Breathing Flashcards
what are the respiratory control functions
- the respiratory control system is remarkably complex and incompletely understood
- the respiratory control system must be able to regulate:
- blood-gas tensions and acid-base balance (alveolar ventilation)
- speech and breath-holding
- airway defence (cough, swallow)
what are the basic elements of the respiratory control system
- central controller
- pons, medulla, other parts of brain
- effectors
- respiratory muscles
- sensors
- chemoreceptors, lung and other receptors
what is Gordon’s favourite equation
- to understand the function and operation of a biological neural control system, it is important to define the primary regulated variable
- in the case of breathing, the primary regulated variable is arterial CO2 pressure (PaCO2)
- the CO2 mass balance equation explains how the respiratory control system operates with regard to PaCO2 homeostasis
-PaCO2 = (RxTxVCO2)/(Va) - R = gas constant 2.785
- T = temperature 273+C
- R and T are essentially a constant of 863
what is PaCO2 regulation in terms of feedforward and feedback control
- feedback is PaCO2 regulation by closed-loop negative chemo feedback
- feedforward is PaCO2 regulation by commands that translate goals, targets and information about potential disturbances, independent of chemoreception
- however, the respiratory control system is not a fixed system
what is adaptive control in PaCO2 regulation
- unlike the moment to moment regulation offered by feedforward and feedback control, adaptive control is PaCO2 regulation by long-lasting modifications to the control system (e.g. neuroplasticity)
- occurs at multiple levels of respiratory control
what is respiratory neuroplasticity
- “a persistent change in the neural control system based on experiences”
- this change in neural control behaviour is essential to ensure PaCO2 homeostasis in the face of recurrent or enduring perturbations (e.g. injury / disease)
what is the generation of inspiratory rhythm (pre-Botzinger complex)
- upper pons must include an inspiratory off-switch
- rhythm is independent of the pons
- rhythm must occur within the medulla
- recordings directly from thin sections of the medulla demonstrated the presence of pacemaker cells now known as the pre-botzinger complex
what is the ventral respiratory group (VRG)
- the VRG is split into rostral (rVRG) and caudal (cVRG) aspects
- rVRG = inspiratory (diaphragm and external intercostals)
- cVRG = expiratory (abdominal and internal intercostals)
what is the dorsal respiratory group (DRG)
- the DRG is a small collection of inspiratory (predominantly diaphragm) premotor neurons located in the causal NTS
- the NTS integrates sensorimotor information, receiving input from CN IX, X and XII
what is the pontine respiratory group (PRG)
- the PRG contains the kolliker-fuse (KF) nucleus and parabrachial (PB) nucleus
- these neurons inhibit inspiration and prolong expiration
- responsible for the Hering-Brewer lung inflation reflex
what is involved in inspiration
- sternocleidomastoids
- scalenes
- external intercostals
- diaphragm
what is involved in expiration
- internal intercostals
- external obliques
- rectus abdominis
- transverse abdominis
- internal obliques
what is the difference between voluntary and automatic breathing
- breathing is often mistaken as “automatic”
- breathing is more akin to somatic processes and is largely an automatic behaviour
- phrenic motor neurons receive input from the primary motor cortex and from the brainstem
- directs inputs from the cortex to allow for voluntary control of breathing
- direct inputs from the brainstem allow for automatic control of breathing
- a relay from the cortex to brainstem exists via corticobulbar tracts and allows the cortex to override automatic breathing (e.g. speech)
what is cortical / voluntary control
- breathing is under both automatic and voluntary control
- the cortex can override automatic processes
- examples of voluntary behaviours include:
- speech / swallow, singing, sniffing, coughing, spirometry tests, breath-holding
- deep sea divers lower PaCO2 via hyperventilation prior to breath-holding
- hyperventilation halves PaCO2 resulting in alkalosis
- urge to breathe during a breath-hold occurs around 50mmttg PaCO2
what are the central chemoreceptors (Pco2 sensors)
- central chemoreceptors are located primarily in the ventral surface of the medulla, known as the retro trapezoid nucleus
- H+ does not cross the blood-brain-barrier (BBB) - CO2 diffuses through into the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF)
- CO2 binds with H2) to form carbonic acid
- carbonic acid dissociates into bicarbonate and H+
- changes in CSF CO2 / pH activate central chemoreceptors
what are the peripheral chemoreceptors (Po2 sensors)
- low PaO2 (<60Torr) is detected by an unknown receptor on glamus (type 1) cells
- K+ channels close
- cell is depolarised, which open Ca2+ channels
- Ca2+ enteres cell, causing release of ATP and acetylcholine (ACh)
- afferent neuron (carotid sinus nerve) is activated
- activates respiratory control centers to increase breathing
how are the central and peripheral chemoreceptors interdependent
- the central and peripheral chemoreceptors do not work independently
- isolating the carotid body from the systemic and cerebral circulation
- CB stimulation (hypoxia and hypercapnia) = increased controller gain
- CB inhibition (hyperoxia and hypercapnia) = decreased controller gain