Bridgework 2 Flashcards
what are some local indications for bridgework?
- big teeth
- heavily restored teeth
- favourable abutment angulations
- favourable occlusion
what are some general contra-indications for bridgework?
- uncooperative pt, poor OH
- high caries
- perio disease
- medical history contraindications
- large pulps (conventional bridge)
what are the ADVANTAGES of a conventional fixed-fixed bridge?
- robust design
- maximum retention + strength
- can be used in longer spans of saddle areas
- lab construction is easy
what are the DISADVANTAGES of a conventional fixed-fixed bridge?
- preparation difficult (parallel preparations needed)
- prep must be minimally tapered ~7*
- must have a common path of insertion for the abutment teeth
- removal of tooth tissue (danger to pulp)
what are the advantages of a conventional cantilever bridge over a fixed-fixed?
- conservative design (compared to fixed-fixed)
- lab construction easy
- no need to ensure multiple teeth preps are parallel
what are the disadvantages of conventional cantilever bridges?
- can only fill a short span of saddle area
- rigid
- mesial cantilever preferred (Pontic is mesial)
what is a fixed-moveable bridge?
a type of bridge with rigid connector distal end of pontic and moveable connector mesially of pontic (allows some vertical movement at the mesial abutment tooth)
what are ADVANTAGES of conventional fixed-moveable bridges?
- preparation dont require a common path of insertion
- each prep designed to be retentive independent of others
- more conservative tooth tissue
- allows minor tooth movement
- may be cemented in 2 parts
what are DISADVANTAGES of conventional fixed-moveable bridges?
- length of span limited
- lab construction more complicated
- possible difficulty in cleaning beneath moveable joint
- cant provide provisional bridge
what is a hybrid bridge?
one retainer = conventional prep
other = minimal prep/adhesive/resin retained/bonded
what is a spring cantilever bridge?
a cantilever bridge where
1 pontic attached to the end of a metal arch running across palate connecting to a retainer elsewhere on the arch
what factors are important to consider when evaluating abutment teeth?
- must be able to withstand forces previously directed to the missing teeth
- supporting tissues free of disease/perio
- Crown to root ratio - optimum 2:3