brainstem structure and cn nuclei Flashcards
brainstem components
Midbrain, pons, medulla
A brain stem cross section is usually the area posterior to the ventricle, area anterior to it and the additional anterior structures
Midbrain: Posterior- tectum, Ant- tegmentum, very ant- substantia nigra and then cerebral peduncle
Pons- small tectum, tegmentum, basal pons
Medulla: Tegmentum, inferior olivary nucleus, pyramid
brainstem functions
integrative functions are performed by a diffuse nucleus within the core of the brainstem- reticular formation
Reticular formation regulates consciousness and contains respiratory and cardiovascular centers
The brainstem is a conduit for ascending sensory and descending motor tracts
Corticospinal tract- voluntary movement of limbs, spinothalamic tract- transmits sensory info (pain and temp), posterior column/medial leminiscus system- transmits sensory information (touch vib, prop)
Cranial nerves function: cell bodies of neurons clustered in nuclei throughout the brainstem serve as the origins of motor CNs or as the terminations of sensory CNs. Nuclei are bilateral, and are arranged in functional columns
Brainstem cn nuclei are organized into cell columns
NS develops from neural tube, Neural tube has basal plate (motor) and alar plate (sensory) divided by sulcul limitans. Brainstem development is similar to sp cd development
motor systems more in the middle
sensory systems end up on the lateral
somatic motor CN nuclei
functions- innervate sk muscles in the head and neck that are derived from mytomes
Brain stem nuclei- oculomotor (3), trochlear (4), abducens (6), hypoglossal (12)
branchial motor nuclei
innervate skeletal muscles derived from branchial arches: muscles of mastication, facial expression, pharynx, larynx, middle ear, trapezius
Motor nucleus of V (5), facial nucleus (VII), nucleus ambiguus (9 and 10), spinal accessory nucleus (in spinal cord 11)
visceral motor
preganglion parasympathetic innervation to cardiac m., smooth m., and glands
Edinger Westphal n. (3), Salivatory (7), Inferior Salivatory (9), Dorsal motor nucleus of X (10)
visceral sensory
special- tastes; rostral nucleus solitarius/gustatory nucleus (7,9, 10)
General-control of CV, Resp, and digestive function, Caudal nucleus solitarius- (CV and resp, 9 and 10)
somatic sensory
convey touch pain temp position and vibration from skin, muscles and joints of the head
Trigeminal nucleus
V, 7, 9 10
Special sensory
Hearing: cochlear nucleus VIII
Balance: vestibulat nuclei VIII
blood vessels in the region of the midbrain
Basilar a., superior cererbellar a, posterior cerebral a, posterior communicating a
The corticospinal tract (in the middle of crus cerebri) is supplied by the PCA and superior cerebellar a
Occlusion of the PCA–> Webers syndrome
Blood vessels in the region of the pons
Basilar, AICA, superior cerebellar a
Basilar a suplies the pontine nucle, medial lemniscus, and corticospinal tract
occusion of basilar a–> medial pontine syndrome
occlusion of superior cerebellar a–> lateral pontine syndromes
Blood vessels in the region of the medulla
Vertebral a, PICA, anterior spinal a (medial), posterior spinal a (lateral
occlusion of vertebral a or PICA–> lateral medullary syndrome (of Wallenberg)
Anterior spinal a supplies medullary pyramid
occlusion of anterior spinal a–> medial medullary syndrome