Bronchitis Flashcards
epidemiology of Bronchitis
5O yrs chronic
82% in autumn/winter
aetiology of bronchitis
inflammation of tracheobroncial tree (lower respiratory)
occurs with frequency high in chronic lung path.
85% viral
5% bacteria
pathophysiology of bronchitis
acute immune mediated inflammation of the bronchial wall,
increased mucus production along with edema of the bronchus.
productive cough
bronchial obstruction similar to that in asthma.
natural history
infection may clear in several days, repair of the bronchial wall may take several weeks.
During the period of repair, patients will continue to cough.
postbronchitis syndrome
Half of all patients with acute bronchitis continue to cough for >2 weeks. [2] In a quarter of patients, cough may last for >1 month. . due to reflects ongoing repair to the bronchial walls after the clearance of the acute infection.
diffuse wheeze, accessory muscle high pitched continuous sounds diffuse decrease in air intake respiratory stridor sustanined heave along left sternal border
finger clubbing peripheral cyanosis bullous myringitis (a form of viral otitis media in which serous or hemorrhagic blebs appear on the tympanic membrane and adjacent wall of the acoustic meatus.) conjunctivitis adenopathy rhinorrhea - blocked/running nose
cough sputum/pus/clear/blood general malaise chest pain dyspnoea cyanosis sore throat runny/stuffed nose headace muscle pain fatique
spread of infection pneumonia chronic bronchitis restrictive airway disease hemoptysis
deterioration if with underlying Cardio pulmonary disease or other comorbidity