Breadth 2: Gaining the cooperation of the localities - Concept of the sovereignty, statute law and parliamentary privilege Flashcards
What was statute law?
Laws passed by parliament could only be changed by a future parliament. Parliament had the sole right to pass laws and these had to be obeyed by everyone
What was the relationship between the monarch and the parliament like before 1530s?
Not apparant changes would occur, parliament was an instrument of the monarch and they didn’t challenge the monarch
What impact did the break with Rome have on parliamentary relations with the crown?
Henry and TC didn’t want to give impression that parliament granted Henry supremacy. Role and power of parliament changed. If monarch wanted to return to Rome or reassert supremacy, had to do it via parliament
What is the king in parliament?
Monarch acting in conjunction with parliament rather than without it. KIP had authority over the church but the king alone did not e.g mary had to repeal the AOS through parliament, Elizabeth reasserted it through parliament
How did king in parliament impact parliament?
Parliament now had the power to legislate on religious changes and royal succession. Still not as powerful as monarch.
What couldn’t MPs be arrested for in the middle ages?
Couldn’t be arrested for debt or be prosecuted in the lesser law courts
What did Thomas More, speaker under Henry VIII ask for in 1523?
MPs to be allowed to speak freely, e.g MPs angry about financial demands at the time - Henry gave them freedom to restrict amount of taxation.
What were by elections?
Vacancies in the commons could be filled while parliament was in session - allowed ruler and their minister to manipulate who was elected
How did parliamentary confidence grow in 1555 in challenging their monarch’s wishes?
MPs under Mary refused to accept a bill that would have confiscated the land of those exciled from England, Sir Anthony Kingston locked the doors to the house and forced the speaker to take a vote on defeating the bill
How did Peter Wentworth challenge the monarch in 1576?
Attacked Elizabeth’s attempts to control discussion in the commons. Used parliamentery privilege to justify his attempts to challenge the settlement, parliament imprisoned him for 1 month
What were MPs angry about in 1593?
MPs had agreed to allow for two subsidies to be raised. Lord Cecil said this wasn’t enough. MPs angry about involvement of lords. MPs eventually agreed
How had the number of MPs in the House of Commons grown?
1512 - 302
1559 - 402
1586 - 462
Why were MPs more assertive in 1563 and 1566?
Due to issues of marriage and the succession. This wouldn’t have been possible in Henry VIII’s reign
What did the council allow parliament to do in 1566?
Time to debate the marriage and the succession in return for parliament discussing a grant of taxation which they had threatened to withhold
Why were two puritan MPs imprisoned in 1587?
Wentworth and Cope were imprisoned for their attempts to change her religious settlement, Queen still able to impose her will on those who disagreed with her
What impact did using parliament to break with Rome have?
Meant parliament met more frequently and MPs like Wentworth and Cope grew in confidence
Were tudor monarchs and parliament on the same side after the break with Rome and why?
Yes - Henry VII and Henry VIII’s parliament cooperated. Mary faced brief rebellion though in 1555 but she was stil able to reverse the supremacy
How did Eliabeth restrict parliament’s claims to free speech?
In 1563 and 1566 she tried to use her royal prerogative to reduce their powers
How did the council force Liz into decisions?
Due to her being indecisive about the succession and marriage and over fate of MQS
When did Liz’s relationship with parliament deterriorate?
Did tudor monarch’s ever get refused taxation?
No, but would have their amounts restricted - limited amounts given in 1504 and 1523 or they only granted it if their concerns could be heard like in 1566