BREAST Flashcards
Using the left internal mammary artery in a coronary artery bypass graft procedure; rare result of Left Breast Necrosis (1 : 1000)
Lactating Structures
Alveoli, lobules, lobes
Multiple alveoli make up a lobule
Occurrence of Lobular cancer (15% of BRCA cases)
Lactiferous Ducts
Union of ductules (which drain lobules)
Drain lobes
Ductal Cancer (85% of BRCA cases), presents with recent nipple retraction
Suspensory Ligaments of Cooper
Located between skin and lobules
Keep breast taut
Firmer in young, weaker in old due to hormones
Cancer invasion leads to skin dimpling
Lactiferous sinuses
Ampulla, located under areola
Temporary storage location of milk
Responsible for the “let down” reflex of milk into baby’s mouth
Peau d’orange
Breast cancer presentation where there is skin edema due to blockage of the cutaneous lymphatic plexus