Breast/GU Flashcards
PMH Questions for breast complaints
reproductive and menstrual history, age at menarche and menopause, pregnancies, age at each and whether there was a live birth for each. Breastfeeding? Breast surgeries or procedures, biopsies and diagnostic studies? Trauma to chest/breasts? If pain, ask about muskuloskel, cardiac and neuro disorders. Medications, OTCs
Breast complaint family history
histroy of breast cancer, fibrocystic breasts, reproductive and endocrine disorders
breast complaint habits
caffeine, ETOH, OTC and recreational drug use Level of physical activity, occupational/recreational activities that might cause trauma to chest .
breast physical exam
inspection and palpation only
peau d’orange
swelling of the breast causes hair follicles to look like dimples and the skin has the texture of an orange peel
characteristics of breast malignancy
typically solitary, nontender, hard, immobile or fixed and poorly defined. Can be accompanied by nipple erosion or inflammatory skin changes, nipple discharge, skin thickening or dimpling, retraction, and palpable axillary nodes. discomfort may be present
characteristics of fribroadenoma
a common benign neoplasm in premenopausal women. typically mass is the only complaint, usually solitary but can have multiple. generally mobile, rubbery and nontender with discrete smooth borders and is less than 5cm diameter.
characteristics of fibrocystic breast changes
benign condition that includes a variety of histopathological variations, with fibrotic thickening often paired with development of cysts. nodularity and tenderness which are cyclical in nature worsening just prior to menses. changes are usually bilateral and breast discharge may occur before menses (serous). Diagnostics are not warranted in your women with lumpy breasts and cyclic components. unless dominant mass is identified.
breast trauma characteristics
can result in a variety of injuries, including MS and lung injury. palpable mass is often a hematoma or area of secondary fat necrosis. echymosis or sicoloration may be present. larger breasts are mole likely to develp fat cecrosis. the mass is often poorly defined and immobile. fat necrosis is typcially superficial and may develop calcified margins.