Brehm CH 2 Flashcards
What is deterministic project analysis?
Using a single deterministic forecast for project
cash flows, an objective function such as present value or internal rate of return is produced. Sensitivities to critical variables may be shown. Uncertainty (along with other intangibles) is handled judgmentally (i.e., intuitively) by decision makers.
What is risk analysis?
Forecasts of distributions of critical variables are fed into a
Monte Carlo simulation engine to produce a distribution of present value of cash flows. Risk judgment is still applied intuitively.
What is certainty equivalent?
Certainty Equivalent - Certainty equivalent is an extension of risk analysis that quantifies the intuitive risk judgment by means of a corporate risk preference or utility function. The utility function does not replace judgment but simply formalizes the judgment so it can be consistently applied.A
What comprises market value?
book value (recorded value of held assets) plus franchise value (present value of future earnings growth)
What is a corporate risk tolerance?
A combination of factors; organization size, financial resources, ability and willingness to tolerate volatility
In order to select an efficient frontier portfolio, what 3 questions must a firm answer?
How much risk (sd) are we willing to tolerate?
how much reward are we willing to give up for a given reduction in risk?
are the risk-reward tradeoffs available along the efficient frontier acceptable to us?
Economic value added formula
NPV Return - Cost of Capital
What are the advantages of economic capital?
It provides a unifying measure for all risks across an organization.
It is more meaningful to management than risk-based capital or capital adequacy ratios.
It forces the firm to quantify the risks it faces and combine them into a probability distribution.
It provides a framework for setting acceptable risk levels for the organization as a whole and for individual business units.
Moment-based risk measures
start with probabilistic expectations of random variables
disadvantage of var/sd => treats favorable and adverse outcomes the same
semi-sd is better
some evidence quadratic risk measures arent enough => skewness better
exponential moments can encapsulate all moments
E[Ye^cY / EY] (usually only exists with an upper bound)
Tail-based measures
emphasize large losses only
XTVaR (TVaR - mu)
EPD = (1-p)*(TVaR - VaR)
Value of default option
Probability transform risk measures
shift outcomes towards unfavorable
compute with distorted probabilities
CAPM and BS can be expressed as transformed means
wang transform mean can closely approximate market prices
add “weighted” to a tail risk measure if computed with distorted probabilities
What purpose does allocating risk measures serve?
shows the contribution of each business unit to the company risk
can be used for setting capacity controls like premiums and limits by line and be used as a basis for calculating risk-adjusted profitability
p(Y) = E[h(Y) L(Y) | g(Y)]
h = additive function
g = condition about Y
L = any function where conditional EV exists
When is there a marginal risk allocatiom method?
If the risk is scalable (positive homogeneous)
marginal attribution = proportional change in company risk measure due to a small change in the units volume
it is a comeasure => all marginal attributions sum up to the company risk measure
common risk measure expressed in dollars are scalable
Leverage ratios
used for many years to evaluate capital adequacy
NWP / Surplus < 3
Net Reserves / Surplus < 3
IRIS Ratios (4+ outside range = regulatory scrutiny)