroimaging
frequent, irregular menstrual periods, often associated with prolonged painless bleeding
dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB)
regular intervals of < 21 days
prolonged or excessive uterine bleeding that occurs at regular intervals
uterine bleeding that occurs at irregular intervals
prolonged or excessive bleeding that occurs at irregular intervals
bleeding that occurs at regular intervals but no more often than every 35 days
DUB can result from ______ cycles
______ should be used for all DUB associated with anemia
hormonal therapy (ex. OCPs) iron
if hormonal therapies fail for DUB, can do this
how to tx gynecomastia in teenage boy who is otherwise normal
resolves in 12-15 months
absent cremasteric reflex on side of testicular pain
torsion of the spermatic cord
how to tx testicular torsion
surgical detorsion and fixation within 6 hours
how to dx testicular torsion
physical exam
decreased uptake on radionuclide scan or decreased pulsations on doppler ultrasound
blue dot sign assoc with ______
torsion of testicular appendage
radionuclide scan and doppler are ____ in torsion of testicular appendage
normal or increased
how to tx torsion of testicular appendage
reassurance, rest, analgesia
radionuclide scan and doppler are ____ in epididymitis
undescended testes
risk of testicular cancer
collections of fluid in tunica vaginalis
dx and tx of hydroceles
dx: H&P, transillumination of scrotum reveals cystic mass
tx: reassurance
dilation and tortuosity of veins in the pampiniform plexus
varicoceles are most common on the _____ (left/right) and feel like _______
bag of worms
how to tx varicoceles
puberty in boys begins with _______ and in girls begins with _________
testicular enlargement
breast enlargement
menarche occurs _______ after thelarche
2-3 years
STD- single painless ulcer with well-demarcated border and non purulent base, painless inguinal adenopathy
syphilis chancre
STD- painful ulcers that have irregular borders and a purulent base, painful inguinal adenopathy
STD- multiple painful shallow ulcers, but base is not purulent
ziehl-neelsen stain
acid fast bacilli