Branchial Arches Flashcards
How many branchial arches are there?
5 (1,2,3,4,6)
Why is there no 5th branchial arch?
It fails to develop and doesn’t become anything.
When do the branchial arches appear?
Week 4-5.
What separates all of the branchial arches?
Separated by pouches on the inside and branchial clefts on the outside.
How does the palate form?
Primary palate forms from front-nasal process (medial-nasal process).
Secondary palate forms from palatal shelves of the maxillary process (1st pharyngeal arch) which fuse at the palatine raphe (midline).
What structures does the primary palate give rise to?
Incisors and bone.
What structures does the secondary palate give rise to?
- Hard palate (including maxilla and palatine bones).
- Soft palate (including
extrinsic muscles: tensor veli palatini, levator ve
li palatini, palatoglossus, palatopharyngeus,
musculus uvulae). - Teeth (canines to molars).
When do nasal processes fuse?
7th week
What happens if there are defects in the fusion of the fronto-nasal processes and palatal shelves of maxillary processes?
Cleft palate/lip
What does the 1st branchial arch form?
Maxillary process and mandibular process
What nerve innervates the 1st branchial arch?
V3 of trigeminal (CN V)
Where is the Meckel’s cartilage located?
In the mandible. Mostly disappears except the incus and the malleus (of the middle ear).
What muscles are formed from the 1st branchial arch?
Muscles of mastication.
What can arise from abnormalities in the 1st branchial arch?
Treacher Collins Syndrome (underdeveloped face).
Pierre Robin Sequence (underdeveloped mandible, cleft palate).
What does the 2nd branchial arch form?
Hyoid arch:
- Stapes.
- Styloid process.
- Upper part of hyoid bone.
- Lesser cornu.
What nerve innervates the 2nd branchial arch?
CN VII - facial
What muscles are formed from the 2nd branchial arch?
Muscles of facial expression
What does the cartilage of the 3rd branchial arch form?
- Greater cornu.
- Lower part of hyoid bone.
What muscles are formed from the 3rd branchial arch?
Stylopharyngeus muscle
What nerve innervates the 3rd branchial arch?
CN IX - glosspharyngeal