Britain Booklet 1 - Abolition Of The Slave Trade Flashcards
What % of Britain’s textile output went abroad with African markets taking the biggest share?
What profit did the Cordrington plantation make each year?
How many slaves did the Codrington plantation have?
276 slaves
Which countries allegedly threatened profit for Britain’s slave trade?
Cuba, France
What was the ratio of slave ships that had slave revolts?
Between what percentages of profit would slave traders get from a slave voyage?
Which slave ship did Clarkson show an image of?
Slave Ship Brookes
What process had Europe gone through which moved away from religious teaching?
How many pamphlets had the Quakers distributed?
How much of Britain’s income was dependent on slave income?
Which slave ship was involved in the murder of slaves that were thrown overboard? How many slaves?
-Slave ship Zong
-133 slaves
When did Equiano publish his autobiography?
How many members were in ‘Sons of Africa’ ?
12 (including Equiano)
What group did Equiano join?
Sons of Africa
Why could Wilberforce be criticised?
He was a supporter of gradual abolition
When did Wilberforce propose his first bill to abolish the slave trade?
How far did Clarkson travel between 1787-1794?
Where was Wilberforce’s constituency?
How many slave voyages were there?
Slave based income in Bristol? (%)
What percentage of Britain’s textile output went abroad with African markets taking the biggest share?
How much profit did British traders get from slave sales?
£60 million
How much money was made in slave based planting profits?
£3.8 million (about £450 million in contemporary terms)
By 1792, how many anti-slavery petitions had been signed?
When was the revolution in Saint Domingue?
How many plantations were burned and people killed in Saint Domingue during the revolts?
1,000 plantations burned
12,000 people killed
What % of the world’s sugar did Saint Domingue produce? And how much of the world’s coffee?
30% of the world’s sugar
half of the world’s coffee
How many times bigger was Saint Domingue compared to Britain’s largest colony in the Caribbean and Jamaica?
2 time bigger. Twice the size
When did the revolts in Grenada, St. Vincent and St. Lucia start?
On St Lucia how many British troops did it take to retake the island against how many slaves?
12,000 British troops
against 2,000 slaves
What year did Britain retake St Lucia?
When was the revolt in Jamaica?
How much did Britain spend on retaking Jamaica?
How many British sailors died on naval or transport ships?
In the British army from 1793-1801 how many died in battle or from diseases?