Bridgeport Area Alerts Flashcards
STEMI Alert Criteria
- 35 y/o +
- > 1mm in Limb Leads
- > 2mm in Precordial (V1-V6)
- No Pacing
- No LBB
- Reciprical Changes
- Machine “Acute MI Suspected”
STEMI Suggestions
- Inferior should perform V4R
- V1-V4 perform posterior
- V6 perform posterior
SEPSIS Alert Criteria
* >18 y/o
* <96(36) or >100(38) or subjectivley febrile
* HR >90
* Resp >20
* New AMS
* SPB <90
* MAP <65
* EtCO2 <25
Confirmed or suspected infection
SEPSIS Infection Suspicions
- Recent hospitilization/surgery
- any tubes into body (foley, PICC, PEG, etc.)
- immuno comprimised
- recent chemotherapy
- SNF or Rehab
- wounds, coughs, diarrhea, abdominal pain
Trauma Alert Guidelines - Physical
Physiologic Criteria
* SBP <90 mmHg in an adult or
* SBP < (70+2 X Age) in a child
* GCS <13 from trauma
* Penetrating injuries
* Chest wall instability
* Spinal cord injury
* Burns >5% or any airway involvement
* Limb amputation
* Multiple long bone fractures
* Multiple organ system injuries
* Crushed, Degloved, Pulseless, Mangled Extremity
* Skull Fractures
* Pelvic Fractures
Trauma Alert Guidelines - Mechanism
Significant vehicle deformity
* ≥ 12 inches of intrusion into passenger compartment
* ≥ 18 inches of intrusion to any part of the vehicle
* Steering wheel deformity, dash deformity
* Partial or complete ejection from vehicle
* Unrestrained occupant in rollover
* Prolonged extrication (greater than 20 minutes)
* Death of same-vehicle occupant
* Pedestrian or bicyclist run over, thrown, or hit by automobile traveling >20mph
* Hanging or drowning event
* Fall from height greater than 20 feet for an adult or greater than 10 feet for a child
* Falls with evidence of/or history of a head injury/strike while on thinners
Trauma Alert Guidelines - Other
- Extremes of age < 5, > 55
- 20 weeks gestation or greater
- Provider discretion with high index of suspension trauma alert warranted
- Pt already receiving blood
- Whenever possible, keep family members together
Stroke Alert Guidelines
- BGL >70 mg/dL
- CCSS Positive in ANY element
- Normal with last 24 hours
Stroke Alert Transport/Treatment
- Short scene time (less than 15 min)
- Obtain 12 lead
- Transport reliable witness if possible