Brooklyn Cop Flashcards
Quotes and analysis
Built like a gorilla
Simile: suggests size, strength and power of the cop
Cop has animalistic nature
less timid
Word Choice: humourus tone implied that the cop is fiercer than a gorilla
thick-fleshed, steak-coloured
Word Choice: cop is like a piece if meat raw and uncompromising
Suggests blood and violence
two hieroglyphs in his face
Metaphor: refers to cop’s eyes, suggests he is stone cold and hard to read
he walks the sidewalk
Word Choice: creates a contrast between his physical appearance and daily life
thin tissue over violence
Metaphor: violence is never far away, can happen at any time
Tissue = peace, fragile, easily broken
See you, babe
Word Choice: clichéd language, addresses her with a worn out phrase
his wife
Shows another side to the cop, more vulnerable, has relationships like anyone else
he hoped it, he truly hoped it
Repetition: emphasises possibility that cop may not return home despite how much he wants to
Shows cop’s fear in contrast to appearance
He is a gorilla
Metaphor: reinforces image from the start of poem
Change from simile, highlights idea that the cop is becoming more dehumanised
Hiya, honey is no cliché
Word Choice: these everyday greetings are genuine expressions of love, he is greatful to make it home
Should… should
Repetition: highlights uncertainty and how unpredictable the violence is and the severity of danger/crime
tissue tear
Alliteration: sound of tissue
Word Choice: fast, uncontrolled movement
what clubbings, what gunshots
List: highlights amount and variety of danger the cop may encounter