British Politics Flashcards
Who could vote pre 1832?
In a county, freehold land or property worth £2 a year
Boroughs were dependent on type of borough
What were the two main political groups of MPs in the early 1800s
Whigs, Tories
What was the total number of people who could vote in 1831?
Fewer than 500,000 out of 24 million
How frequent were the elections in the early 1800s?
Every 7 years
How did MPs gain votes before 1832?
They would promise money and bribes in the form of banquets and drink
When was the Spa fields Meeting?
What was the Spa fields meeting of 1816
A group of extreme reformers congregated on spa fields islington to show their want for abolished taxes and nationalisation of the land
What was the result of Spa fields?
The rioters were broken up by the military and nothing else happened
When was The Pentridge Rising?
What was the Pentridge rising?
A spy called. Oliver reported back a threat of mass revolt in the north of England
Unemployed textile workers set out to link with other groups and capture Nottingham castle
What was the result of the Pentridge rising?
Troops were ready and waiting for the marchers, the leaders were tried and hanged and large scale imprisonment
When was the Blanketeers?
What was the Blanketeers of 1817?
Unemployed workers - mainly weavers - from Manchester
Planned to march to London where they were to present a petition to the prince regent demanding parliamentary reform
They carried blankets to sleep with overnight
What was the result of the Blanketeers?
A huge meeting at St. Peter’s field Manchester supporting the march was broken up and the leaders arrested
Groups of marchers were caught and put in prison without trial
Few marchers got further than Macclesfield and one got to London
When was peterloo?
What was peterloo 1819?
60,000 people gathered in manchester, St. Peter’s field carrying banners
Came to listen to Henry hunt criticise the government
What was the result of peterloo 1819?
The govt. expected trouble so ordered 400 special constables and yeomanry and cavalry
They let him start and then an arrest was ordered the constables and yeomanry tried but failed so cavalry rushed forward
11 dead hundreds injured
Why is peterloo named that?
Mocking the British victory at Waterloo
Known as the peterloo massacre
What were the Six Acts?
It put a ban on all forms of peaceful protest
Presenting a petition limited those who were members of the parish to go
Stamp duty extended to all papers of a size
Magistrates given wide powers to search homes
And the power to try certain cases instead of judge and jury
Private military training and amassing firearms prohibited
Why were the midlands and north unhappy with representation?
The great manufacturing towns realised their interests weren’t being represented in parliament