A branch of biology concerned with all aspects of life of organisms.
Organismal Biology
Deals with form or shape of organisms revealed as a whole.
Deals with the internal structures of organisms revealed through dissection such as organs and organ systems that comprise the body of organisms.
Gross Anatomy
deals with study of aggregates of cell or tissues that comprise organs of the body of organisms.
Deals with the structure, function and evolution of cells structural and functional units of life which compose the body of organisms.
Subcellular Biology
Supramolecular Biology
Deals with structural configurations and physico-chemical properties of the four living substances (biomolecules) that compose the body of organisms such as
nucleic acids (DNA,RNA), proteins,
lipids (fats) and
carbohydrates (saccharides).
Deals the structural and functional properties of biomolecules such as nucleic acids and proteins that comprise the genes (hereditary unit) and body structures of prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Molecular Biology
deals with the transmission of traits/characteristics from parents (progenitors) to off springs (progenies). It deals with mechanisms heredity and variation at the molecular and cellular
Deals with functions or activities of the parts of organisms at the molecular, cellular and gross-anatomical levels.
Deals with genetic and genetic mutations of microorganisms especially viruses and bacteria.
Microbial Physiology
Deals with functions or activities of plant body parts.
Plant Physiology
Deals with functions or activities of animal body parts.
Animal Physiology
Deals with embryonic and post-embryonic development of organisms.
Developmental Biology
Deals with development of organisms from fertilized egg to formation of form and organs.
Deals with post-development of embryo to form fetus (prenate).
Deals with abnormal or defective (pathological) development.
Observational method of study of organisms in their natural environment. The oldest branch of biology that predates human technology, product and design. It deals with ways of life
and life histories of organisms.
Natural History
Deals with interrelationships of organisms to their physical environment.
Deals with interrelationships of organisms to land or soil environment.
Terrestrial Ecology
deals with interrelationships of organisms to their hyposaline (low-salt) freshwater environment (such as creeks, ponds, rivers and freshwater lakes).
Freshwater Ecology
Deals with interrelationship of organisms to mesosaline (intermediate-salt) or brackish-water environment (coastal swamps, inland lakes).
Estuarine Ecology
Deals with the interrelationships of organisms to their marine or saltwater
(hypersaline) environment such as open seas, oceans, deep seas.
Marine Ecology
Deals with the past and present distribution of biological diversity (diversity of life) and their underlying environmental and historical causes.
yDeals with distribution of plants on the different land continents of the earth.
Deals with distribution of animals on the different land continents and oceanic depths of the earth.
There are six(6) zoogeographic realms introduced by Alfred Russell Wallace
Ethiopian, Oriental, Palearctic,
Nearctic, Neotropical, Australian.
The study of organisms in their natural environment
Deals with change in the characteristics of a species over several generations and which relies on the process of natural selection.
Evolutionary Biology
Deals with evolution on the smallest scale or species level because of the change in the gene pool within the population of organisms.
patterns and processes above the species level or evolution at a grand scale such evolution of dinosaur to birds or evolution of whale from a four-footed land ancestor.