Breast Surgery Flashcards
What breast disorder is characterised as discrete, non-tender, highly mobile lumps most commonly affecting women under 30?
A middle aged woman complains of lumpy breats which are painful. Her symptoms are generally worse before menstruation. What is the top differential?
What is Paget’s disease of the breast?
Intrductal carcinoma causes a reddening and thickening of the nipple/areola
How can you tell the difference between Paget’s disease and eczema?
Eczema will often spare the nipple, whereas Paget’s disease will primarily affect the nipple
What would be your top differential for a 50- year old woman presenting with a tender lump around the areola associated with green nipple discharge?
Mammary duct ectasia
What is mammary duct ectasia?
Dilatation of the large breast ducts
What is a duct papilloma?
Epithelial proliferation in large mammary ducts (not malignant or premalignant)
What is your top differential for a woman presenting with watery, blood stained discharge from the nipple with no palpable lumps or skin changes?
Duct papilloma
Which women are more likely to have fat necrosis of the breast?
Obese women with large breasts
What is your top differential diagnosis for an obese woman presenting with a firm, round lump in breast after walking into a door frame? What needs to be ruled out?
Fat necrosis is top differential
Would want to rule out breast cancer
What causes peau d’orange?
Swelling of the subcutaneous tissue as something is affecting the lymphatic drainage e.g tumour
In what ages are breast cysts most common?
At what ages do we see a peak incidence in fibroadenomas?
20-24 years
When would you refer someone via a suspected cancer pathway for breast symptoms?
> 30 with unexplained breast or axillary lump (with or without pain)
50 with unilateral nipple discharge, retraction or other concerning changes
What is mastitis?
Generalised cellulitis of the breast
A patient that’s breast feeding presents with breast pain. On examination they have point tenderness, erythema and a fever. What is top differential?
Breast abscess