british deapth study Flashcards
what did many Victorians think about poverty?
the poor were responsible
which act in 1906 set up places that workers could go to in order to find work?
labour exchanges act
The national insurance act of 1911 gave workers cover for what?
what did the national insurance act of 1912 give workers cover for?
wha act was passed in 1908 to help the elderly?
the pensions act
true or faulse, the national insurance act covered everyone, regardless of things like income?
who was the NUWSS?
who was the WSPU?
following the outbreak of ww1, how many volunteers signed up to fight in the first month?
what was the name of the men who, for humanitarian or religious
conscientious objectors
What does DORA stand for?
Defence of the realm act
by the end of the war, how many women were unemployed?
6 million
name 3 types of propaganda?
posters, newspapers and radio
who was Leader of the NUWSS/suffragists and when was it formed?
Millicent Fawcett-1903
who was Leader of the WSPU/suffragettes
Emmeline Pankhurst
name a reason against women’s right to vote
separate spheres- women were more suited to staying at home whilst men were suited to work
when was the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) formed
who completed a course to become a doctor at Edinburgh University in the 1870s, but the university refused to grant her the degree!
Sophia Jex-Blake
An example of a country that had given women the vote - used an argument to support women’s right to vote
new zeland
what was the date which Emily Pankhurst ran in front of the kings horse?
4th July 1913
how many people joined the women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU)?
1 in 3 → The proportion of working class women who had been a domestic servants at some point in their life
when was the cat and mouse act introduced?