Branchial Arches Flashcards
Pnemonic for remembering branchail arch derivatives
At the restaurant of the golden arches, children CHEW (1), SMILE (2), SWALLOW STYLishyly (3), or SIMPLY SWALLOW (4) and then SPEAK (6)
1st branchial arch derivative: cartilage, muscle, nerve, congenital disorders
Cartilage: Meckel’s cartilage: malleus, spheno-mandibular ligament, mandible, incus. Muscles: MAST MATT (medial and lateral pterygoids, temporalis, masster / Mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, tensor veli palatini, tensor tympani) Nerves: v2 and V3, Congenital: Treachers-Collins syndrome: mandibular hypoplasia with facial abnormalities
2nd branchial arch derivative: cartilage, muscle, nerve, congenital disorders
Cartilage: Reichert cartilage: Stapes, styloid process, lesser horn of hyoid, stylohyoid ligament Muscles: Stapedius, stylohyoid, platySma, belly of digastric. Nerves: Facial 7 SMILE. CONGENITAL: congential pharygocutaneous fistula: persistence of cleft and pouch -> fistula between tonsillar area and lateral neck
3rd branchial arch derivative: cartilage, muscle, nerve, congenital disorders
Cartilage: greater horn of hyoid. Muscles: stylopharyngeus Nerve: glossopharyngeus
4th - 6th branchial arch derivative: cartilage, muscle, nerve, congenital disorders
Cartilage: thryoid, cricoid, arytenoids, corniculate, cuneiform. Muscles: 4th arch - most of the pharyngeal constrictors, cricothyroid, levator veli palatini; 6th arch - muscles of layrnx except cricothyroid. Nerves: 4th arch - CN X (superior laryngeal) 6th arch - CN X (recurrent layrgenal). Arches 3 and 4 form the posterior tongue. 5th arch doens’t contirubte much