breast and lymphatic system Flashcards
constitutes the functional part of the breast, allowing for milk produc- tion.
Glandular tissue
from the alveoli converge into a single lac- tiferous duct that leaves each lobe and conveys milk to the nipple.
Mammary ducts
The slight enlargement in each duct before it reaches the nipple is called
lactiferous sinus
provides support for the glandular tissue largely by way of bands called Cooper’s ligaments (suspen- sory ligaments). These ligaments run from the skin through the breast and attach to the deep fascia of the muscles of the anterior chest wall.
fibrous tissue
is the third component of the breast
Fatty tissue
resulting from edema, an orange appearance of the breast is associated with cancer
Peau D’orange
redness, milk scaling and flaking of the nipple in late stage can be seen in both breast
Paget’s disease
Consist the anterior(pectoral) posterior (subscapular) lateral (brachial) Central) midaxillary nodes
Major axillary lympnodes
Older client notice decrease in the size and fitmness of the breast due to
Estrogen level
Decrease in firmness of the breast as she ages because of
a decrease in estrogen levels