Breast Flashcards
Explain the general structure of the breast
The breast parenchyma is made up of 10–20 lobes with interlobar stroma in between
Each lobe is made up of multiple lobules, which are drained by a single lactiferous duct that opens onto the surface of the nipple
The lactiferous sinus is the terminal dilation of the lactiferous duct
What are the components of a triple asessment of a breast lesions?
- Clinical exam
- Imaging (USS or Mammogram depending on age)
- Cytology (FNA) or Histology (core biopsy)
What is the gold-standard for diagnosing breast cancer?
Core biopsy histology
Then graded via cellular detail and code
B1 (normal)
B2 (benign)
B3 (uncertain)
B4 (suspicious) to
B5 (malignant).
* B5a = DCIS,
* B5b = invasive carcinoma
Name 2 common inflammatory diseases of the breast
- Acute Mastitis
- Fat necrosis
What is the aetiology of Acute mastitis?
Lactational: Milk stasis lead to infection with S.aureus
Non-lactational: keratinising squamous metaplasia block
lactiferous ducts leading to peri-ductal inflammation and rupture
What does FNA cytology show in acute mastitis?
shows an abundance of neutrophils
What is Fat necrosis of the breast?
What is its typical clinical presentation?
Inflammatory reaction to damaged adipose tissue
Typical presentation in
- obese, middle aged women presenting with
- painless breas mass, mammographic lesion
- (can mimic carcinoma with skin tethering, nipple retraction)
What are causes of Fat necrosis of the breast?
Causes – trauma, radiotherapy, surgery, nodular panniculitis
What are histological findings of fat necrosis on cytology?
Cytology – empty fat spaces , histiocytes and giant cells
What is a Fibroadenoma?
What are the cytological and histological finding?
Most common cause of breast lump, especially in young women
Benign condition arising from fibro (stromal) and glandular (adenomal) epithelium
On Cyology
* FNA cytology – branching sheets of epithelium (green overla)
* Multinodular mass of expanded intralobular stroma (red overlay)
What is the clinical appearance of a fibroadenoma on examination?
Usually singls, unilateral 1-5cm mass
Solitary, well-defined, nontender, rubbery, and mobile mass
Can change size with menstrual cycle
What is the most common clinical presentation of a breast cyst?
Breast mass presenting in peri-menopausal women (singls or mutliple, unilateral or bilateral)
Might change during menstrual cycle
- well demarcated
- painless
- fluctuant/mobile masss + painless transillumniable
- +/- clear nipple discharge
What is breast duct ectasia?
Chronic inflammatory process leading to dilation of terminal (subarolar) lacifrous ducts due to stasis of secretions (blockage)
What is a common presentation of duct ectasia?
Peri- or postmenopausal smoking woman presents with
1. Tender, fixed (subareolar) mass
2. Nipple inversion
3. Firm, thick yellow- green-white nipple discharge (+/- local abscess)
What are the cytolgical and histological findings of breast duct ectasia?
Cytology of nipple discharge: proteinaceous material and macrophages (buzzword)
Duct dilatation, periductal inflammation, proteinaceous material in side the duct
What is the most common breast lesion with nipple discharge?
What is it?
Intaductal Papilloma
Benign papillary tumour arising within the duct system of the breast (from the laciferous ducts)