Bronchiectasis Flashcards
What is bronchiectasis and how does it present?
Permanent dilation of the bronchi
* Shortness of breath
* Chronic productive cough
* Recurrent chest infections
* Weight loss
* Continuos sputum production
* Finger clubbing
Characteristics of yellow nail syndrome?
- Yellow finger nails
- Bronchiectasis
- Lymphoedema
Investigatiosn for bronchiectasis?
Sputum culutre
Chest x-ray
High res CT- this test establishes diagnosis
Most common infective organisms involved in bronchiectasis?
Haemophilus influenza
Pseudomonas aerguinosa
Chest x ray findings in bronchiectasis?
Tram- track opacites (parallel markings of a side view of teh dilated airway
Ring shadows (dilated airways seen end-on)
Key features of bronchiecatsis to remember?
- Finger clubbing
- Diagnosis by HRCT
- Pseudomonas colonisation
- Extended courses of 7-14 days of antibiotics for exaerbations
What condition is suspected if a bronchoscopy is done in bronchioectasis?
Bronchioectasis is secondary to obstructiob by a neoplasm
Bronchoscopy may also be used if suspcted inhaled foreign body
How is Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) diagnosed?
Presence of elevated IgE with clincal characteristics (anorexia, fatigure, generlaised aches an dpains, fever an dloss of weight)
What is elevated in IBS and used as a screening test?
Fecal calprotectin
How is an exacerbation of bronchiectasis defined?
Defined as a deterioration in 3 or more of the following resp symptoms for at least 48 hours:
* Cough
* Sputum vol/consistency
* Sputum purulence
* Breathlessness/excerise tolerance
* Fatigue/malaise
* Haemoptysis
Managmenet of bronchiectasis?
Chest physiotherpay
2 week antibiotics for infections