Breast Pathology Flashcards
describe the glandular tissue of the breast
consists of breast ducts and lobules
surrounded by fibrous tissue and a peripheral layer of myoepithelial cells
describe breast composition in different ages
older; more fatty tissue
younger; more glandular tissue
describe the lobules of the breast
main secretory component
lined by epithelial cells
produce milk products under appropriate stimulation
what is the function of myoepithelial cells of the breast?
contractile; move the secretions along the lobules
where does most secretion take place in the breast?
the lobules
describe the movement of secretions within the lobules
the secretions move into the intralobular duct
one duct supplies each lobular unit
this moves to the extralobular ducts, the larger lactiferous ducts and the lactiferous sinuses
what are the most common breast symptoms?
pain; often cyclical, varying with the menstrual cycle
discharge; clear, coloured, blood stained, almost constantly or at irregular times
describe cyclical mastalgia
usually greatest in the premenstrual phase
usually relieved once menstruation begins
sometimes improved by evening primrose oil and simple analgesics
may require mastectomy; relatively uncommon
very low risk for malignancy
describe nipple discharge
single duct; accentuated by pressing on one area
multiple ducts; expressed by pressing anywhere around the nipple
clear; usually physiological, may be a prolactin-secreting tumour of the pituitary gland
blood stained
describe mammary duct ectasia
opaque discharge from multiple ducts
commonly in women 35-45
almost always in smokers
defect in the elastic tissue surrounding the larger ducts causing secretions to pool and an inflammatory response
not associated with risk of underlying malignancy
what are the causes of opaque discharge from a single duct?
papillary lesion
rarely underlying malignancy; ductal carcinoma-in-situ
what is the management of mammary duct ectasia?
usually not necessary
unless the discharge is causing particular problems or prone to superinfection
may require duct excision
describe intraductal papilloma
usually single duct
may be bloodstained; papilloma will twist, undergo partial infarction and break off or the surface will ulcerate
rarely malignancy arises within central fibrovascular core
covered by multi-layered epithelial cells
mixture of epithelial and contractile myoepithelial cells expected in any benign condition
what questions should be asked in a history of a breast lump?
when it was first noticed if it comes and goes with their menstrual cycle associated with pain if they've had lumps before increasing/decreasing size FHx of breast cancer
what investigations should be performed for a breast lump?
mammography; older women
USS; younger women
needle biopsy; FNA or core needle biopsy
what are the symptoms and signs of a non-pathological breast lump?
decreasing in size
appears just before menstruation or diminishes significantly after it
associated with pain
upper outer quadrant
fatty and soft on examination
firm; fibroadenomas
firm/hard depending on the pressure of fluid; cysts
vague and poorly defined; normal benign changes
smooth outline; benign
what are the symptoms and signs of a malignant breast lump?
overlying skin changes; inflammation tethered skin causing a dimple medial hard consistency focal very irregular edge; malignant large fixed mass in the axilla; axillary nodal metastases
describe mammography in breast pathology
the breast is placed between 2 plates and the beam is shone from above to below
2 angles; craniocaudal and oblique
something real will appear on both views
composite shadowing will appear on one view
medial part is not shown well
particularly effective in older patients; more fatty and less glandular breast tissue
what can be seen on mammography?
breast tumour; spiculation, contraction and fibrosis
skin dimpling
pectoralis major muscle
metastatic lymph nodes; not confirmed until examined pathologically
describe the use of USS and its advantages in breast pathology
not useful as a screening tool; very labour intestine and get a lot of false positives
can tell if a lesion is cystic (almost always benign) or solid
can show the outline of the lesion; smooth (reassuring)
can see needles; useful for image-guided biopsy
what are the causes of benign breast lumps?
simple cysts fibrocystic change fibroepithelial lesions papilloma fat necrosis
describe breast cysts
usually deep-seated
mostly arise in a dilated duct or lobule which is either developed abnormally or contains entrapped secretions
often lined by apocrine epithelium; metaplastic process
epithelium usually attenuated due to the pressure of the secretion
describe epidermal inclusion cysts
can arise anywhere in the skin
fired by an in-folding of squamous epithelium that contains trapped keratin
usually near the skins surface
describe fibrocystic change
usually doesn’t produce signs or symptoms
present in about 50% of women
clinical presentation; lumps, bumps, vague thickening
can calcify; usually picked up on mammogram screening
form as lobules unfold and coalesce
can be caused by duct blockages leading to a holdup of secretions