Breast station Flashcards
Duct ectasia
Dilatation of large breast ducts
Tender lump with Green discharge
Fat necrosis
Obese women
Firm round, hard irregular lump
Acute mastitis
Staph aureus
Breastfeeding women
Coryza, nipple discharge, red, tender breasts with abscess
Acute mastitis treatment
Incision and drainage + culture of fluid
Non severe or lactational = simple analgesia, warm compress, continue breastfeeding
Non lactational or severe
1st = Flucloxacillin
2nd = co-amox
MRSA = trimethoprim
Under 30s
Breast mice
Discrete non tender, highly mobile
> 3cm = surgical excision
Middle aged
Lump breasts
Worsen before menses
Intraductal papilloma
Blood stained discharge
Ages of breast screening
50-71 every 3 years
hormonal therapies
ER +ve + PREmenopausal
ER +ve + POSTmenopausal
Her2 +ve
normal breast examination presentation
Today I performed a breast examination of X year old Y.
On general inspection the patient was normal body habitus and was comfortable at rest.
On closer inspection of the breasts, they were equal in size, with no obvious swelling, mass, or changes to the nipple or the skin
Examination of the L/R breast revealed no masses abnormality or tenderness in any of the 4 quadrants or the axillary tail.
There were not masses palpated below the nipple and no discharge was elicited.
No lymphadenopathy was felt in the axillary or cervical node chains.
In conclusion this was a normal breast examination. To complete my examination, I would like to take full history and complete the breast triple assessment.