Breathing Exercises Flashcards
Purpose of breathing exercises
↑ ventilation ↑ effectiveness of cough prevent atelectases ↑ strength/coordination of respiratory musc ↑/maintain chest and spine mobility promote relaxation
Precautions when doing breathing exercises
Never force exhalation
Don’t over-prolong exhalation (avoid gasping on next breath)
Limit use of accessory muscles
Avoid hyperventilation (return to regular breathing after every 3 or 4 deep inspirations)
Assessing chest wall motion what to look for when doing a chest wall examination
Keep elbows and hands relaxed
Allow hands to move as chest expands
Monitor for timing and assymetries
Teaching diaphragmatic breathing
ABs up ABS down
Easiest to teach in supine
Have patient place one hand on chest and one hand on belly
During inhalation (through nose), abdomen should rise and chest should remain quiet
On exhalation (with pursed lips), abdomen falls and chest does not move
Stress idea of easing work for chest and accessory muscles; Can use “sniff” to help locate diaphragm; Often easiest to begin with exhale
Explain lateral breathing
Promotes equal thoracic expansion with tactile cues by therapist
Therapist’s hands are placed on the patient’s lateral thorax and patients are asks to breath equally into both hands
Can be done in sitting, supine, sidelying, unilaterally or bilaterally
Segemental breathing: Explain procedure think about area under stress than apply resistance.
Technique used to promote air flow into specific segment of patient’s lung
Identify under-aerated areas
Therapist places hands over desired lung segment and request that patient “breathe into my hand” or “push my hand away”
Apply slight pressure for added resistance, lessen pressure as you feel inspiration
Identify under-aerated areas; Instruct: “Breathe into my hand.” Lessen pressure as you feel inspiration
Incentive Spriometery
What is the purpose is it measurable
how many times???
Provides visual feedback
Measurable outcome
Frequently rx 10 x per hour
Inspiratory Muscle Trainers
Mouth Pieces (Resistors) UE strengthening
Expiratory Muscle training exercises like intrinsics and abs think “bike”
Abdominal training
Purpose of Pursed lip breathing and explain the procedure???
Backflow causes airways to remain open longer
Allows more CO₂ to escape
Exhale twice as long as inhale
Breath in through the nose: “Smell the roses”
Breath out through the mouth through pursed lips: “Blow out the birthday candles”
Try “tissue blowing” technique for patients having difficulty
Explain theory to patient
Explain importance of not forcing exhale
Inhale through nose/exhale through pursed lips
2:4 ratio – inhale 1, 2 – exhale 1, 2, 3, 4
Limit repetitions (avoid hyperventilation)
Exercise/Movement to improve breathing/thoracic mobility
Abduction Shoulder
Extension Shoulder
External rotation (shoulder
Gaze upwards
Position to Foster Expiration
Internal rotation
Gaze downwards
Exercise to ↑ Chest Wall Mobility
Arms up and out with inhale
Arms down and in with exhale
Can integrate with PNF
Energy Conservation Techniques
Space tasks throughout the day
Monitor how you feel throughout the day
Take rest breaks after meals/throughout the day
Rest BEFORE you are exhausted
Perform strenuous activities when you feel you have the most energy
Ask for help when you need it
Be sensitive to your energy level throughout the day
Anticipate fatigue, rest before you get tired
Alternate light and strenuous activities throughout the day
It may help to write a schedule for the day or the week
Plan ahead; prepare before starting an activity.
Gather all necessary items before you begin.
Eliminate unnecessary steps of an activity.
Keep items within easy reach; keep things you use most at waist level.
Use assistive devices, lightweight pots and pans.
Slide things instead of carrying them. Use a basket.
Proper Body mechanics
Tell me some guide lines like maintain a straight back use large muscles over smaller muscles
Maintain a straight back. Bend from hips and knees.
Use large muscles over small.
Move slowly. Keep your arms close to your body.
Sit, if possible, when dressing, grooming, preparing food.
Paced Breathing 2 in 4 out
1:2 or 1:4 inhalation:exhalation
Patient performs the more difficult manuver on exhalation:
“Exhale on Exertion”
“Blow yourself up from the bed (or chair)”Use exhale for effortful portion of task; E.g., exhale while lifting a load; E.g., exhale while going up stairs, using step to step technique
Relaxtion techniques
four of them.
Breathing Control
Guided Relaxation
Mental Imagery
The Mind-Body Workout
Proper postioning for breathing think arms overhead etc…
Arms support accessory muscle use, aids diaphragmatic breathing
Arms overhead upper chest breathing